Someone, Please Tell Me, How the Hell Do I Know If I’m Actually in Love

Apparently, you just know.

I say apparently because there’s been dozens of times when I thought I knew. And I was convinced, actually, that I had found it. I had ridden the roller coaster up, only to come crashing down within a few short months.


Apparently, it’s a feeling that you can’t describe.

Some claim that it’s the greatest feeling one could ever experience, while others swear against it. Saying it only causes more harm than good. How could something so wonderful be so hurtful?


Apparently, it’s different than any relationship you have ever shared before.

Differentiating between infatuation, and lust is the struggle of our generation. Was it a one-night stand or will this develop into a friends with benefits type of thing? Will I be able to escape the friend zone, or is he just being nice?


So honestly, I’m waiting for someone, for anyone to let me know how the hell do I know when I’m actually in love?

Through all the confusion, you can’t help but wonder, am I ever going to feel it? Does it even exist, or are all these people who are “in love” just forcing some emotion that isn’t really there? You can say I’ve read one too many Nicholas Sparks books along the years. That maybe this is my foolish, naïve, inner-female speaking. Call it what you want, but I believe (and I’m sure I’m not alone) believe love exists. I believe that love is the most magical experience a person could have.


Published by

Alex duffield

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