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The Bittersweet Pain When You Love Someone You Can’t Have

How desperately it hurts to want to be with you and at the same time not be able to.

It’s like suffocating or drowning in emptiness. And it’s like trying to swim in tar, wearing a blind fold. It’s horrible.

And yet, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

But I might trade it for one more night with you. One night, and then I’d live my life even more tortured than before, because one night with you could never be enough because I love you.

I wish I could say this to your face. But I can’t. It’s hard not talking to the person you used to talk to every day. It’s sad how you were such a big part of my life and now you’re just gone.

I dream about you. You’re the most beautiful person I have ever met. Inside and out. You’re completely out of my league. I wish I could meet someone like you who would love me back.

There’s no one like you. Not your wit, not your charm, not your presence. They’ve all got something similar, but it’s not the same. It’s like a cheap generic knock off. I don’t want to play the comparison game anymore.

I know it’s unlike me to sound pathetically cheesy, but it’s the truth.

Talking with you made me see the world with so much more excitement. Every day became an adventure that needed to be shared.

You always believed in me. Always pushed me to be the best version of myself. You taught me to have a little more faith and trust my instincts. Because of this, I am now able to exert myself and build better relationships with the people around me.

You made it easier for me to allow people in my life.

If we never talk again, please know that I am forever changed by who you are and what you meant to me.

There’s times I wish that I’d never met you. This way I wouldn’t feel so upset all the time.

I want you. But I can’t have you.

If only life didn’t move us in such crazy ways.

About The Author

Danielle is a lover of all things. When she doesn’t have her head in a book you can find her taking advantage of long summer days hiking or camping with her dog Nora. Danielle is currently working on her Bachelors Degree in Homeland Security Management.