Any fan of “The Office” knows that there are a few things you should strive for in your life. Amongst all of the valuable lessons that Michael Scott and Dwight gave audience members, the best thing we learned from “The Office” was what we should look for when figuring out our relationship goals: a Pam and Jim kind of love.
- Marrying your best friend can totally redefine love in the most positive way for you.
- You know how much fun it was having sleepovers with your best friend as a kid? Imagine doing that every single day.
- They have seen you at your absolute worst, and it only makes them love you more when you are at your absolute best.
- A life filled with constant laughter does not sound like a bad thing, now does it?
- You already know about each other’s pasts, which makes it easier to plan for your future together.
- The chemistry between the two of you will be absolutely indescribable.
- Our best friends are extensions of ourselves – if we end up marrying a best friend then we can better ourselves.
- You want to find somebody who will support your dreams as heavily as you do.
- You’ll have endless opportunities to take mental pictures with each other.
- You guys will always be on the same mental wavelength.
- You guys both know that patience is a virtue, and that will make your relationship all the more worth it.
- You will not be afraid to be your most authentic self in front of them.
- The relationship you have already built will be a strong platform for when you transition into a couple.
- You will already know your similarities and differences, which will be a relief to know ahead of time.
- You will be the kick ass duo that everybody wants to be like.
- A solid friendship is a very important element to any romantic relationship, and the two of you will already be experts at that.
- You know when to be the romantic partner and when to be the friend. This knowledge of which role to play will be important when you guys are parents because you will know how to be fun when you can, but you will always know when being a parent comes first.