The Nose Knows… 9 Stimulating Scents To Create Romance

Scents That Are Sexy

Ever wonder why his cologne completely turns you on? Or his sweet natural smell? Stimulating scents create romance and boosts libido. Throughout history, people have used aphrodisiac scents to create a sensual mood. Natural essential oils can enhance sexual desire and, heighten the senses while boosting vitality.

So what is an aphrodisiac anyway?

The word Aphrodisiac, derived from the greek goddess of love, Aprhodite, is a substance that increases sexual desire, sexual pleasure and sexual behavior. Substances can range from a variety of plants, spices, foods and synthetic chemicals.

So now that you know what they are and what they can do, let’s go over some of our favorites.


Known to increase libido in both men and women. jasmine is commonly used in perfumes and has a rich sweet smell.  So perhaps add some jasmine perfume to your daily routine. Or maybe have some brewed jasmine tea on your newly rented bedside table or in your essential oil diffuser before bedtime.


If you want to get rid of lethargy, essential ginger oil will perk you up. Ginger increases circulation, is great for heart health and can help promote an erection. It also increases sensitivity in the erogenous zones. So try adding ginger to your next romantic dinner for two. You can thank us later.


Known as a strong aphrodisiac for women, peppermint oil energize the senses making your lover alert and more present for some good loving. Avoid using this essential oil topically, as it can create a burning sensation on sensitive skin. Instead, use stimulating scents lie peppermint, in candles, essential oils in a diffuser, or just break out the candy canes. It is the holidays, after all. Can anyone say peppermint mocha?


Known for its calming properties, lavender can also help with male arousal. You can place a bouquet of lavender in a vase on your new coffee table and lets just see how long you and your honey actually watch that afternoon game on television…

Pumpkin Pie Spice

You read that right, yes pumpkin pie spice is an aphrodisiac, as the spice stimulates arousal in men. So perhaps making a few more pumpkin pies into the winter months is not a bad idea after all.. Pro tip, sprinkle a dash of fresh lavender onto your pumpkin pie…and watch that sex drive in your beau take off, (all your clothes). Oh sure, you are welcome.


Considered the “Oil Of Sex Harmony” stimulating scent cinnamon warms up the body temperature, and thus, your sex drive. Try rubbing a drop of cinnamon oil on your wrists and run your fingers through his hair. He will likely take your sweet cinnamon hand straight into the bedroom!


Who doesn’t love the sweet smell of a vanilla candle? Vanilla can enhance sexual mood in both men and women and increases sexual drive in men. Use vanilla oil topically in perfume and lotions. If consumed, it acts as a soother to the central nervous system and can reduce anxiety. It can also prevent drowsiness, so there is no falling asleep before we have some fun time with this scent around!


We have all smelled this lovely scent, which is primarily used in cologne for men. The Sandalwood aroma gives off a similar smell to that of a man’s natural body scent, which gets women to swoon. So perhaps this Christmas, gift your man with a sandalwood cologne to your liking and give him that sweet affection he deserves!


Is a natural aphrodisiac for men. Some stimulating scents like Rose, promote stress relief, wards off insomnia, and helps with mental fatigue, increasing alertness. So, next time there is occasion guys, buy your sweet lady a dozen red roses, and we suggest putting them on her bedside table. Now that is romantic!

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