You happily dislike people for each other.
When you’re out at a party and you see the girl who was texting your ex-boyfriend while you were still together, he will happily shoot her a dirty look and insult her outfit (to you only of course); instantly making you feel better.
Just like every time his cheating ex waves at you, you ignore it and instantly text him about how you “think he’s getting fat.”
Together you can come up with crazy schemes.
Stalking ex-boyfriends, driving by celebrity’s houses, getting drunk off cheap wine and watching musicals, and starting your own youtube show. The list goes on and on. Every hilarious crazy memory has each other in it.
When you get a text that says “I have an idea…”, you know sh*t is gonna go down; in a good way.
If someone’s crush walks into the restaurant you’re at, the other one will casually invite him and his friends to go the bar after.
You guys are each other’s hype girl. You are just like the cute little British girls from The Ellen Show, Sophia Grace and Rosie. You just switch off who gets to be the main singer.
You have secret codes for when you go out.
If a guy is talking to him and he’s not into it, he will just shoot you a subtle signal to come save him and vice versa. You have a list of excuses you use in this instance.
Usually it’s just pretending to be each other’s significant other, but sometimes you switch it up and say you guys are spies and getting romantically involved is too risky.