The Sacred Bond Between Gay Men and Straight Women


You guys have the same humor. 

You probably have a weird joke or two that no one else would find funny– like talking in accents in the drive thru or making up fake conversations for people sitting a couple tables away at lunch.


All the times your sides hurt from laughing and you almost peed yourself were with each other. You understand each other’s humor because you understand each other.


When dating a new guy, their opinion is critical. 


It’s different than your other friends, because your friendship is the most honest one you have. You guys will always tell each other how it is– whether he’s a stud or dud. Also, you have to make sure this new guy doesn’t think you guys are crazy and fits in seamlessly.


“Would he take a picture of us when we go hiking? Would he roll his eyes; or smile and say ‘of course! For Insta!?”


“Would he think it’s adorable we do double cheek kisses when saying hello and goodbye?” He could either think we’re sophisticated and European or just trying to be Real Housewives.

It’s important.

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