The Sacred Bond Between Gay Men and Straight Women

Long, long, long ago an ancient pact was made that bound gay men and straight women in friendship. It has triumphed throughout the decades and it’s a truly extraordinary and unique connection.

We’re meant to help each other, build each other up and dance together– a lot. We complement each other.


Straight women need gay men to be completely honest with us. 


Who else is going to tell you that your new sunglasses make you look like a 90’s mom and NOT in the cool way?

For some reason when it comes from them, you don’t feel insulted, but appreciative that you have such an honest friend.

We would be honest with them too, but honestly they dress great on their own and don’t really need us for anything except moral support.


There is no competition.


When you’re out for coffee you may both notice a universally attractive guy and slyly smile at each other and raise your eyebrows in a seductive manner, but when it comes to the guys you date, you’re just after different things.

He’s after gay guys and you’re after straight guys, but even beyond that you probably have vastly different tastes in men. It always works out that way in the mysterious way of the ancient bond.


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