The Truth Is, Your Heart’s Strong Enough to Restore Your Faith in Love

I know you feel broken right now, and unlovable. But, you need to give it time. What the future holds is so much better than the past.


One day someone is going to walk into your life that you don’t just want to spend the night with, you want to wake up next to each and every day. You will want to share your morning with them. Tell them about your day.


He will know your fake smile because he will be falling in love with your real smile. When you say you are okay, he will know you are lying because he will care about more than anyone ever has. He will see past the front you are trying to put up and break down all your walls.


The connection between you two will be unexplainable, but you will be grateful he walked into your life. Unlike the last, he will let you into his world too. Wanting to experience life and love with you. You guys will talk about you dreams and ambitions, not just sex and small talk. You will finally be able to open up about your past and all your insecurities because he won’t judge you for them.


Published by

Laine Sterbenz

Chicago born and raised but Kentucky living Twitter handle: httpstwitter.comLaineSterbenz?lang=en Facebook URL:

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