
I Unconditionally Loved Him Which Never Guaranteed He’d Do the Same

She Loved Him Unconditionally

She is the girl with a huge heart,

And she saw the potential in him and showed him exactly how great of a person he truly is.

She spent every day showing him how perfect his flaws her, that his scars on his heart weren’t ugly but beautiful, and that his inner demons were nothing compared to what other people battle.

Because of her he became the best person he could be. He wanted to be a better person because of her.

And she did all of this for him because she loved him with her entire being… and she thought he did too.


He’d say there was ‘this thing’ about her that made him fall madly in love with her.

And he could never quite put his finger on it… until he finally did.

That “thing” about her he loved so much, was her love. He didn’t love her, he loved that she loved him.

He was her whole world and she spent every day making sure he knew it. She constantly told him how amazing he was, how everyone loved being around him and he could light up a room by just walking into it.