If Your Boyfriend Does These 20 Things, It’s a Forever Thing

5. He does things in his life in order to plan for your future.

He saves for long-term things, and he works with you to make sure you guys have the future you want. He does things to better himself in order to better your relationship in the long run.

6. He makes it known that he’s fully committed to you and ready to settle down when the time is right…in case planning for the future wasn’t enough of a forever thing.

My boyfriend literally told me that he’s fully committed to me and only me and that he’s been ready to marry me for years. Even though I know that that’s the case, it’s really assuring to hear him say it.


7. He isn’t shady with other girls.

Your boyfriend won’t put you in a situation where you would have to question his intentions with other girls, and he won’t make you insecure about your relationship. If your boyfriend is a forever thing, he wouldn’t make you feel second to other girls.


8. He fully trusts you.

Another self-explanatory point. He trusts the decisions you make and he supports them. He trusts that you’re not going to go out for a girls night and hook up with another dude. It’s the big things and the little things that he trusts you with that show that he’s a forever thing.


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