This I Vow To You

I vow to take care of you.

We are a team, yes I will make sure that you have a lunch for work. No matter how much I wanna sit down. You may have to remind me of this one. When you are sick, I will take care of you. Even if it is a man cold. I am going to complain but I will still do it. I will make sure that your laundry is done and I will learn to cook. I will grow with you. I will help make everything okay again. I will be by your side to hold you hand when it feels like the world is coming down around us. I vow to take care of you what ever you need.


I vow that I will be faithful.

You are the only one I have yes for. You are the only one I think about when I get up in the morning. I long for you to be right here with me. I want to be able to roll over into your arms every morning. At night you are the last thing that I think about before I go to sleep. I long for he nights that I am laying in bed next you. You are the only person that I want to bear my whole soul to. No one else on earth could scare me the way you do. It literally scares me how much I love you! I vow that I will always be faithfully yours!


No, I dont know what is to come for us.

And no, I cannot say that we will not fall on hard times. I am sure that we will that our love will be tested. One thing that I do know is that no matter what I will show you over and over again that I love you more than anything. I will be there cheering for you. I will be true to you. I will take care of you. I will be the one person that you can come home to and know you dont have to explain anything to. I will just hold you and let you know that I am here for ever and always. 

This I vow! 

Published by

Emily Anne

Hi, my name is Emily and I am 26. I spend a lot of my time being a dog mom to my Irish setter, Annie and trying to be the very best girlfriend to my very best friend. I am a full time student and although I am not sure what I want my career to look like, I do know that I want to help people. I also work full time as a teaching assistant. Writing is one of my hobbies, which is what brought me to Puckermob. I love having a place where I can share my stories, the good and the bad. I love that I can share the things that have helped me through the hard times, as well as, all of the good things that are happening. I also love to read. Some of my favorite books right now are “Didn’t see that coming,” by Rachel Hollis and “Daring Greatly,” by Brene Brown. You can find me on Instagram where you can see all of my adventures with Annie, my boyfriend, and my baby-sister.

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