I vow to take care of you.
We are a team, yes I will make sure that you have a lunch for work. No matter how much I wanna sit down. You may have to remind me of this one. When you are sick, I will take care of you. Even if it is a man cold. I am going to complain but I will still do it. I will make sure that your laundry is done and I will learn to cook. I will grow with you. I will help make everything okay again. I will be by your side to hold you hand when it feels like the world is coming down around us. I vow to take care of you what ever you need.
I vow that I will be faithful.
You are the only one I have yes for. You are the only one I think about when I get up in the morning. I long for you to be right here with me. I want to be able to roll over into your arms every morning. At night you are the last thing that I think about before I go to sleep. I long for he nights that I am laying in bed next you. You are the only person that I want to bear my whole soul to. No one else on earth could scare me the way you do. It literally scares me how much I love you! I vow that I will always be faithfully yours!
No, I don’t know what is to come for us.
And no, I cannot say that we will not fall on hard times. I am sure that we will that our love will be tested. One thing that I do know is that no matter what I will show you over and over again that I love you more than anything. I will be there cheering for you. I will be true to you. I will take care of you. I will be the one person that you can come home to and know you don’t have to explain anything to. I will just hold you and let you know that I am here for ever and always.
This I vow!