This is For The Guys In Dirty Work Boots

Work Ethic

Since I could remember I’ve seen my dad wake up every day at 3 to be at work by 4. The same routine everyday. He’s what I call the  “boss man” so he gets there everyday before his crew and gets the day ready for him. He comes home every day in his dirty work boots and clothes complaining and venting about the same thing then goes right to doing more work outside around the house.

I recently have had construction on my street the past couple of days as I write this and I have gained even more respect for the city works. They worked all day in the rain and we never heard them stop till the day was over. I don’t know exactly what they were doing but they have our street torn apart and I can’t help but assume it’s probably fixing something underground that we need. They are out there busting there butts fixing only god knows what for us.


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