
This Is The Only Kind Of Person Worth Dating

This person is going to challenge you.

Whenever we find ourselves single, we automatically feel lonely. We scroll through our social media feeds watching everyone else we know fall madly in love and wonder when we’re going to get our shot at the “real deal.”

We day-dream about being swept off our feet by the “right person,” curious as to when the f**k they’re going to stroll on into our lives and take our breath away. And we feel alone and tired of waiting and instead of looking for the person we should be with, we settle for people who don’t deserve our time or being.

When you’re venturing out on the quest for love – there is only one type of individual that is worth your time – the person who pushes you to be a better version of who you already are.

When you find the right person for you-you’ll know.

The right person will challenge you because they want you to grow – to expand your mind-state, thoughts, and opinions further than what you’re accustomed to. People are going to tell you they’re wrong for you because they push you, but in reality, it’s exactly the kind of person worth giving your energy to. They want to open your world to new cultures, ideas, and notions – expanding your knowledge and showing you thinks and places you’d never even dreamt of.