That Friend
This is for the friend that is always the one trying to make plans… but her friends never have the time to get together.
And this is for the friend that plans birthday parties and mails birthday cards… but only gets “Happy Birthdays” on Facebook.
This is for the friend that takes time out of her life for a friend in need… but no one realizes when she needs someone to be there for them.
And this is for the friend that goes to her friend’s benefits, buys from their fundraisers, attends their events… yet no one supports the causes and projects that are important to her.
To that friend:
You may feel unappreciated and truth be told, you are. But that doesn’t mean your presence doesn’t matter or that your absence would go unnoticed.
Yes, some people are taking advantage of your friendship; those are the people you need to weed out of your life. But not everyone is taking you for granted.
There are some people that are just so self-focused on their life, they don’t realize how they make you feel.
You are a special kind of friend. And you are the friend that everyone can rely on. You are the friend that is so caring, and so strong, people forget that you may be struggling too.
Let your friends know how you feel.
Once they realize that their actions are hurting you, they will change. If they love you, if they really want you to be a part of their life, they will let you know.
But please, dear friend, do not change who are. Do not change the kind of friend you are.