To the Future Father of My Children

Dear future father to my children, when I look at you, I see time. I see our love and our future. I see the life that we’ve built, and the one that we’ll continue to make together.

I feel your hands cup my face, your thumb that traces my jawline, and I drown in your eyes. The way you sink your body into mine at the end of the day before we fall asleep, and your arm that pulls me deeper into your morning hug.

I smile at your smile lines, and the feeling of your cheek stubble on my lips. I lick the freckles on the skin just below your eyes, and brush my eyelashes on the inner crevice of your neck when I kiss your chest goodnight.

These are the things that make me love you. These are the moments I can’t get enough of you. These are the reasons I want to, one day, have a baby with you.

To the future father of my children,

I want to make a piece of life with you. I want our love to create something greater than the two of us. I want our procreation to grow and thrive and radiate with your sunlight, your passion for things, your appreciation of beauty. I want to watch you love another human being the way you love me.

I want to look at our baby boy and see a piece of you, see your eyes in his eyes, see your smile in his smile. I want to cup his face, put my nose to the top of his head, and smell you in his soft baby hair. I want to kiss his feet and see your toes.

I want to cradle our baby girl and feel myself as a child. I want to watch her look up at you and see everything that I once missed.

Don’t be like my father; don’t leave her. Be good to her; be strong for her; be brave for her. Give her what I never had – I can have it now.

I want to watch you become a man, and then an old man, and remember when we were just two silly kids in love – remember the days when you were just a boy. I want to become a parent with you, and then a grandparent.

I want to look at you and tell you that I’ll be with you forever. That I want to spend my life with you. That I will move oceans, and reach for stars with you.

And, one day, that little piece of life will always bring me back to you.

For more of Ashley’s scribblings, follow her on Facebook or Instagram.

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