Twenty Five Things I Would Tell Him To Get Closure If I Could

1.) Yes– You deceived me. But now I know what to look for, and I will spot a guy like you in the future.

2.) Don’t worry, I already know I am better off without you. I’ll be just fine.

3.) You lied to me. About so many things. And that is on you.

4.) How many girls did you treat this way? How do you sleep at night?

5.) You are two people rolled into one. I liked the good guy in you, The other guy took over.

6.) You are a complete narcissist.

7.) I cannot believe I fell for your short lived courtship. I should have seen through the BS right away.

8.) I promise I won’t let this terrible experience ruin my future love.

9.) I will only love harder when the right person is in my life because of you.

10.) I deserve to be with someone who cares deeply and loves fairly.

11.) Maybe this love lesson will reveal even more when the right guy is in my life?

12.) I will give good guys more of a chance. Maybe what I thought was boring would actually be drama free?

13.) Your toxic love consumed me. I need to take a relationship break to heal from this.

14.) I appreciate my friends so much. Thank you for reminding me how much I need them. Oh and I should really listen to my friends. Because they never liked you.

15.) I will never lose myself in someone’s drama again.

16.) The future that I dreamed of will still happen for me. You just won’t be in the picture.

17.) If you run into me, please don’t say anything. I no longer want to hear it.

18.) I feel sorry for your next girlfriend. I really do.

19.) Remember when you rolled your eyes at me when I would say something you did not approve of? Fuck you. You aren’t my dad.

20.) I believe I speak for all women when i say this. I will eat, whatever the fuck I want. And I will wear, whatever the fuck I want. Any questions? See number 19.

21.) When you walked ahead of me instead of taking my hand when we strolled down the street together, that honestly hurt me.

22.) When you would expect me to drop everything for you but you would cancel our plans last minute. I hate you for that.

23.) You disrespected me in so many ways. How smart I am, how caring and I am and that I am easily replaced.  Good luck finding someone who made an effort like me.

24.) You have lousy taste in shoes. There, I said it.

25.) Seriously, what was I thinking? You were a waste of my time. I am so much better than this. And so much better off without you. So Thanks, for nothing.

–Sincerely, your EX


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