Your love is typical. You adore each other wholeheartedly, “whisper” sweet nothings over the vast reaches of the Internet, plan extravagant dates, surprise each other with tokens of love and affection. He fondles the necklace you left him when he misses your heart; you burrow yourself in his hoodie when you miss his scent. You share everything imaginable; birthday celebrations, life milestones, the seemingly mundane details of your lives. You are constant, you are affectionate, you are thoughtful, you are romantic. You are an ordinary couple thriving under extraordinary circumstances.
Your love is true. It rings out over the mountains that divide you, it runs deeper than the oceans that separate you. It is inexpressibly strong, impeccably pure, undeniably fulfilling. Your love is unstoppable; powerful enough to last for an eternity because you know that nothing, not distance, not longing, not time can break you apart.
This article originally appeared on Thought Catalog.