10 Things To Know Before Dating Someone Who Almost Gave Up On Love

3. They know better than to get their hopes up too soon.

At this point, they’ve gotten so used to sh*t falling apart, that the only thing that keeps them going is a small hope that someone will surprise them. They tend to stay realistic in the beginning, because past disappointments still ache.

4. Don’t be fooled by their hard shell.

Outside, they might seem all cool and aloof, but inside, they’re big ol’ softies who want to be loved, just like everyone else. Their rough exterior is more of a defense mechanism that they’ve developed over time because they had to face harsh realities alone. If they feel that you’re right for them, though, you’ll start to notice them peel away their layers and show you their true, sensitive selves.

5. If things are going really well, they’ll try to convince themselves it’s too good to be true.

People who’ve gotten used to things not working out early on in the game will try hard not to fall in too deep too soon. Because when they did, they usually ended up getting hurt. After some time, though, they’ll brush their worries to the side.


Published by

Defne Gencler

Defne is a writer and globetrotter who's proud to call the cities of New York and Amsterdam her homes. She's a lover of exploration and silliness with a passion for writing and comedy. Sometimes, she writes it too. Twitter handle: www.twitter.comdgenchh Facebook URL: http://www.facebook.com/defnegenclerwrites

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