10 Things To Know Before Dating Someone Who Almost Gave Up On Love

6. Their biggest fear is being deceived by you.

Love is like taking a leap with someone; you never know if you’ll fall and be saved fluffy pillows at the end, or just vast, dark nothingness leading to heartbreak. They stay true to their words and actions, but they know that not everyone operates that way. It’s a gamble either way, but one that’s worth taking.

7. If they’re not feeling it, they won’t string you along.

While some people are fine keeping someone in their life because they have nothing else to do, they’ll walk away if they aren’t into it. They’d rather walk through life alone than walk in bad company. And they’ll spare you the further pain and heartbreak in the long run by just being upfront from the get-go.

8. That’s why they must really like you if they do devote their time and energy into you.

To quote Rihanna’s song, if they’re still spending time with you, it means you probably found love in a hopeless place. Give yourself a pat on the back – it means you’re really, really somethin’ special!


Published by

Defne Gencler

Defne is a writer and globetrotter who's proud to call the cities of New York and Amsterdam her homes. She's a lover of exploration and silliness with a passion for writing and comedy. Sometimes, she writes it too. Twitter handle: www.twitter.comdgenchh Facebook URL: http://www.facebook.com/defnegenclerwrites

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