Why should I fall in love again??
When it’s been a while since someone’s fallen in love, they tend to become jaded and give up on the idea of ever falling in love again… But sometimes, on a few special occasions, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
1. They’ll be pretty nervous before their first few dates with you.
When they arrive to meet you, they’ll seem pretty chilled out. But what you don’t know is that hours before you guys met up, they were probably going over every possible scene in their head that included them messing up and tripping in front of you somehow.
2. But that doesn’t mean they’ll pretend to be somebody else for you.
Just because they’re nervous, though, doesn’t mean they’ll put up a front. Since they’ve been on their own for a while, they’ve learned to depend on themselves. They’re comfortable in their own skin. When it comes to dating, they’d rather be their unabashed selves, than pretend to be somebody else just to get another’s approval.