Why I Can No Longer Defend Feminism

Feminism: the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.


In laymen’s terms, Feminists want to be valued at the same level as men are in society. Understandable; however, the divide it has created between women in society is undeniable.


People will blame it on our newly elected President *gulp* Trump, but the reality is that this disagreement began well before Trump’s combover and permanent look of disgust became the face of the Oval Office.


Just as there are members of radical religious groups, there are what we call “Radical Feminists.” These are the women that hold the importance of women in society at a place so high that it has begun to overshadow the real meaning of Feminism and, in turn, has attempted to place women in a position higher than men.


Published by

Madison Epting

I'm a 20 something year old college student, native to Charlotte and majoring in Literature. I'm a total dog mom and live passionately for the things/people that I love. I never shared my writing with people, because what was the point when 70% of its readers wouldn't be able to even begin to understand the context of the words in front of them. Then I realized, there's a whole other 30% out there and if just a fragment of my writing could move them, then that is more than enough.  I love to try new things. I love adventure. I love to travel and my bucket list is endless. I'm working on living my life to the fullest and creating a mindset free of regret.  This is the beginning of the rest of my life. Twitter handle: Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/mad.epting

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