Nobody tries a drug with the intention of becoming addicted. It just happens. It starts out feeling great but then you start to notice the downfalls of the drug.
As good as the drug makes you feel, it also makes you feel horrible. Before you know it, you’re willing to lose everything for the drug just for that high. When the high wears off, you start to feel crappy again and you wish you could stop. But you’re addicted.
Love is like a drug and being in love with someone can give you a high like no other.
You meet a guy who you know is probably not right for you, but there’s something so appealing about him. He’s confident and charming and his pursuit of you makes you feel special in a way you’ve never felt before. So you decide to try things out with him just for the hell of it. He makes you feel good so you figure why not just enjoy the feeling?
You give it a try out of curiosity.
He’s texting and calling you from morning to night. He sees you as often as he can. He’s acting as if there is nothing in the world more important than you. He’s interested in everything you have to say. He shares things with you that seem so intimate and it feels amazing to think he chooses you to share these things with. He’s making you feel so great that you figure you were wrong to think he wasn’t right for you when you first met him. Soon enough you’ve fallen head over heels for the guy you though would just be a temporary fix for you.
He’s all you can think about. He makes you feel so wonderful that all you want to do is talk to him or be with him. You can’t focus on anything else other than him.