
Why You’re Still Single Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Dating and relationships can be complicated for many different reasons. But what if one of those reasons was due to your sign?

You heard me, one reason why you’re all by yourself could be based on your astrological sign:


You’re single because you’re intimidating.

Aries are alphas, so it’s hard to keep up with you. You’re a doer, not a talker, so you’ll only get into a relationship if the person can handle your spontaneous nature.


You’re single because you date to settle down and get married.

Tauruses are outgoing introverts. Although you’re a great socializer due to your loyalty, you’re also a bit of a homebody and will enter a relationship if the person doesn’t mind giving you your space when you need it.

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Marie Cyprien

An old soul and nerdy Brooklyn native who loves a good book on a rainy day. Twitter handle: @gradientwriter Facebook URL:

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