The Good Home Co Household Care Products Our Editor’s Review


Are They Affordable?

Curated scents made with love for mother earth and for you. Cleaning products that clean up messes without leaving a chemical residue, cost a bit more. Prices range from 16-35.00 USD. However, the generous portions and refills do go a long way. A site wide sale is going on due to the pandemic. So be sure to use our code at checkout to receive 30% off:  PuckerMob 


Would I Purchase Them?

Once you have determined your favorite scent.. lavender, pure grass or my fave, beach days, you will find yourself committed to The Good Home Co’s philosophy. Chemical free, Conscious, Cleaning..  I order refills of my beach in a bottle scents and use the household all purpose cleaner for everything.

I have sent a few welcome home packages with their signature air fragrance, candles and detergents as housewarming gifts over the years.


Would I Recommend Them?

I highly recommend The Good Home Co products. Maybe try something in each of their three signature scents and see which one you like best. I cannot do my laundry with anything else.

I love their light fragrance so much, I was beyond thrilled to see they launched a germ killing hand sanitizer this summer! Check it out in your favorite scent.



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