26 Ways To Embrace Thanksgiving During A Pandemic

Where Is The Gratitude?

I am not going to sugar coat it. There is a ton of political unrest right now. Uncles and Aunts disagree with you politically, and even masks are now a political thing. In the midst of a yet to concede election, a humanitarian crisis of a pandemic, and all the other twenty twenty feels, what is there to be grateful for? Here are twenty six thoughts to push your gratitude buttons and help you through your Thanksgiving this year with a smile.

1.) Traditions?

Maybe this is a great excuse to throw in the towel on traditions. Keep your family and friends safe and ditch the large dinner party over the bloated turkey and bloated family egos this year.

2.) Think about your small wins this year.

Sure, it was tough for everyone, but there were some good things right? Write those down and place that list somewhere that you can look at it daily leading up to Thanksgiving Day.

3.) Think about those less fortunate.

And consider donating time and resources to organizations that support those in need such as Meals On Wheels.

4.) Be grateful for your health.

And make a promise to yourself to do mini workouts through the rest of the year. Try this ten minute workout.

5.) Cooking for one or two or just a few?

Try supporting local restaurants and bakeries by ordering some of your sides through them.

6.) Be Thankful that the Twilight Zone Marathon exists.

And if it is not airing on thanksgiving this year, I am sure you can stream it. Because this year has fully been the Zone.

7.) Seasonal weather.

It’s here and the sweet creatures outside are enjoying it. So take a walk, and breathe in the season.

8.) Friendships are always top of mind over the Holidays.

This year, consider a Friendsgiving Zoom chat or a Fall Picnic instead of gathering in a large group.

9.) Pumpkin Pie.

It is so easy to make and so easy to eat.

10.) Fall clothes.

I am a Wolford mask and tights girl, myself. So l plan to layer it on and stroll with purpose!


11.) Boys. Ok so you are not in a serious relationship?

Flirting online is so much fun. So make some new friends with some cuties over the holidays and be grateful for your verbose skillset and sarcastic wit. Let’s see if any of the boys can keep up.

12.) Besties.

BFFs love to shop together. So add a mask to those hat and gloves and hit the shops with your bestie for some melancholy holiday joy.

13.) Movies.

Christmas Movies— and popcorn. Yes please!

14.) Zoom calls with Grandma and Grandpa.

Because we owe our Grandparents gratitude. And we love them and want to them to stay safe.

15.) Sending packages to Grandma and Grandpa.

So that we can see their joyous faces when we Zoom with them. Send them a gift basket of yummy treats to let them know they are so loved.

16.) Stuffing.

The Traditional- with lots o Sage please. Here is my favorite Vegan recipe.

17.) Adult Coloring Books.

Because they are calming. And I always like how they come out. Plus, keeps my off the blog.  Blogger needs a break!

18.) Yoga classes online.

Bend me stretch me. Then make a warrior out of me please.

19.) Lattes and Toast.

Breakfast of champions. And apples. Best snack ever.

20.) Our S.O.

Because love is wonderful. Even with a pandemic.

21.) Chatting with a friend via text then having to call

Because we cannot write that fast and the responses needed are more in depth than the standard, OMG.

22.) Pausing.

Whether it is lockdown or working from home. Commutes are shorter and our time is more our own.

23.) Old school curlers.

I mean, why not right? A little overnight curling success can lead to an excellent hair day.

24.) Our family.

We know the Pandemic has been hard on everyone. And your family is no exception. Take the time that the commute took away before to now send messages to family members and let them know how grateful you are that they are healthy and happy.

25.) Technology.

It can be used horribly, but when used wisely can reconnect you with friends and family. Use your social tools to bring them joy.

26.) Our pets.

They are loving the attention this year has brought them. Give your pets an extra hug, a longer brush and take naps with them. They appreciate you.

Thanksgiving is just a day. And it was not necessarily founded on guiding principles either. So let’s all make this holiday more meaningful this year by ditching traditions, protecting loved ones and being present this year. And let’s all collectively be Thankful and share our gratitude with others.


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