
Abortion: Why I am Pro-Choice

I am not FOR abortion.

I am not AGAINST abortion.

However, I do believe that every woman has the right to choose what to do with her own body. I believe in preventing fear of having an unwanted child.

I believe that it is your choice to have a baby, but you shouldn’t be forced into it and a child should never feel like a punishment for having sex.

Every child deserves to be brought into this world feeling wanted and loved and it should be against anyone’s morals to tell a woman “well that’s what you get for having sex.”

If you’re against abortion, simply don’t have one.

It is a personal decision, it shouldn’t be a legal debate.

Abortions aren’t for everyone…but neither are children.

Being pro-choice doesn’t mean I dislike children, or want an abortion for myself.

It means that regardless of my personal choices, I believe that all women should have the right to make their own choices about their reproductive health.

I believe that they should be able to seek any and all medical care needed in their lifetime, without judgement.

Yes, I am still a Christian.

Yes, I still love children.

Yes, I want my own family someday.

But no, I don’t think I should get to have an opinion about another woman’s body.

For the woman who can’t afford the child, for the fourteen year old that was raped, for the mom who is putting her own life at risk for a pregnancy, or for the woman who isn’t ready to be a mom for whatever reason at all.


