Couple Shares Their Go-To Tipping ‘Trick’ And We Absolutely Hate Them For It

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Good thing his wife seems to be an equally terrible human since this is one of their longtime fantasies. Imagine going out on a date with someone and see them pulling this stunt? You have to get up and leave immediately. Before doing so, please tip your server for having to deal with the horrible human sitting across from you. I know how the internet works and my fingers are crossed that this doesn’t become a trend buy teasing your server with tip money isn’t funny or cool. If anything it speaks volumes about how much of a loser you are. Especially if you’re doling out a 5 dollar tip but shame on this couple for being awful people. Here’s to hoping they don’t reproduce.

The isn’t even original sitcoms like ‘Cheers’ and 3rd Rock From The Sun’ have episodes that play out this ‘trick.’ I’ll let this couple enjoy there 25$ romantic dinners where they spend the time observing the hard-working server instead of enjoying each other’s miserable company.  Let’s just not take any pages out of their book and please tip your servers accordingly; we are people to everybody.

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