How to Cheer Up Your Loved Ones in Isolation

During these uncertain times of isolation, most of us are feeling down and unmotivated. You might have some of your loved ones locked up in isolation not being able to find anything to do. To cheer them up and make them feel better, here are some of the things you can do.

Check-in on each other

Sometimes all we need is a loved one to be here for us. By simply being there for your friends and family and listening to them when they need to get something off their chest, you can show them how much you love them. It’s important that we create a safe space for our loved ones where they can feel like they can talk and unwind without being judged, especially during these times.

Take on a project together

You can also help take your loved one’s mind off of the quarantine by trying something new and fun with them. No matter what you choose, a dance battle on TikTok, a cooking challenge, or a push-up contest, you will be making new memories with a friend which will definitely cheer them up.

Make room for gratitude

Even though the future may seem very uncertain right now, you need to celebrate small victories and enjoy your everyday blessings. Encourage your loved ones to start journaling. Taking some time off at the end of the day to write down all of the things you’re thankful for can actually be very helpful and freeing. Remind them that each new day brings new gratitude and a new chance.

Write, don’t text

Text messages are pretty much the main means of communication these days. However, if you want to go a step further, you can send your loved ones a handwritten note telling them how much they mean to you. Though it may seem silly, this type of positive affirmation can really help someone who’s struggling right now.

Pay it forward

Any act of kindness can bring a smile to your loved one’s face right now. Doing simple chores for them or ordering groceries so they don’t have to is one of many ways to show them how much you care about them. Plus, non-profit organizations can always use some extra help.

Exercise together

You can also exercise together. Any type of physical activity can really brighten your loved one’s mood and make them feel better about themselves. There are many exercises you can try in the comfort of your home. For instance, you can try doing yoga, following guided meditations, or doing some basic stretching exercises for flexibility.

Plan the future

The future may be uncertain, but believing that things will be over can give you a sense of hope. This way you can plan certain things and have something you can look forward to. Come up with a mood board with your friend and work on mutual goals that you can achieve together.

Plan a virtual treasure quest

If you want to reduce the time spent with digital devices, encourage your friend to take a break from using social media with you. Come up with a scavenger hunt. This fun activity will help you focus on something other than mindless scrolling through Instagram posts and stories. You can make a trace full of clues that can lead you to the final answer/prize.

Make them a thoughtful gift

Every once in a while you can remind your friend of how much you love them by sending them small and thoughtful gifts. There are many creative ways to tell your friends you appreciate them through thoughtful gifts. You can create a photo board or come up with gift baskets filled with their favorite things. Gift baskets are great because you can put anything inside them.

Give each other a makeover

Changes can be good right now, especially because we all feel like we’ve been standing in what place for months. You don’t have to make any drastic changes such as cutting off your bangs, but some kind of a makeover, even if it’s tiny, can give you a sense of freedom and creativity. Organize a video chat with a friend and give each other a makeover via a video call. You can plan different outfits together or try new hairstyles together.

Put together a soothing playlist

Lastly, if you’re having trouble falling asleep at night, making a soothing playlist with your friend that can help both of you calm down during stressful times can be very helpful. You can make a playlist that includes different kinds of soothing sounds such as the gentle sound of breeze and rain, or the sound of waves or a waterfall.


In conclusion, there are many creative ways you can fill in the time you spend at home not being allowed to go outside. Spending that time with loved ones and showing them how much you care is one of the best ways to do so.


About The Author

Jasmine Anderson is a Sydney based lifestyle blogger and a toddler mom, with a Fine Arts Bachelor’s degree. Expressing herself through different mediums is what keeps her spirit bright. She loves to spend quality time with her family, go thrifting, and spend just a little bit too much time on the internet.  You can follow Jasmine on Twitter

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