Vaccine awareness month: Navigating COVID-19 And The Delta Variant

An uptick in cases, the delta variant moving rapidly through the Untied States. Testimony of those from beyond and family members who regret not getting vaccinated. It’s time. 

Getting vaccinated means that we can get back to life again. Being able to see friends and family. Being able to give hugs and handshakes. Being able to get the support from our loved ones that we crave. 

And getting vaccinated means concerts, weddings and large gatherings again. Being able to enjoy other people’s company. Doing the things that you love. Celebrating the special events that so many have been cheated out of for the last year. 

Because getting vaccinated means traveling. Getting on that plan, or even just a road trip with friends. It means a chance to get away and do all of the fun things that come with vacation. Site seeing. Drinking at a bar

We know getting vaccinated means a togetherness that we have not had in over a year. However, what needs to be said is not getting vaccinated means getting sick. Means that the virus just keeps mutating. It means more time away from friends and family. It means not celebrating the big things. It means not mourning the losses we feel. It means not living life. 

Stay healthy, get vaccinated because it saves lives! 

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Published by

Emily Anne

Hi, my name is Emily and I am 26. I spend a lot of my time being a dog mom to my Irish setter, Annie and trying to be the very best girlfriend to my very best friend. I am a full time student and although I am not sure what I want my career to look like, I do know that I want to help people. I also work full time as a teaching assistant. Writing is one of my hobbies, which is what brought me to Puckermob. I love having a place where I can share my stories, the good and the bad. I love that I can share the things that have helped me through the hard times, as well as, all of the good things that are happening. I also love to read. Some of my favorite books right now are “Didn’t see that coming,” by Rachel Hollis and “Daring Greatly,” by Brene Brown. You can find me on Instagram where you can see all of my adventures with Annie, my boyfriend, and my baby-sister.

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