The early 2000’s were a pretty weird time for us all. We were watching weird shows, listening to weird music and most of all – wearing weird, embarrassing outfits. Looking back at the grainy photos we took with our hot pink Razor flip phone, we can clearly see no matter how grainy the pictures were, out outfit choices were absolutely repulsive. While we probably make the same awful dating mistakes and fall for the same crappy guys, at least we can all unanimously agree our fashion sense has matured way past some of these absolutely messes. Check out these embarrassing outfits from 2007.
Tag: 2000’s fashion trends
6 Struggles of The Romper Life
Rompers are so convenient. Its as simple as a dress, but its also kind of like putting on a complete outfit without questioning whether your bottoms match your top.
I’m completely in love with them, but here are some struggles with the romper life.
1. Just like every person, I have to use the bathroom. And just like a normal procrastinator, I usually wait till its an emergency. As convienant as rompers are, I’m completely terrified of the day I just can’t hold it long enough.
2. Wedgies. Really though, out of all my clothes, and there are a lot, I’ve never had to dig more in my butt than when I wear my romper. It’s sad, but hey if you see me doing it, I know you were checking my ass out. Might as well ask for my number.
3. I might be the only one, but my rompers never stay in the same place, they always seem to start turn themselves. Like at one moment everything is great, next moment it looks like I got dressed with the lights off… I’ve never had these problems with dresses.
4. Pantsuit rompers. I don’t know who came up with that stupid idea, but those things are awful. If you’re not proportionate, like me, and between 5’5 and 5’7, heights I’ll never reach, don’t do it. It’s just an unflattering mess.
5. Using the bathroom in general is an awkward experience. I mean, you’re basically getting naked in public just to pee or, for those brave souls, just to poop.
6. Sometimes, most times, rompers that are shorts have some complications too. Like the fact that when I least expect it my ass is hanging out of the bottom.
But overall I love my rompers, they’re definitely a must have.
For more of Jaymie’s thoughts, check her out on Facebook!