You Should Never Feel Guilty For Outgrowing A Relationship In Your Life

There are many times in your life when you’ll meet someone and picture them by your side for years to come. You meet someone and you hit it off so well that you don’t ever want to picture your life without them. They make you feel whole in some ways, as though you were missing a piece of yourself and had never realized it wasn’t there until they walked into your life. They make you see brighter colors, clearer skies, really and truly feel the moments of pure and genuine happiness. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a romantic relationship. Often times, you can exhibit these emotions and feelings in genuine friendships in your life, not always with someone of the opposite sex and someone you are dating.

While meeting people who make your world feel bigger and better is a universal human experience, growth is as well. In life, we all wish to grow into better people. We’d hope, and most of the time we are, growing to become better versions of who we were in the past. No one truly stays stagnant in life. We change and we become different people as we go through different things, different phases of our lives. It’s inevitable. You won’t be the same person you were as a teen when you grow into adulthood. So, it makes sustaining relationships sometimes a bit, difficult. 

When you meet someone when you’re young, you have a particular set of wants, needs, and standards that are set in place for that particular time period in your life. And, as you grow older, these may change. You may want different things out of people growing up. You may think you want to be with someone forever when you’re younger, but as you get older, you realize you are feeling unfulfilled, or as though something else is missing in your life. This isn’t something to be ashamed of or something that should be made out to be a problem – it’s just something that happens naturally in life.

There have been times in my life where I have outgrown friends and romantic partners and at the time, I felt guilty for ending things for the sake of my own sanity or my own desires. It’s like a gut-wrenching pain you feel when you’re hurting someone else, and you don’t wish to ever cause them pain. Outgrowing relationships doesn’t mean you don’t love someone, it just means you don’t want to settle for something and regret it or hurt someone even more later down the road. But, the initial struggle of having to walk away for something you have invested time and effort into while knowing the other person still feels the brighter colors, all-too-familiar pangs of excitement – it hurts.

When you want to spend a future with someone, you don’t want to half-ass it. While it’s a juvenile way to put the feeling into words, when you outgrow a relationship – it feels as though you’re only giving it half of yourself. Things just aren’t as bright and everything seems a bit duller. While you still love this person and cherish everything you’ve built together and everything you have been through, it also feels as though you’re doing a disservice to both them and yourself by staying around. You never want to be with someone just because you know it’s a solid thing and won’t go anywhere, even though you feel as though you may be happier somewhere else.

Outgrowing people isn’t something to feel guilty over, it’s just something that needs to be recognized as what’s really happening. Sometimes, we’ll try to make excuses for why we feel the way we do. We’re having an “off few weeks,” and things will get better. Maybe we’re stressed out because of work, school or outside forces that may be interfering with our emotional balance. But, the more we push the reality of the situation away, the more we begin to resent the relationship and ourselves. It may not even be conscious. We may know in the back of our minds this relationship is no longer for me. I no longer want to be the person who does the things we usually do, I want to expand my horizons, I want to try new things and meet new people. This is totally okay, there’s nothing wrong with that. What’s wrong is lying to yourself and the person in your life about it.

You can’t force yourself to stay with someone when you are really unhappy. I mean, you can, but in the long run, things will always be a bit of a struggle. You’ll find problems in everything they do, everything that happens and everywhere you go. You will always be stuck wondering what else is out there, or how you can slowly leave without doing anyone any harm. The truth is, the longer you lie to yourself, the more pain you will cause to everyone involved. Once you address the truth, you can truly learn to make a better life for yourself, and the person you are with can find someone else, as well.

There’s an old saying that says: “stop watering dead flowers.” If a relationship is no longer working for you, you feel it in your bones. There is no need to continue to put time and energy into something that will hinder your growth and trap someone else. It isn’t because the person has done you harm, it isn’t because the relationship is toxic or unhealthy – the relationship just doesn’t work for you anymore and you need to live that truth. Don’t deny yourself the sanity of living your own, authentic life. Don’t deny someone else the opportunity to find someone who will genuinely love and appreciate them either. Face the music.

9 Things You Should Know Before Moving In With Your Boyfriend

Sometimes in long-term relationships, there comes a point where a couple discusses taking that next step from “just dating” to “moving in together.” While it seems like a natural progression in any relationship, it’s actually a huge step to take as a couple. Sure, you may think it’s not such a big deal when the two of you spend every other night at each other’s own apartments anyway, but sleeping at someone’s apartment and actually sharing an apartment together are completely different things – trust me. While moving in may seem like an adorable and magical idea – playing “house” always makes every girl excited and happy – it’s a big f*cking deal, especially if there are things you’re unsure about or questions you don’t exactly have the answers to.

1. Make sure it’s something you both want to do.

Everyone feels as though it’s natural to move in together when you are a long term couple and you’re a certain age (in your mid-20’s/early-30’s). And, while it is a normal step to take in many relationships, you want to make sure that you and your partner are both happy and comfortable with the idea of living together. If one person is more into it and the other isn’t ready – don’t f*cking do it. You both need to be ready to take this step together because if one person isn’t ready, resentment will grow and your relationship will suffer because of it. I know a lot of couples who broke up after moving in together because they just weren’t ready or at that stage in their relationship to do so.

2. Make sure you’re doing it for the same reasons.

If you’re moving in with someone because you want to build a life with them, but they’re moving in with you because it’s financially convenient for them – it’s going to create tension. Make sure you discuss your intentions before you move in together. Make sure that you’re both on the same page and understand what living together really means. It’s not the same as just dating someone and staying over their apartment, you two are no cohabitating which means what’s yours is theirs and vice versa. You don’t want to have false expectations and hope and create conflict because you were both unclear of what you want.

3. Talk about finances, no matter how weird it may get.

When you move in with someone, your finances are now up front and important in your relationship. Most people will tell you not to discuss money with your partner unless you’re married, but, if you’re living together – everything matters in terms of money. And, it’s more than just rent. You’re going to paying for rent together, electric, cable, internet, food, furniture – everything you want to put in this apartment will be both of yours, not just yours or theirs. If your partner is financially irresponsible, that’s a big consideration you need to weigh before moving in. If you make more than your partner, that’s also something to think about. You don’t ever want to be stuck paying for 90% of the things in your apartment and your partner mooches off of your financial well-being, you’ll begin to get angry and resentful and will end up blowing up on them about it. The best thing you can do is discuss how to split things and make a schedule for things such as laundry, groceries and other necessities.

Your Partner Should Always Stand Up For You, Even When You’re In The Wrong

Your Partner Should Have Your Back

There are many times throughout your life when you are going to butt heads with other people or be judged by others. It’s not always going to be your fault, but, there are occurrences that will arise in which you are on “trial” with other people in your life. People will come at you, full force, if they think you’re in the wrong. But, who can you turn to when you feel the entire world is against you?

Who are you to go to for support and a helping hand when people would rather see you broken, beat, and bent than thriving? Especially, when we’re the ones who have screwed up.

Many times in a relationship, we turn to our partner for love and suppor. Especially when we feel as though we’re being attacked. We look to our significant others for comfort, for guidance, and for above all—support. Many question, however, what the right thing to do is if your significant other needs support, but they are the ones who are in the wrong. Does being in a relationship with someone mean always standing up for them, even if they are the ones who have f*cked up?


15 Pieces of Advice I Wish I Had Been Given at Sixteen

1) Not everyone is going to be your friend.

There are people out there who will use your friendship to their advantage, and then drop you like a bad habit when they’re through with you. There are few people you will actually encounter who will be genuinely true friends to you, but when you find them, hold on to them.


2) Boys are jerks.

Though I probably did hear this tidbit of advice before, I wish they had said it a little firmer. Boys at sixteen don’t think with their head – at least not the one attached to their neck. They care about one thing, and they don’t care if they hurt you as long as they’re satisfied.


3) You do not owe anyone in this world anything.

There are people who will come in your life and make you feel like you owe them for things they have done for you. You don’t owe anyone a damned thing. You are in control of your own life.


If Your Boyfriend Does These 20 Things, It’s a Forever Thing

Not to sound like everybody’s grandmother here, but finding a man in this day in age is a damn mission and a half. Finding a good man? EVEN HARDER. Finding a man who stays loyal AND plans for your future? Girl, marry him ASAP because that sh*t is rare.


Being a twenty-something year old in 2017 is wild. This is the part of your life where people expect us to settle down and get married, buy a house, and soon after, have babies. Ugh, I know, right?


This list is to help you narrow down whether or not your man is ready for the long-run because if you and your boyfriend can relate to the things on this list, you have got yourself a keeper, and you are set for life. Go be free, get married, and live happily ever after. I have done my job. You’re welcome.


1.He appreciates you and shows it.

It’s not hard to say thank you, and your boyfriend knows that. He tells you how much he loves that you’re his girlfriend.

15 Things Your Anxious Girlfriend Wants To Hear When Her Anxiety Is At Its Worst

More often today, people are experiencing high levels of anxiety and panic disorders. Whether it be the influx of technology and stimulation we’re becoming accustomed to, or possibly the continuous piles of stress and responsibilities we have to take on—it’s no secret that many of us do suffer from anxiety disorders that, at times, can be debilitating. While doing everyday things can be quite difficult when you have anxiety, being in a healthy relationship is definitely something you have to work on.

Not all partners are understanding and compassionate when it comes to anxiety and anxiety attacks. There are those who understand, who go through it themselves and can relate. But, there are also those who have never dealt with anxiety—and, they believe the go-to mechanism is “relax.”

We all know—there is no worse trigger for anxiety than hearing the words, “just relax.” So, if you’re someone who is in a relationship with a girl who has anxiety and panic attacks—strap in, we’re here to help you out.

My Boyfriend’s Mom Hates Me And Here’s How I Handle It

Falling in love with someone is a beautiful experience that many people cherish and look forward to all of their lives. It’s a combination of two people’s lives together, making them into one. When you meet your significant other for the first time, it’s as though the entire world does not exist beyond the two of you. That “honeymoon stage,” you wish it would last forever. But, we all know, there are friends, family, responsibilities—an outside world—that factor into our lives, not just love.

He’s Never Going To Be The Man You Want Him To Be

The Man You Want

You love him, you love him with all of your heart. You think that he is “the one,” the person that you can spend the rest of your life with. But, there’s something inside of you that is holding you back—that is making you second guess where you are and where you’re going.


It’s that little trickle of doubt that keeps you up at night when he doesn’t come home on time when he isn’t answering your calls, when he takes too long to answer your texts.


When we love people, we always try to see the best in them—think of it as wearing rose-colored glasses. We see everything in bright shades of pinks and reds—looking at everything as though it’s sunshine and rainbows.

We don’t want to be bothered with the harrowing realities of seeing the truth in people, their true colors and who they are. And we try to end fights as soon as they begin—we’d rather go back to happier times when we’re laughing than those sad times of misery.


The Ultimate Guide to Being More Feminine

Every woman is beautiful, and so is her body. Therefore, every woman has an absolute right to embrace her femininity and celebrate it. Although at times it may seem that feminine and strong are not two adjectives that can be used simultaneously to describe one woman, that is in no way the case. A powerful woman can be the epitome of womanliness and if you are looking for ways to nurture and express your feminine energy, here are some guidelines.

1. Wearing red

Red is a color that will accentuate your beauty and leave everyone starstruck. A classic red lip will send a message that you are a confident and successful woman who is not afraid to show off her charm and elegance. There are a number of shades of red lipsticks and you can easily choose the one(s) which best suit you and at the same time describe your energy and fashion sense.
If you do not feel like wearing red lipstick, you can wear a stunning burgundy or maroon piece of clothing. Depending on the occasion, you can opt for a breathtaking red satin dress or a work-appropriate blazer in the same color which will give a fresh breath of style to monochromatic business attire. In case you wish to express your femininity in a subtle but chic and trendy manner, an iconic red sole of a pair of Christian Louboutin’s heels is the perfect choice for you.

2. The importance of beautiful underwear

Gorgeous lingerie can make you feel feminine in the most delicate yet powerful way. Attractive underwear is not reserved only for those romantic nights with your partner; it is there for you, so you can wear it and feel amazing in it. There is nothing that can make you feel more confident and beautiful than alluring undergarments. A gorgeous lace bra and a lovely g string will spark womanliness even if you wear an oversized T-shirt and sweatpants over them. Another important thing that you should pay attention to when it comes to underwear is to choose those pieces that suit your body and that you feel comfortable in. Comfortable and attractive underwear is no longer a mission impossible as many incredible pieces can be easily acquired, so go and get that pretty lingerie to give even more beauty to you and your everyday outfits.

3. Luxurious fabrics

A woman can subtly accentuate her body features not only with fitted clothing but with interesting materials as well. A pair of velvet trousers will prove to be cozy while at the same time adding a touch of glamour to your outfit, even if you match them with a cotton T-shirt. Add some stilettos and you will look like a true trendsetter while beaming with womanliness. Another great combination for an attractive daytime look would be a velvet crop top with some flared jeans.

A material that must be mentioned when talking about feminine clothing is most certainly silk. A delicate silk slip dress will never go out of style and that is the reason why you can find them in multiple colors and trendy patterns. If you don’t feel like wearing a dress, a chic silk blazer or a sophisticated silk blouse will look fashionable when paired with both jeans as well as with elegant high-waisted trousers.

4. Sensual perfume

A perfume is what best describes you. Make sure that the few drops that you put on your skin every day are perfectly in accordance with your personality as your fragrance of choice is a sort of your personalized accessory. While certainly different, a vibrant citrus scent and a sensual musky perfume both radiate femininity. Whether you decide to always wear a trusty classic or if you go for a new perfume with a new season, make sure you use the perfect amount of your beloved fragrance, as less is certainly more.

5. Taking care of yourself

This seems like an obvious one, but in the hectic world that we live in, it can be incredibly easy to forget to have some “me time” and to nourish your body and mind. Going on a refreshing morning run or finishing your day off with a yoga class, there is no doubt that a few hours of physical activity will be beneficial and make you feel and look even better. Some minutes stolen from the day to dedicate to your skincare routine or some much-needed mediation will boost your confidence and energy, and those are the characteristics of a woman who embodies femininity. In addition, feminine also means taking time to go out with your friends or going on a trip with the girls, such as a wellness retreat where you will relax and reenergize. Even if you just take an hour or two to get your nails done or get a blowout, this time reserved only for you will have a huge positive influence on how you feel and look.

Finally, being a self-assured woman who loves her body and feels amazing in what she wears – that is what femininity is all about.

Article written by Sophia Smith
Sophia is a Beauty & Style blogger, Graphic designer and Style editor at

images are from Unsplash

For The Girl Who Feels Like She’s Everyone’s Second Choice, Read This

She feels like she is just one of the people’s many options, and yet she just sticks around and waits to get picked. She knows she is better than being people’s backup plan, and she doesn’t deserve to be the second choice.

And yet here she is, being treated that way.

She cares so much about everyone around her, to the point where she has a hard time telling them she is hurt by their actions.

Honestly, she’d rather allow her own feelings to get hurt than to hurt someone else’s.

But what she needs to realize is that people can see it. She lives her life not giving herself credit, or treating herself like a top priority, so no one else does.

Once she begins to respect herself, other people will respect her too.

Except she is so caught up in her head, jumping to conclusions… and they’re never good ones. She can’t stop overthinking every single thing that happens in her day, no matter how hard she tries.

She loves with her entire heart but her heart is extremely stubborn as well.She would do anything for those she cared about and ask for nothing in return.

It’s exhausting though trying to be the better person for everyone. It takes a toll on her.

What she needs is to take a deep breath.

No matter what it was that made her become like this, it’s okay. A relationship, her parents, a toxic friendship, it could even have been a mix of the three.

But what she needs to remind herself is that in any form of relationship both parties should be equal. She deserves to be treated like she is important because she is important.

And she is so much more wonderful than she thinks she is.

She has a beautiful soul which makes her an inspiring person so she needs to put herself first sometimes.

There’s a simple phrase out there from the wonderful Dr. Suess that goes a little something like this…

“Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”

So here’s that daily reminder that you are not an option so don’t let people treat you one.

To see more of Audi’s work check out her facebook page.

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