13 Signs That Prove You Have A Unicorn Boyfriend

They exist! They really do exist, I PROMISE! How do I know, you ask? You see that’s because I have one! I truly never believed they existed either that was until I met him, my unicorn boyfriend. I have told him time and time again, that he can’t possibly be real. to which he has replied with (oh! Let’s use this morning’s reply!) “Well you hit me in your sleep last night with and that pain was real” Oops!… Sorry, babe!

Here are 13 signs that prove that you truly have a unicorn boyfriend!

  1. He listens to you and takes your feelings into consideration
  2. He knows that when you say you’re “fine” that you are not in fact fine, and tries to actually figure out what is wrong, and tries to find a solution to the problem
  3. Your man knows how to treat a lady and spoils you – cute bag at KateSpade? He won’t let you pay for it
  4. You don’t have to question or worry about what he is doing when you are not with him because he doesn’t give you anything to question or worry about!
  5. Date nights are important and he likes to keep you on your toes with surprise date nights!
  6. He has the patience of a saint! I don’t know about you ladies but my man is trying to teach me how to golf and DAMN! this man deserves an award for trying to teach me this sport!
  7. He knows how to handle the mood swings you throw at him and he takes it like a champ!
  8. CUDDLES! He loves to cuddle and you never have to ask for them!
  9. You two see eye to eye on what you want in the future. you know he wants marriage, kids a house… it’s the dream!
  10. He’s not just your boyfriend but he’s become literally your best friend! not just because you two are dating and “forced” to be best friends but like he is your best friend and knows everything about you.
  11. He knows the importance of girl time with your best friends and he truly gets along with your besties
  12. Your family LOVES him! nothing is better than getting the look of approval from your little sister who has literally hated every one of your boyfriends! ( You truly did something right with this one!)
  13. Totally underrated but if you are not with him when you wake up in the morning or go to bed at night, you always go to bed and wake up with a good morning and goodnight beautiful text message.

If you are lucky enough to have a boyfriend who does these 13 things consider yourself lucky and count your blessings! Men like this are very few and far in between! And you are the unicorn girlfriend he was searching for.

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College Student Gets An ‘A’ After Turning In Brilliant One-Sentence Movie ‘Essay’

If you’re a college student, you know that the end of the semester is upon us all—which means one thing and one thing only: finals week. Everything comes at us at one time and before we know it, we have 50+ pages worth of essays to write. How are we going to get it done?

Apparently, we should take notes from this one college student who was recently assigned an essay and, decided to turn in a one-sentence essay as her final. And, guess what? She got an ‘A.’

College student Allison Garret was recently assigned a movie review essay by her professor.

Instead of spending hours working on it, Allison decided to focus on a simple yet clever response from one of her favorite films.


Her essay reads:

“Fight Club
‘The first rule of fight club is: you do not talk about fight club.’
That’s it. That’s the essay”

She proudly submitted it to her professor.


In the comments of her submission, Allison writes:

“I saw an opportunity and I took it. I cannot say that I am sorry because that would be a lie. Am I proud? Yes.”

Fortunately, her professor had a great sense of humor and awarded the witty student an ‘A.’

The professor wrote back:

“I struggled over this grade for a long time. I finally decided you get a grade for a laugh and how relevant your review is for this particular movie.

Let me warn you: Do NOT try this kind of thing with other professors; they may not have my sense of humor.”

Allison later shared her success story on Twitter.

After her initial tweet went viral, garnering over 165K likes, the college student shared an important cause with commenters.

Allison used her newfound internet fame to shed light on her friend’s mom who is fighting a rare form of cancer. She also linked to the family’s GoFundMe where people can donate to the cause.

Needless to say, Twitter was obsessed with the clever essay.

She does have a point, after all.

h/t: Twitter, Bored Panda

This Guy Definitely Regrets Cheating On His Wife After Receiving This Letter And Photo

Cheating is NOT cool. Getting cheated on has got to be one of the worst feelings, this can tell you from plenty of experience. It sucks, but it happens more often than not, unfortunately. How you deal with someone you love when they’re cheating on you is entirely your prerogative. I’m a big fan of taking the high road and just delete them permanently from your life. That person is apparently a disrespectful liar, and there’s simply no room in my life for such toxic people.

I thought utterly dropping someone who you’re supposed to be so close with was brutal enough, I was very mistaken after reading this wife’s letter. I’m not married, so I can’t imagine having the person you married to be cheating on you. It’s just way worse than some boyfriend or girlfriend, obviously. With that said I still think this lady’s actions might have been a bit drastic.

“To my beloved husband,

Before you return from your overseas trip I just want to let you know about the small accident I had with the pick up truck when I turned into the driveway. Fortunately not too bad and I really didn’t get hurt, so please don’t worry too much about me.

I was coming home from Walmart, and when I turned into the driveway I accidentally pushed down on the accelerator instead of the brake. The garage door is slightly bent but the pick up, fortunately, came to a halt when it bumped into your car.

I am really sorry, but I know with your kind-hearted personality you will forgive me. You know how much I love you and care for you, my sweetheart. I am enclosing a picture for you.

I cannot wait to hold you in my arms again.

Your loving wife.

P.S . Your girlfriend called for you.”

Now, you may be reading and think the husband got away with a minor accident and maybe a few dents to his car and truck. Oh, a dented garage door? Very fixable this guy probably thought he was getting off clean from being a scumbag. That is until he saw the picture his “loving” wife sent him.

The aftermath…

Girl Scout Remixes Cardi B’s ‘Money’ To Help Sell Cookies And It’s Super Hot Fire

As you all know, it’s officially Girl Scout Cookie season—so no matter where you go, no matter how hard you try to diet, you can’t hide from those delicious Thin Mints. Every year, the scouts try to find new and exciting ways to make money—like, the one time a bunch of troop members sold cookies outside of a medical marijuana store…brilliant.

This year, one Girl Scout has found a dope way to spread the word that she’s trying to make her troop some money—by remixing Cardi B’s “Money” and having it go viral on social media. Kiki, a Girl Scout, was filmed doing a remix to the song, adding in some flavor with her favorite cookie flavors. Honestly, I like this version better than the original.

The organization shared that “Black Girl Magic” is important to them and their entire organization because it represents strength and determination.

People online were feeling this remix—so much so that they can’t stop bumping it.




Kiki wrote on her landing page:

“Selling Girl Scout Cookies has taught me to work as a team to set our troop goals for cookie season. With our cookie earnings, my troop and I plan activities year-round and do important things to help our community. With this year’s cookie earnings we will Troop activities and community service projects. Please support my sale so we can reach our goals. Thank you!”

Thanks to Kiki’s video, she has exceeded her goal in sales this season. We stan a real icon.

This Guy Told A Girl To Buy ‘Anything She Wanted’ With His Credit Card & She Bought A F*cking Bouncy Castle

When it comes to males, for some reason, they cannot take rejection well. Take it from someone who has been a single woman on Tinder once or twice in her lifetime – when you say no, they think you’re saying, “please, try harder.” It’s as if the words “no” don’t resonate in their minds and they insist on making themselves look like complete fools – for the entire world to eventually see because we don’t keep that sh*t to ourselves – right ladies?

One woman – Leagan – has set the bar outrageously high for payback to men who cannot take no for an answer. Seriously – this is the best story I have heard to date. A guy asked Leagan out on a date and she respectfully said no, because she just wasn’t interested in him. Instead of taking the rejection, this guy decided to send Leagan his credit card – front and back – to “allow her to buy anything her heart desires.” As if, this was going to win her over.

She decides to buy the one thing every girl secretly wants in their life – a bouncy castle. You know exactly what I’m talking about. The big, giant, blow-up castles that your rich friends have at their backyard birthday parties but your parents would never let you have because it would “ruin the lawn.”

After her purchase, the guy messages her to ask her “what is this” that she just bought with his credit card. Her response?

Why Ariana Grande’s ‘7 Rings’ Is The New Independent Woman’s Anthem

Ariana Grande has had one hell of a year. From a terrorist attack at her own concert, a safe place for any successful artist to a publicized break up to losing an ex-boyfriend and longtime friend to a drug overdose—it’s almost as if the odds were against her. We’ve seen the story for so long with pop singers who gain too much spotlight and recognition—they burn like the bulbs of paparazzi cameras in an all too publicized breakdown. In the early 2000s, we watched “pop royalty” fall down the totem pole labeled as “crazy,” or “mental.” It was only a decade ago that cameramen were chasing down Britney Spears with an umbrella.

But, Grande has taken all of her adversity and proven that she is the iconic woman all young girls and women should be recognizing everywhere. Her most recent album, Sweetener, stood at the top of the Billboard charts for weeks, with not one, not two, but three singles breaking records. Her following single, Thank U, Next, stood at the top of Billboards Hot 100 chart for not weeks, but months.

And, yet, Grande was saving the best at an unexpected time. Her new single, 7 Rings, is one for the books, and something that will go down in history much like Destiny’s Child’s Independent Women as an anthem for all independent, self-sufficient, strong women to follow.

The song was inspired, as Grande let fans know, by a spontaneous shopping trip to Tiffany’s with her friends. After getting tipsy on champagne with her girls (goals) she bought 7 of her closest friends matching rings—and later got one for her mother and nonna (also goals).


And, thus, with her friends by her side—7 Rings was born. And yet, with all of Grande’s powerful lyrics off of Sweetener and her change of artistry, I was unprepared for the strength that was to come from this single.

While many accuse the song of being materialistic and embracing a consumer society based on luxury and wealth, I see it in a completely different energy and light. 7 Rings is about buying things—but it’s more about the ability for a 25-year-old, hardworking, successful, strong woman having the ability to rely on herself and only herself to get what she wants when she wants it. Grande is preaching an anthem to ladies everywhere that, while in the times of “My Favorite Things” and The Sound of Music, women were looking for men, now, women can look out for themselves. It’s a transformation that all women should embrace.

So often, the music industry has posed pop singers and women in a position in which they need a man, a male companion, by their side for marketing. Label executives plan PR events, red carpet walks, dinner dates to make women appeal to fans and followers. Grande defies all industry odds and makes a path for herself in her own way, letting women know that it’s okay to be on your own, play by your own rules, and get things for yourself.

You don’t need a man in your life to pave your way or help you get places. In all honesty, you only need yourself, and some really down to ride friends by your side.

If you take away anything from this song, besides the ability to rock to it in any setting (bass up in the car, ladies), it should be that your dreams and goals are never out of reach as long as you work hard for it. Grande has had a hell of a year success-wise, but that girl works harder than most artists today. No matter what you want in life for yourself—from the small to the big—it’s always possible, and you don’t need a man to bring it to you like Grande says “buy myself all of my favorite things.”

2019 will go down in history as the year of all the self-made ladies, with a little thanks from Ari herself.

Wendy’s Is Roasting Everyone On Twitter And Hooter’s Got Burned The Worst

If you’re an avid Twitter user, you’d know that Wendy’s always has the most savage Twitter feed known to social media. The person (or people) who run their Twitter account have no problem scolding everyone and their mothers. In fact, Wendy’s has been known to burn people so bad online, that they dedicated Friday to #NationalRoastDay, where they literally went out of their way to roast anyone who asked for it.

Companies, individuals, and brands began pouring into their Twitter mentions, begging the company to roast them—thinking, of course, it would be weak. But, nope—Wendy’s delivered, as they always do (especially with their nuggs).

Butterfinger got in the mix.

Company Spalding got handed one too.

Ore-Ida Potatoes got served.

i99 Radio…ouch.

This is just…savage.

Corn Nuts…RIP!






See ya.

A whole mood.

But, the best of all…

Thank you Wendy’s, you never (I mean never) disappoint.


Woman Who Clogged A Colonic Machine Gets Gently But Brutally Owned In Owner’s Yelp Review Response

If you’re going to go for a colonic and pay for it, you want to get everything cleaned out. I mean, not just a little bit, I mean everything. Tyler McCall recently discovered a hilarious Yelp review from one woman who, apparently paid a lot of money and expected her entire system to be cleansed, but, her appointment was cut short due to the fact that she “clogged” the machine. McCall read the original complaint on Yelp that read:


But, after seeing the complaint, the owner of the colonics place totally owned her in the most polite and brutal way possible. McCall said it was hilarious—and, she had to share with the world because it truly is.



I can’t stop laughing. Not only was he overly honest with the woman about how long it took her to literally clog a machine, but he was passive aggressive saying “that’s amazing for you!” I’m crying—who clogs an entire colonic machine? How much does this woman poop?!?

People on Twitter could not stop laughing at how hilarious the situation was and how amazing the owner’s response is.





This is easily the best Yelp response to a complaint we have ever seen and, to the owner of this colonics spot—we applaud you.

13 Borderline Unbelievable Behind-The-Scenes Facts About Romantic Movies

There’s something about romantic movies that make us truly believe in the power of love. Between the perfect casting, a wonderfully adorable script, and scenic destinations—romantic films can make anyone believe in “true love.” But, as with all movies, there are tons of things that happen behind-the-scenes that make even the sappiest movies hilarious (and honestly, even better).

1. The director of The Notebook cast Ryan Gosling because he’s “not handsome.”

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Gosling said:

Cassavetes called me to meet him at his house. When I got there, he was standing in his backyard, and he looked at me and said, ‘I want you to play this role because you’re not like the other young actors out there in Hollywood. You’re not handsome, you’re not cool, you’re just a regular guy who looks a bit nuts.

2. Emma Stone had a breakdown when she had to film the “dirty dancing scene” in Crazy, Stupid, Love.

While filming the scene at Gosling’s house where Stone leaps into his arms a-la Dirty Dancing, the actress had a full-on meltdown. According to Stone, she suffered a freak accident while doing gymnastics as a kid and broke both of her arms. They ended up using a body double to film the actual scene. Crazy.

3. Alicia Silverstone actually didn’t know how to pronounce “Haitians” in Clueless.

Like her character, Silverstone had made the mistake IRL when trying to pronounce Haitians during her speech scene. Director Amy Heckerling told Entertainment Weekly:

The first day we shot the scene in debate class and Alicia said, ‘Hate-i-ans’ instead of ‘HaitiansEverybody started to run up to her to tell her she was wrong. I had to stop them. It’s SO much funnier the way she said it. That was Cher.

4. The director of When Harry Met Sally—Rob Reiner—showed Meg Ryan exactly how he wanted her to fake her orgasm…in front of his own mother.

Who can forget Ryan’s memorable f-orgasm in Katz’s Deli (side-note, I recreate the scene every time I’m knee-deep in a pastrami sandwich at Katz’s). Reiner told The Daily Beast he sat across the table from Billy Crystal and showed Ryan just what he wanted…and his mother had been there, too.

She did two or three [takes], and she did it kind of weakly…I think she was nervous about having to do it in front of the cast, crew, and everybody. And finally, I said, ‘Here, Meg—this is what I’m looking for.’ And I sat down opposite Billy and I acted it out. I pounded the table again and again going, ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’ and when we were done, I turned to Billy and said, ‘Uh-oh, I just realized I had a huge orgasm in front of my mother!'”

5. Jason Segel actually went through the “naked breakup scene” from Forgetting Sarah Marshall in real life.

Everyone remembers the epic scene in the movie where Sarah dumps Jason’s character while he’s naked eating cereal (who can forget?!?) Turns out, it happened to Segel in real life.

That scene is autobiographical. I got broke-up with while naked in real life. My girlfriend had been out of town and she called me from the airport like, ‘Hey are you at home? I’m back, can I come over?’ And I thought, ‘Yeah, okay, I know what’s about to happen.’ So when she got there I was waiting for her like Burt Reynolds, and she said, ‘We need to talk.’ Then this break-up commences.

6. Melissa McCarthy based her character from Bridesmaids on none other than Guy Fieri, the mayor of Flavortown.

McCarthy said that when they asked her what she wanted, she got hella specific.

They [the costume team] were like, ‘What is it that you want?’ and I was like, ‘I want to dress like Guy Fieri. I tried to get this in the movie, but it didn’t make it in, but every time I took off my sunglasses, I’d put them on the back of my head.

7. The 40-Year-Old Virgin almost didn’t get made into a film because studios thought Steve Carell’s character seemed too much like a serial killer.

While it goes down as one of the funniest comedies ever, it almost didn’t get made. Carell said:

After the first week Universal pulled the plug. So we had to go in, we had only been shooting for five days, and they said ‘we’ve been watching footage and…you look like a serial killer,”We hadn’t shot any dialogue! It was me riding my bike with a weird helmet and me walking down the street and seeing suggestive posters. Just that week compiled they went ‘Oh no, this is NOT a comedy.’

8. During the filming of Love & Other Drugs, Anne Hathaway actually flashed the cast and crew by accident.

Hathaway told Hollywood Life that this particular scene always comes back to haunt her as one of the most embarrassing to film.

The scene where I have to remove my trench coat and be nude underneath. I thought we were filming, but it turned out we were just rehearsing and I got unnecessarily naked in front of a lot of people.

9. 10 Things I Hate About You’s film title was inspired by the co-writer Karen McCullah’s diary entry about a boyfriend she loathed.

I had a boyfriend named Anthony that I was frequently unhappy with. I made a list called ‘Things I Hate About Anthony.’ When Kirsten Smith and I decided to write this, I went through all of my high school diaries. When I told her about that list, she was like, ‘That’s our title.’ Anthony is very proud of that fact. We’re still friends today. Every now and then I’ll get a phone call in the middle of night: ‘My nephew doesn’t believe that this title is about me. Tell him.’ On the phone, I’m like, ‘Yes, I hated Anthony in high school.’

10. The director of No Strings Attached told Ashton Kutcher he was “taking too long to finish” while recording a sex scene.

According to Kutcher, the director had spoken to him about “finishing sooner.”

“Ivan [Reitman, the director] comes in and is like, ‘I think you need to orgasm sooner.” So you’re trying to, but your male machismo is like, ‘No, no, it would take me much longer than this!'”

11. Molly Ringwald wanted a completely different actor to play Jake Ryan in Sixteen Candles.

Ringwald told Entertainment Weekly:

It was between two men — well, young men. It was Michael Shoeffling, who ended up being cast, and Viggo Mortensen, who had just moved from Denmark. t got to the Jake Ryan shot, and we had the kissing scene. Michael Shoeffling did not kiss me during the audition — and Viggo Mortensen did. He made me weak in the knees. Absolutely.

12. Rita Wilson made Tom Hanks see Nia Vardalos’ one-woman show, and he immediately wanted to produce My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

Nobody would read [the script] and I didn’t have any representation, so I jumped on stage and started doing the material as a one-person show. I thought, ‘Well, the agents will come, and maybe I can play a bridesmaid. The next thing I know, Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman, who had just formed Playtone, came to the show. Tom called me after and said, ‘I’m gonna make your movie.

13. David O. Russell originally wanted to cast Zooey Deschanel and Vince Vaughn to play the lead characters in Silver Linings Playbook. 

Although Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper landed the lead roles in the film, Russell originally didn’t have them in mind.

 I wrote this script five years ago and I rewrote it 20 times. And I thought I was going to make it with Vince Vaughn and Zooey Deschanel before I made The Fighter. And then it didn’t happen, for any number of reasons that were out of my hands.”


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