Anime and Dating Culture in Japan

Dating can be difficult, but it’s actually fun once you find someone with the same interests as you do.


Take anime, for example. While many adults think liking anime is weird or childish, those who like it understand how you feel.


To celebrate love, here are some fun facts about dating in Japan which inspired romantic anime. You’ll also read about love lessons and romantic tips, and find out what to watch on a date night.

Japanese dating culture

The dating cultures between Japan and the West are very different from each other. So much so that some Westerners and Japanese have had embarrassing hiccups when trying to date in other countries.


Unlike Western countries where online dating has been popular for a long time, Japan was initially resistant because of the social stigma surrounding the activity. Japanese women in particular originally thought that these websites are just for hookups, which is a major taboo in the country.


But because of the declining birth rate and increasing numbers of adults either marrying later in life or not getting married at all, the Japanese government has taken action. Their involvement has reduced people’s reluctance towards online dating, for as long as it will help them get into a serious relationship that leads to marriage.


Just like in the West, Japanese singles who are looking for love have different personalities. And those who have a geeky side have a more difficult time finding a date. Luckily, there are websites that cater to the anime dating and other interests.Anime is a special world, and what makes it even more special is when you can share it with someone who feels just as passionate about it as you do.

What lessons can we learn from anime that can be applied in real life?

Life is hard, especially if you’re single and want to find the one. If you’re feeling down right now, here are some lessons that were taken from popular anime to inspire you:

Never give up on love.

NarutoSword Art Online, and Shakugan no Shana taught us that even when it’s difficult, being with the one you love in the end is worth all the heartbreaks.
If you truly love someone, be ready to let them go.
But sometimes, breaking free from the one you love is more important than sticking together. In Zero no Tsukaima, Louise teleported Saito back to Japan to keep him safe from the war, even though they might not see each other again.

Follow your heart.

While logic and reasoning are important in making decisions, there are times when only the heart can guide you towards the correct path. Just like in Shakugan no Shana, when Shana had to choose between her duty as a Flame Haze and her love for Yuji. She ended up choosing Yuji and did not regret it.

Romantic tips from anime

While anime adds some fantastical themes to their romance that can be too good to be true, it still gives a good picture of what dating is like. Here are some tips on how you can become romantic as learned from popular anime characters:


● Show your lover you appreciate them by giving them their favorite snacks. In Kono Oto Tomare, Satowaoverheard Chika praise her new playing style. Overcome with emotions, she then rushed to the store and bought every strawberry snack (Chika’s favorite) available so she can give them to him.
● Be with them on special occasions. In Fruits Basket, Saki tells Yuki and Kyo that it will be Tohru’s first New Year’s without her mom, who recently passed away. So the boys rushed back home to accompany her.
● The best way to get what you want is to ask for it. In Toradora, when Taiga and Ryuji finally kiss for the first time, Taiga just kept saying, “Another.” Swoon!

What anime is worth watching on a date night?

Date night is all about creating sparks, so what better way to achieve that than watching romantic anime, like:


● Revolutionary Girl: Utena: The Adolescence of Utena(1999). Boys would enjoy this too since it has fight scenes.
● The Anthem of the Heart (2015). A slice-of-life movie with some romance, this movie will break your heart. So prepare some tissues!
● Macross: Do You Remember Love? (1984). Based on the Macross TV series, it features transforming mecha, ‘80s pop music, and a love triangle.

Your love story starts now

If you enjoy watching your favorite anime characters fall in love, what more when you experience it firsthand? After all, wouldn’t it be amazing to find your ride or die, your person, the Inuyasha to your Kagome?


Imagine being confessed to by your ideal person. Then you go on your first date, and another, and another. As an added bonus: you watch anime together when you don’t feel like going out. That love story can be yours.

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