Woman Hands Out Pamphlets To Her Family Answering All Of Their Obnoxious Questions About Her Dating Life

If you have a family and you go on dates, you know that telling your family you’re going on a date means you’ll be bombarded with endless questions about every intimate detail they can possibly think of. How do you combat this? Apparently, make a pamphlet that answers every single question before they get the change to even ask them.

Twitter user Mary Beth Barone shared the pamphlet she provided to her family while on vacation in Florida.


Barone told BuzzFeed that she met a guy in Florida at a wedding a few weeks before going on vacation with her family. She planned to meet him in Miami for a date, but, was unsure how to approach her entire family about leaving to go on a date—all 30 people. So, instead of fielding all of their questions, Barone made a pamphlet that answered everything they would most likely ask her about her date.


The pamphlet started with a: “Please remain calm,” with a beautiful, calming ocean to make sure they do stay calm.


The questions went from “who is this guy,” to “where did you meet him,” to “what’s the parking situation,” and so on. Barone answered probably every question her parents/extended family would ask.


Barone told BuzzFeed that her family is truly nosy and invasive—but, she is to them, too. In fact, when she gave them the pamphlets, they loved it.

“I know that all their questions come from a place of love and caring, and I was glad I could ease any worries by overcommunicating.”

And, as it turns out, the date went super well. Unfortunately, the guy ghosted her afew weeks later—because, you know, men are dicks.

However, people online were truly in love with the idea to make a pamphlet to field super invasive and annoying questions instead of actually answering them out loud.




Clearly, Mary needs to make a “how to” video on mastering the art of combating big, annoying, nosy families because—we all truly need it.

h/t: BuzzFeed

Woman Gets Dumped On Valentine’s Day After Treating The Waitress Poorly

From a very young age, my grandmother told me to pay close attention to how my significant other treats waitstaff when we’re out at a restaurant. For some, it’s a way to see someone else’s “true colors” to see how they treat those who are there to “serve them.” For others, it’s not a huge deal. In my mind—if you treat a server poorly, you’re a complete piece of sh*t and I’m not going to go out with you again. Apparently, I’m not alone in feeling this way.

Reddit user lustfulspiritanimal shared a story on the subreddit “Tales From Your Server” about one couple’s Valentine’s Day date that went horribly, horribly wrong.

Last night I was taking care of a party of 16 and a few other tables of just couples. The party of 16 was needy, but they were aware of it and remained friendly…except “Angie”…

The first incident with “Angie” was not taking her order first. I went around the table, got to her, and she let out a “jfc, about time. People are thirsty.” I continued with drink orders, walking around the table to place coasters, started walking away and heard “excuse me miss, but where is my drink???” I tell her “I haven’t left the table yet. It will be here shorty.” Her boyfriend, “Luis,” apologizes for her and I carry on with my routine.

The second incident was when Angie ate Rebecca’s appetizer (which was dropped off by a food runner). Angie’s excuse (which she uses again later on…) “How am I supposed to know what I ordered?”

Luis: “Babe, you didnt even order an appetizer.”

Angie (looking right at me): “Well this dumb bitch shouldn’t have put it in front of me if it wasn’t mine.”

Once again, apologies from Luis on Angie’s behalf.

Things like this continue to happen throughout the night. But the group is fun and I ignore it. Everyone is in conversation when I bring the checks. Luis tells me to put them next to him and he will pass them out.

I’m having a conversation with a lovely couple on their first date when Angie walks over to the table and starts yelling. “You’re so fucking lazy that you can’t even hand our checks to us. You just throw them on the fucking table. How are we supposed to know what we ordered??? You need to get our ass back to our table and quit talking to your friends and do your fucking job!!!”

The guy from the table I was talking to just looked at her like “wtf? This crazy bitch.” I’m looking at him like “I know, right?”

I tell her that I’ll get a manager and she can speak with them. I tell my manager everything and she just gets this wonderfully evil smile on her face. She tells me not to return to the table and to give the interrupted couple the employee discount and a dessert.

As I’m doing this, I look over and see Angie and Luis talking to my manager. Angie is waving her arms around like a wacky inflatable man. My manager is still smiling like a creep. Luis is rolling his eyes. Everyone signs their checks and leaves. I pick them up and see that the tips on all of them have been scratched out. I walk outside and see Rebecca #2, ask her about it, and she gets visibly pissed, and has the entire part resign copies of their checks. Luis and his brother come up to me, apologize again, and hand me $40 cash.

Then the best thing ever happens.. Luis walks downstairs to Angie. I have no idea what he said. But the entire floor heard “YOU’RE GONNA DUMP ME FOR SOME STUPID WAITRESS??? FUCK HER! FUCK YOU! YOU’RE A DUMB BITCH TOO!”

It just goes to show you—being kind goes a long way. Being rude to servers is wrong to begin with, but, who knows—you could end up getting dumped on Valentine’s Day by your boyfriend for being an absolute nightmare of a human being.

h/t: Reddit.

Woman Gets Sweet Revenge On The Perv Who Sent Her D*ck Pics

Women online today go through more harassment than anyone can imagine. With Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter all having settings that allow you to “slide into someone’s DMs,” men believe it’s the perfect way to send anything they’d like through the virtual world—inluding unsolicited pictures of their junk.

26-year-old Tara Natasha from Cardiff, Wales recently shared the story of how she was sexually harassed online by a guy who would not stop sending her d*ck pics.


Natasha said that she had gotten an add on Snapchat from a random guy and immediately, he sent her two XXX photos right there in her Snap messages.

“It was 1am when I got a random add on my Snapchat. The guy immediately sent me two photos of him naked and one of his face. I completely ignored it at first, but half an hour later he sent me a crude message.”


After ignoring him, Natasha realized the guy wasn’t going to leave her alone. So, instead, she decided to troll him sarcastically. However, he didn’t think that it was sarcasm and instead thought that Natasha was trying to meet up with him. Like anyone else, she went with it to troll him even more.


Instead of sending him her exact address, Natasha sent him to somewhere that anyone would know—Buckingham Palace. Turns out, this guy knows nothing and immediately was ready to invade the palace all to get some action.

She added:

“It was so funny I couldn’t cope. When he was approaching Buckingham Palace, he still didn’t click.”

Natasha said:

“He then realized and he just went mad, he did not appreciate it at all. He told he had drove forty minutes from outside of London and had spent so much money on petrol.”

“He then started sending me abusive messages. He started threatening me and told me he would come find me. I just had to end up blocking him. I do hope he has calmed down now, and just sees it as a bit of banter.”

In all honesty, that’s revenge done right. 

I’m Slowly Learning That Not Everything In Life That Annoys Me Warrants A Reaction

So many times in life, I let little (and big) things drain me. When I’m bothered by something, I let it consume me to the point of no return. I overthink it, I underthink it, I think sideways and backward about it. When something hurts me, offends me, or puts me in a mental space that I don’t like, I immediately react to it—as though someone flipped a switch on my attitude and put a black cloud of rain over my head. My entire day becomes a sequence of verbally spewing the things that bothered me over and over again to anyone who will listen. My entire aura around me becomes disrupted and anything that could make me happy just doesn’t.

The more this happens to me, the more it bothers me. I don’t want to be the person that has a hot trigger on every single part of them. I don’t want to be the girl that gets angry on a whim, who lets every little thing in life get under her skin and drive her mad. Not only is it unhealthy for my mental health, but it puts a bad vibe around me—one that people don’t want to be around.

This year, I’m slowly learning that everything in life that bothers me doesn’t need to disrupt my energy. I’m slowly learning that everything that happens in life does not warrant a reaction from me.

Allowing negative energy to invade my space gives other people and other situations power over me. It allows others to have the power to bring me down and ruin my day. It’s allowing someone to live in my mind—rent free—just because they did something that ticked me off. Reacting to everything that people do wrong won’t make them do things right, it’ll just make me angry.

Instead of complaining, or yelling, or reacting to situations that upset me, I’m learning to rise above it all. I take it all in—realize that whatever has happened has annoyed me and choose to let it go. I roll it off my shoulders, I put it in a safe place, and close the box on it, lock and key.

In life, people think that saying nothing means that you’re a doormat—easy to walk all over and easy to take advantage of. But this year, I’m deciding that saying nothing means you’re a wall—a brick wall—one that cannot be blown over at the sight of adversity and struggle.

Reacting to everything in life won’t change what has happened. It won’t make people love me anymore. It won’t rewind time to fix the situation. Reacting to everything will only drain me—mentally and emotionally. It will allow me to sink below the surface with weights tied to my ankles, struggling to get back to the surface. It will surround my life with grays, and blacks—dull and dark.

This year, instead of letting everyone invade my space, I’m letting things go.

25 Of The Smallest Reasons People Have Ended Their Relationship For Good

Everyone has their pet peeves and deal breakers in relationships. Small and big, if something is off for you, you just know it. Why stay in a relationship in which you are unhappy when there are so many fish in the sea, right? While some people end relationships for big disagreements—like marriage, children, maybe even religious/moral differences and beliefs, there are those who end relationships for much smaller, petty reasons. Frankly, I’ve never ended a relationship for a “small” issue, they have always been big, glaring red flags. But, these people have ended relationships for teeny, tiny problems and I’m actually intrigued.


I play tennis and I dated a guy that wouldn’t play with me, according to him “unless I was prepared to lose”. Like we couldn’t just rally and play for fun. There had to be a definite winner and loser and according to him that would’ve been me. What a jackass.



After we saw interstellar, he told me he didn’t like it and didn’t “get it”. I know it’s crazy but I love movies and that just made me realize we were not compatible.



His kisses always tasted like milk.



When we held hands on our second date, he swung his arms up and down and up and down. I though my arm was going to pop out of its socket. I knew that was the end.



We were leaving Walmart while it was raining and all he had was a bag of socks. He continued to push the cart out of the store and I said we should leave it at the cart return inside so employees don’t have to go out in the rain to get it and other people have a dry cart. He pushed it to his car and left it in the rain. I didn’t go out with him again.



He talked in a baby voice. At first I thought it was a one-off weird occurrence but then he did it far more often. And during serious conversations. Final straw was when he baby talked in front of my friends while we were out to dinner.
Baby boy, bye!!



I once ended things with someone after we went out for drinks and he said “salute” instead of “salud” when we did a cheers.



He always answered the phone by saying “Good Morning!” – didn’t matter what time of day it was.



He showed up for a date wearing a sweater vest.



I was already contemplating breaking up with him, when he made me watch the Minions movie. He had been hyping it up for months and finally convinced me to watch it. When it was over, he turned me and said “wasn’t that horrible? it’s probably the worst movie I’ve ever seen.” That months-long Minions lie was the last straw.



I broke up with a guy because he was an extremely picky eater. I respect people’s tastes and all, but it’s really important to me that in a relationship my partner and I can try new foods together especially when we travel. To me, trying new foods is a wonderful experience and I don’t want to be with someone who isn’t brave enough to try new things.



He hated cilantro. End of story.



He never got me barbaque sauce for my fries at fast food resteraunts, I would ask him to do it when we were at drive thrus and it was too much of an inconvenience for him.



He’d say “open the light” instead of “turn on the light” and every food he ate, he chewed loudly. Two non-negotiables for me are improper grammar and any obnoxious noises emitted from ones head, including chewing and snoring and coughing. Ughhhhh PTSD.



He didn’t read books. Like ever.



He wouldn’t let me practice my clarinet around him. Sure, I was horrible at it, but come on, at least be supportive!



I can’t really call it a relationship because we hadn’t even gone on a date yet, but we’d been texting after matching on bumble. I realized quickly that things wouldn’t work out when I told him about my cat and how she’s perfect in every single way, and he said she wasn’t as perfect as his. I literally told him “I don’t think I can talk to you anymore” and stopped texting him. There were other reasons it wouldn’t have worked, but that was kind of a big one.



i didn’t want to buy him a present on the trip i was about to go on.



He peed behind a tree in a parking lot at the county fair. He walked by bathrooms and did this. No.



He didin’t like to cuddle, hated Harry Potter and sushi.



My dog hated him and he may have been a world record holder for worlds quickest lay.



I broke up with my high school bf because the bandaid on his finger came off while we were making out. We never found it.



He pronounced “because” like “be-iz” and after a month I could not take it anymore. Drove me up the wall.



Dated a guy who was a HARDCORE movie-talker. Whether it was a horror movie, drama, or comedy.. he would talk and make comments out loud (REALLY Loud) throughout the entire movie. So much so that we would get dirty looks from ppl trying to enjoy the movie. Oh and also, his breath smelled really bad. maybe i was already annoyed by his talking that i noticed his breath but he was just SO oblivious to everything (the breath, the inconsideration for everyone around him, etc). Had to end it.



He was great, but when he fell asleep he breathed SO WEIRD. I couldn’t stand it.


Guy Pathetically Attempts To Pick Up A Married Woman Online, Fails Horribly

Having the balls to message someone on social media—or “slide into their DMs as the kids like to call it—takes serious guts. Not everyone has the confidence to hit on a complete stranger on social media. However, some enjoy the thrill of being able to hide behind the front of a keyboard and a screen. And, even if you’re the type to message people online, you should respect when they say “no,” or “uninterested.” But, everyone with a social media account knows this is never the case. Like, this married woman who was messaged online by a stranger who couldn’t take “no” for an answer…even after she blocked him.

He had an entire saga planned on how to approach her.

But, from the start, she said she was uninterested—especially in this weird role play sh*t.

And, that didn’t stop him.

She even told him that she’s married.

But, that didn’t stop him, either.

She couldn’t keep it together over the stupidity.

After blocking him, he made another account to message her.

And, he didn’t stop there, either.

She even tried in other languages to turn him down.

But, he wasn’t done.

However, she was.

Thank God I don’t use social media a lot because—nope.

15 Things You’ll Only Understand If You Despise Physical Contact

For some reason, people absolutely love to be “touchy-feely.” No matter how many times you try to stop them, ask them not to touch you, or avoid people altogether, it’s impossible to stop people from hugging you and even stroking you. *Shudders* If you’re like me, and you hate human contact altogether, you’ll know that trying to avoid it is almost a job.

1. You are constantly angry while out in public because no one understands “personal space.”

2. You despise the holidays and family events because you know your family will make you “hug and kiss” literally everyone.

3. You don’t understand why everyone wants to hug and give “cheek kisses” every single time you see them.

4. When people touch your hair or your clothing when complimenting you, it’s like the absolute f**king worst.

5. Or, when people tap you to get your attention. Gagging.

6. You constantly carry around hand sanitizer because who knows where people’s hands have been.

7. Everyone you know says you’re a “cold” person.

8. But you’re really not a cold person at all.

9. You just think human beings are annoying and don’t understand the idea of consent.

10. When guys try to dance with you at bars and clubs, you always have your fists in a ball ready to battle.

23 Words Everyone Really Needs To Stop Saying In 2019

Language is not set in stone; it’s continuously changing and evolving. It’s marvelous how new words come into existence and old words take on new meanings. And we’re all for it! But there are some words that just get used way too much. It’s like overexposure with celerities—someone skyrockets to fame and is seen everywhere, constantly, until the previously adoring public gets sick of them.

These words have weaseled their way into our daily lexicon and refuse to go away. They have become household words used by your mom, and they are just no longer cool. They’ve overstayed their 15 minutes of fame and they need to pack up their little bindles and be on their way. Sorry, words.

1. Lit

Lit used to mean kinda drunk, but then it morphed into meaning anything that’s wild fun, like parties. As of 2019, let’s try to come up with new ways to describe our parties because lit is played out.

2. Bae

Bae is technically short for “babe.” What’s with all the shortening of words? Are we really that busy?

3. Feels

As in, having “feels” or worse, having “all the feels.” It’s okay, people, we can throw that “ing” back into the word, we’re not saving all that much time by cutting it out.


GOAT is an acronym for Greatest Of All Time. But truly, how many things can be the greatest? Not many, that’s how many. This expression is way too overused.

5. This

The word “this” is, of course, a completely necessary word, a definite article used often, with no problems. You want “this” outfit, you don’t want “this” hamburger that’s been sitting on the floor for 10 minutes. Fine. But over the last few years, “this,” preceding a link or a tweet and posted on social media, has become a way for people to express that they endorse or second something. And it also very annoying, mainly just to how overused and lazy it is.

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6. Yasss Kween

No, Kween. NO. Bad! Stop saying that. TV, tweets, Facebook, memes, everybody just stop saying it.

7. Yoked

Yoked is used for someone who’s super muscular and beefy. It comes from the yoke that’s put around the next of oxen when they’re pulling something. Unless you are talking about one of those Budweiser horses, though, let’s just go back to saying “cut” or “fit” or just anything that is not “yoked.”

8. Same

It was cute for a while, but now it’s got to go. We were doing just fine with “same here” or “me too” or even “ditto” like in the movie Ghost.

9. Shook

Shook used to mean really shook up, but now, thanks to internet usage, it barely means anything anymore. People are “shook” by just about anything, good or bad. That’s when you know a word has to go.

10. Big d*ck energy

This was a fun lil’ moment in time when the world became, thanks to Ariana Grande, cognizant of the size of comedian Pete Davidson’s, um, member. For a little while, everything was “big d*ck energy,” but now that phrase is tired and has used up all its energy. Thank u, next.

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