Living With Anxiety

Anxiety is something that I have struggled with since I was little. They called me the worrier of the family. As we all go through this uncertain time in life I am sure we all feel that our anxieties are a a higher level than normal. 


My anxiety in particularl always feels high. Now you throw a global pandemic into the mix and my anxiety level is off the charts. So here are some things I am doing to manage: 


Hot Shower

This is something that has always helped me calm down. I even find it helpful when my anxiety is really high is to lay in the tub and listen to the water fall. It reminds me of the rain. With a few deep breaths I can feel the anxiety coming down. 


Talking to a Friend

We are all feeling a little isolated right now so this will help your friend as well. So far I have had FaceTime lunch dates. I have drove down by the river and parked next to a friend and sat and talked. Sometimes you just need to talk to someone new. 


Things You Should Know Before Dating The Girl Who Conceals Her Anxiety

Anxiety Concealed

People with concealed anxiety often feel anxiety the most intensely because we tend to suppress it a lot. We don’t like to talk about it, we don’t want to admit when we’re overwhelmed, and we will never say when we’re not okay. In fact, it’s probably our worst fear for someone to see us struggling.


1. We’d rather deal with it alone.

We don’t want anyone’s sympathy; we don’t want these labels: The one with anxiety. The one who’s vulnerable. The one with an uneasiness to trust. Because this is only a part of us; but the part that we need to fight every time someone tries to get close to us nevertheless.


The Strongest Girls Are The Girls With Anxiety

Her Anxiety

She’s been battling her anxiety for quite some time and she continues to do so with bravery. She’s not a victim of her mental illness, because she knows in her heart that she’s so much more than the demons that live in her mind. 

1. She’s learned to hold her head up high when the chaos in her mind consumes her, so the word weakness is practically not in her vocabulary.

She’s a strong girl because she manages to survive the battlefield that is her life, dealing with a mental illness that takes a lot of courage to tame and survive on a daily basis.

She manages to function because she’s tried every coping mechanism possible and she has found ways that help her calm her anxious heart. She pushes forward with determination.

20 Things Your Friends With Anxiety Wish You Knew

With all of the info out there about Anxiety and the plight of those suffering from it, you probably think you know how to interact with someone suffering from this disease, but have you ever found yourself in a situation where a friend starts avoiding you or limiting contact with you, seemingly out of nowhere?

Unless you did something terrible and are too much of an ignoramus to realize it, chances are your friend has Anxiety and took a casual comment VERY personally, whether you meant it that way or not. For those of us suffering from Anxiety, it’s extremely difficult for us NOT to take things personally.


What follows is a list of things we wish our loved ones knew:


1. We are not anti-social!

It’s not that we don’t enjoy hanging out, but often doing so comes with so much inner baggage (Will they like what I’m wearing? What if I say the wrong thing? Do they REALLY want me there?) that it becomes easier not to go at all.


2. If we make even the slightest faux-pas we will disappear for weeks.

We’d rather not see the people who witnessed our misstep then risk having to be reminded of it.


Please Forgive Me For All the Times My Social Anxiety Got in The Way of Our Friendship


I’m a chronic plans canceler, there I said it, but that doesn’t make me a bad friend. My excitement when I originally made plans with you was genuine, it wasn’t fake. You’re my friend, and I love you, and it’s always exciting to spend time with you. I mean, nothing makes me happier than to enjoy a margarita, and a plate of nachos together. But what happened from the time we made the plans to when it was actually time to go is a battle I’m exhausted of fighting.


See, the moment I realize that tonight I have to leave the comfort zone of my house, my heart starts to beat a bit faster. I get this clammy feeling and I feel a little nauseous, but it has nothing to do with you. It’s all me and my head, believe me. I suffer from social anxiety, a condition triggered by social interaction that heightens… no… maximizes the anxiety in my body. I know it’s difficult to understand, because you’ve known me forever and we’ve spent countless nights together that you probably didn’t realize I was anxious, so let me explain.


8 Small Ways To Combat Anxiety When It’s At Its Worst

When I first experienced anxiety in high school, I didn’t understand what was happening to me. Why was I always so sad? Why did my heart beat so fast? Why was I worrying all the time and why couldn’t I breathe? When I was able to put a label on it, go to therapy and figure out how to deal with it, it was so much easier to handle my issues. Even though I have come to terms with how to handle my anxiety, for someone who is just experiencing anxiety for the first time (and there’s definitely a lot of people who don’t know how to handle it), it can be a very jarring experience.  Something that was really difficult for me to deal with when my anxiety attacks were getting worse, was how to deal with the anxiety in a public place. I knew how to handle myself when I was home, in my own space but when I started having anxiety attacks in public: in class, in the bar, at work… it was a real problem. But, I’ve learned there are ways to handle anxiety in situations that are always going to help – especially when panic attacks strike.


1. Remove yourself from any situation that triggers you.

When you feel an anxiety attack coming on, the first thing you should do is remove yourself from whatever situation you’re in. Clearly, what you’re doing or where you are is what therapists call “a trigger.” Whether that’s at the office, out with friends, or at a party, just get out of where you are. Your anxiety could be made worse by the crowd surrounding you or the situation you’re in so it’s best to step aside. Once you feel as though you’re in a safer environment, your mood and anxiety will shift.


2. Try the 4-2-4 breathing method.

The best breathing exercise for anxiety is four in, hold two, four out; inhale for four seconds and hold it in for 2 seconds, then exhale for four seconds. Once you have the rhythm going, you’ll feel much better and be able to think a little more clearly. Focus on your breathing and how your body feels. Even focus on your stomach as the air goes in and out. Getting your mind off of whatever is worrying you and focusing in on something will be helpful.

To Every Girl Who Hides Her Anxiety Behind A Smile

“Smile, breathe, and go slowly.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Just the fact that you’re able to carry a smile on your face when your whole body feels tense and apprehensive, is a sign of strength. You might not even know it, and you might refuse to believe that you’re brave, but trust me, you are.

You’re coping with your anxiety as best you can, so please be gentle with your soul.

I bet you didn’t know that your best would be considered and unbearable, a monumental task to someone who doesn’t have to deal with anxiety on a daily basis. You’re a courageous, sweet and beautiful soul who happens to suffer from fear, apprehension and irrational thoughts, so please believe that you’re so much more than your anxiety.

Yes, more often than not, you have to come face to face with all the fears that you mind constructs and spits at your soul, but you fight back. You put on a smile and at the same time try to talk yourself out of the darkness in your mind by doing your best at being rational, after all, it’s your best weapon against irrational thoughts.

Dating A Girl With Anxiety Can Be The Best Thing That Ever Happened To You – Here’s How To Do It

Having anxiety is not an easy battle. Some days, you feel on top of the world, enjoying life, like nothing can bring you down. Other days, you wake up feeling trapped in your own body – crawling out of your own skin as though you’re a prisoner who cannot escape. Anxiety is a real illness, no matter how many people deny its existence and as someone who suffers with it on a regular basis, it is harshly real.


Just because you have an illness that is not physical—unable to be seen on your body by the naked eye – does not mean it is invalid or nonexistent. With the numerous stigmas against mental illness within society, it makes it even harder for people who struggle with anxiety to speak out and get themselves the proper help needed to aid in their battles.


This, of course, makes everyday situations in life increasingly difficult. For example: relationships.


While dating is hard enough on it’s own for someone of pristine health – it’s even harder when you’re someone who suffers from anxiety and panic disorders. But, if you give the girl with anxiety a chance – looking past the stress, the worries, the overthinking – it can be one of the best relationships you’ll ever have in your life.


Girls with anxiety are not people who are sick – girls with anxiety are warriors.


We wake up every day knowing that—there’s a chance my anxiety will be bad today or, there’s a chance my anxiety will be good today—but, we never truly know. Does that stop us?


Here’s To The Girls With Anxiety, They Are Warriors In Disguise


She’s been battling her anxiety for quite some time and she continues to do so with bravery. She’s not a victim of her mental illness, because she knows in her heart that she’s so much more than the demons that live in her mind. 

1. She’s learned to hold her head up high when the chaos in her mind consumes her, so the word weakness is practically not in her vocabulary.

She’s a strong girl because she manages to survive the battlefield that is her life, dealing with a mental illness that takes a lot of courage to tame and survive on a daily basis.

She manages to function because she’s tried every coping mechanism possible and she has found ways that help her calm her anxious heart. She pushes forward with determination.

2. She knows how important it is to not give up because she’s got so much to give and she can’t allow her condition to dictate her life.

She has goals and dreams like everyone else, and all she wants is to be able to be herself.

Yes, her anxiety plays tricks on her and sometimes it wins, but for the most part, she’s able to tap into her inner strength, fight back, and quickly get back on her feet.

Cardi B And Missy Elliot Bonding Over Their Anxiety Problems Is Too Relatable

No matter how much money you make, how many awards you get, or how famous you may be, you cannot escape the harsh realities of life. For many celebrities, fame and fortune do not protect them from very real issues—such as mental health disorders, illnesses, and other misfortunes. It’s no secret that—while some songs and people claim it can—money does not buy you happiness entirely.

Recently, Cardi B opened up on Twitter slightly about struggling with anxiety. Even after a top-notch year for the female rapper—producing an award-winning album, giving birth to her daughter Kulture, and killing it all around, Cardi suffers from mental health struggles just like any other person in society.

Not only did Cardi open up about her own mental health struggles, but another female rapper who made way for everyone in the game responded with her own take. Missy Elliot, the one and only, replied saying:

Missy even took time out to answer fans who responded to her tweet.

Even comedian Sarah Silverman showed Cardi B some love and support.

But, fans all over the world reached out to both Cardi and Missy, sharing their love and prayers for both women and sharing the endless love that they have for both female rappers. Many also thanked them for opening up about something like this so that people who also suffer from anxiety feel less alone in their struggle.

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