To The Girl With an Anxious Mind and a Guarded Heart

The world can be a cold, bitter place — your past can make you or break you, and standing on your own makes your knees shaky. But what happens when your knees are shaky but your heart loves wholly?

I’ll tell you what happens — your knees reach their breaking point and no longer can withstand their own weight, and your beautiful, untouched heart becomes guarded and covered in fingerprints you wish you could erase.

Your mind begins to wonder places it’s never been before … places it didn’t even know existed. Places that are unable to be turned away from. Anxious thoughts consume your mind and swarm every ounce of beauty you’ve spent years and years exploring.

Things become harder to comprehend, and trust becomes nonexistent. Relationships become a wasted memory and love becomes a battle you no longer want to fight.

Normal, stress-free thoughts? Do those even exist anymore? You can’t think straight and even when you’re able to, it all seems so foreign. Your mind wanders and creates scenarios of complete nonsense. And every little thing stresses you out. Literally.

You can distinguish logic from ridiculousness, but your guarded heart and anxious mind take control. You may even begin to wander how to make it by and how each day passes without entering a complete anxiety attack.

But one thing we need to remind our anxious minds and guarded hearts is just this:

There is nothing wrong with us, and although our thoughts and actions are completely irrelevant to just about every situation, we are normal functioning people.

There is someone out there who will come along and truly make you understand and realize exactly why it never worked out with anyone else. And just why you built the wall of China around your heart.

Just because you may not understand yourself does not mean that you are alone or that no one else will be able to understand or deal with you. There is a special someone out there that will understand more than you have ever or will ever understand yourself.

This I promise you.
Your mind will eased and your heart will begin to beat again with all of it’s beauty.

Hidden Anxiety

When someone looks at me, I look happy.


I get out of bed and put on the smile to show the world that I have got this. And I am not scared of what is coming my way. I have got it all together. Because I am happy. Life is good. These are the things that I tell myself anyway. I tell myself that I look happy, like nothing in the world is wrong. 


Inside, I am battling. My mind is at war every day. I am worried about what the future will hold. Will we make it through the month? And will the car make it until I can afford to get a new one? Will I be able to make it through the hard times? What is going to happen? These are the consistent questions that I deal with. This causes a spiral of things to happen. 


First I start getting irritated. Severely irritated with the people around me. To strangers I can be super nice. To my friends and family I am mean. I am doing everything I can to push these people away from me. Because in my head I am a terrible person who just needs to be alone. By the end of the night I find myself in bed alone. Feeling pretty numb. My mind still spinning with thoughts. Worries of the past present a future. 


19 Things To Know Before Dating Someone With An Outgoing Personality But An Anxious Mind

Outgoing people with anxious minds – or minds that over-think – tend to feel anxiety the most intensely.  We’ll never talk about it, but the truth is our self-angst is maxed out. Our personalities are confident, bold, calm even. But our minds are anxious and we require a special type of nurturing that you’re not used to, but it’ll definitely be worth it.


1. We probably won’t make the first move.

 And might ignore you the first time even if you do, but we’re not disinterested.


2. Be patient.

We don’t date just to date. Don’t let our outgoing personalities fool you – we can also be mind-numbingly introspective, questioning everything. Our over-thinking and our apprehension to immediately trust someone are, in fact, what makes us very selective about who we surround ourselves with.

18 Things You Only Understand If You Are An Anxious Over-Thinker

Anxious Overthinker

It seems today there are a million things you can worry about.

While technology continues to advance in social media, it adds a bit of confusion, among relationships with people. There is a new form of unkindness. With every unfollow or not liking a picture. It’s passive aggressive. Where there was once a time, people could argue face to face, you don’t need to anymore.

But for the anxious over thinker, social media and a million outlets, just leave us wondering, confused and worried. If there is something to over think we’ll analyze it to the core, like it’s a research subject.

But inside the mind of an over-thinker, is a dark and scary place to be. It’s made up scenarios and feeling like a prisoner inside our own minds. It seems like there’s no way of escaping. We just want to do things right and not hurt anyone. But above all not hurt ourselves either. Sometimes, the hardest thing about being an over-thinker, with anxiety, is just going with the flow of things, because we like understanding things, we like things being made simple. But it’s never that easy.

1. We read between the lines of every text.

We wonder how to respond? What is really being said? When to answer? What punctuation and emoji’s to use? We don’t want to seem to excite. We don’t want to seem like a bitch. While others, may think nothing of a text, that took us 15 minutes to write, we’re shaking in our boots wondering.

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