Dating The Astrological Signs: Aries, Taurus, and Gemini

Each of the signs have their own unique feel to them, and so their dating styles can certainly be different from eachother. What are you like in the dating world, and what’s your interest/significant other like? Assertive? Clingy? A commitment-phobe? Read further to find out how your astrological sign impacts your love life?


Want someone who lives by the seat of their pants? Aries is for you. They’re, youthful, outgoing, exciting, and they like to live on their impulses. Playing hard to get will only make them try harder, because Aries loves a challenge! Aries is the mate that walks up to you without hesitation, and says “You’re with me!” Expect to let them know that they’re the best, because they have a desire to be first in everything they do. They value honesty and are candid people so they don’t mind telling people how they really feel. They’d also prefer you be honest with them, rather than fluff over things. Sometimes this can get an Aries in trouble and so they have to learn discretion in their communications throughout their lives.

An Aries makes a great leader due to their directness and their quick mental capabilities, and so they wont mind (in fact, they might insist) on being the dominant partner in their relationship. An Aries relationship will be full of fun, adventure, lots of physical activity, communication, and unpredictability! Physically, Aries can ooze sex appeal due to their direct, “I’ll take what I want, when I want it” personality. They tend to have compact, athletic bodies, ruddy complexions, and sharp facial features. In the bedroom they usually like it rough, and intend to the one who calls the shots. Expect wrestling matches, biting, clawing, and plenty of scars to show off when you’re through! The Aries’ weak spot is their head. Run your fingers through their hair and around their scalp line and its certain to get this fire sign going.


Want a stable kind of lover that has a hard shell and a soft core? Taurus it is. If a Taurus is trying to romance you, they’re most likely playing for keeps. They love stability and tradition, and so a Taurus doesn’t mind the idea of holding a long relationship. Expect your Taurus lover to be super romantic during the courting process because their sign is ruled by Venus. They love to wine and dine, and can enjoy music,art, a good book, and poetry. If you can cook well, a Taurus will love you forever because they can really down some food! Once the courting process is over, know that a Taurus works very hard for what they want, so once you’re together they can become possessive over you!

Physically, Taurus has a sturdy look about them, but can eb and flow from strong to fluffy because of their love for sweet treats. No matter their physical beauty, a Taurus tends to ooze charm and magnetism since their sign is ruled by Venus. Taurus is slow to get started in the bedroom, but once they’re in the mood, their sweet lovins can seemingly go on forever! They love sensuality and so be prepared for slow tantric loving with massage oils, scented candles, and anything that will get your senses flowing. A Taurus’ weak spot is absolutely their neck and shoulders. Graze them gently with your fingers as you feed them their favorite food and they’ll be in Taurus heaven!


Want an intellectual social butterfly as a lover? Gemini is perfect for you! Gemini’s have a tendency to retain their youth, and can look and seem much younger than what they really are. They are bubbly, quick, bouncy, and energetic. Dating a Gemini is an adventure, because this air sign loves to flow through life like the wind! Their curiosity is never ending, they love adventure, and can talk and get along with just about anyone!

Gemini’s are turned on by intellect because they love to learn. The only catch is that they only dabble in subjects, because they aren’t the type to focus for very long. They’re most likely to be A.D.D. out of any of the astrological signs, which can certainly be entertaining because of their non-stop energy and enthusiasm. Don’t think that you can hold this dabbler down, because Gemini’s need a lot of space and freedom in their relationships. Since they live for adventure, they tend to want a fun partner to explore and learn with, rather than a relationship that is really serious. Physically, Gemini’s are normally youthful, wirey, and can have large, football shaped eyes that dart about the room, scooping up any new information they can. In the bedroom, be prepared for seductive communication.

Gemini’s are turned on by dirty talk, and can certainly charm the pants off of you with their way of words. A Gemini’s weak spot is their arms and hands and so a nice hand massage, grazing your fingers over theirs when your holding hands with them, or leading their hands where you want them to go will get their restless minds going!

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