Most parents can attest to the fact that getting pregnant is a journey with many ups and downs. For some it comes easily, for others it takes years of perfect planning to conceive.
Popular Instagram illustrator Yehuda Adi Devir is no stranger to this. In fact, Devir and his wife Maya recently became pregnant and he captured their entire experience in a series of hilariously relatable comics.
Jacq’s shared the secret underwear code she’s become familiar with:
What she really thinks about the stereotype of having “daddy issues.”
But Jacq doesn’t just joke about men, she has a bone to pick with other women who consider themselves feminist, but who don’t include the perspective of actual sex workers when they’re discussing sex work. It seems like in Jacq’s opinion, a lot of women who have never done sex work have too many opinions about it.
But she also makes it clear that everyone has a different perspective on why they get into stripping. Different strokes for different folks:
Though the girls always help each other out. There is such a thing as solidarity, especially around tampon strings:
There’s also some good life hacks, if anyone is taking some very specific liberties with you:
Jacq is turning her job into art, even though it basically already is:
And anyone who reads her book will know exactly how to act the next time they go to the club. Approach the dancers with respect and a fist full of dollar bills.