I’m Sorry #MeToo, But I Don’t Owe Anyone My Story

In the wake of the #MeToo Movement and survivors coming forward with their stories, there are a lot of emotions that come to light for me, as an assault survivor. While I support all victims and survivors and their stories, respect their decision to speak up and be part of a movement, and, disclose information in the way they see fit—for me, the movement has shed light on victims in a way that, I feel, uses them.

When I was 16-years-old, I was assaulted by someone who I was casually dating. The grasp of his hand wrapped around my wrists while I struggled to gasp for air outside fo his mouth on mine, his body pinned up against mine in the passenger seat while I tried to escape his hold on me—they all play in my mind like a black and white, silent movie. The screams I let out, weigh in the back of my mind. His hot breath creeps down my neck. I relive memories and moments of that night every single time I read a hashtag, a list, a story about #MeToo.

More often than not, women are speaking up about their own assault stories. To those who feel comfort and peace speaking up and coming forward, becoming part of a hashtag and part of a movement—that’s their own decision.

For me, personally and for my own story—I don’t feel that becoming part of a hashtag campaign will bring me peace. I don’t want sympathy, I don’t want “sorry,” and, I don’t want to hear people telling me how I should cope.

My problem that comes with the #MeToo movement is that so often, people become desensitized to stories of abuse. The more we see them, the more that we normalize them. The same thing happens with violence on the news—the more we see it, the more we hear it, the more we expect it. Speaking up brings awareness, sure, but speaking up also makes it seem that it’s normal for this to happen to young women, who are impressionable and fragile—young and naive.

When people share this hashtag online, they have no idea how it can trigger a reaction—how the words can bring back memories that haunt us, ones we have tried for far too long to hide in the back of our minds—locked away, tucked under a box, with a lock and a key we threw out years ago. Not everyone wants to speak about their abuse, not everyone wants to share their stories. And, forcing individuals to speak up—telling them they should “share their story so we can show that toxic masculinity needs to end,” it’s an unfair pressure to put on assault survivors.

I’m not saying that people who are apart of the #MeToo movement are wrong—in fact, I commend their strength and honesty, their decision to speak out. What I am saying is that just because someone shares their story, does not mean I need to share mine. While many celebrities and advocates hope to have a “chain reaction,” where countless women speak up and share their story—for some of us, we just don’t want to.

Victims do not owe anyone their stories. And, it’s time we respect this.

95-Pound Dog Bravely Turns On Owner As He Sexually Assaults His Assistant

Dogs are loyal and reliable pets to have, especially in times of crises. Our dogs can sense danger and, they often times know when to protect their owners and loved ones. However, when their owner is in the wrong, they can notice this, too. Recently, Bored Panda shared the story of a woman who was sexually assaulted by her boss, and how his dog came to her rescue.

The woman in question worked for a man as his personal assistant and often times, took care of his dog. She found out about the job from her dad, who was a colleague of the man in question.

“I learned about this job through my father as he occasionally works for this man, and he adores my dad’s work and persona. My boss is an older gentleman and has recently become single which leaves him in need of help either around the house, driving him, or walking his dog. I first met my boss in May of this year when I tagged along with my dad to renovate his kitchen. On my off days from my other job at the time, I would help my dad with his work despite being a girl.”

Obviously, after she gave the dog so much love and affection, they developed a bond.

When there’s a dog in the room, I give all my attention to the good boy or girl. The main duty in my job description was to take care of this man’s dog: walk her, feed her, play with her. I bonded with her when we first met and we reconnected around 2 weeks ago. She’s very sweet and always wants affection which I provide.

The woman shared that when she started working for him, things were normal. She had barely been working for him for a week when things got really inappropriate.

The first two days were normal because I still did not see any red flags and things were going great. Now my boss is a man who always gives hugs to ANYONE he greets. Male, female, child. So I didn’t think anything weird of it until I started to feel his hand brushing against my thighs, my hips, my lower back… Then it got to the point where he wouldn’t let me go from a hug and hold me in place and despite my protest, he combated it with, ‘don’t worry, I know you enjoy it.’ He had liked to make comments on my body and say how he enjoyed viewing me. I usually tried to laugh it off and walk away because I’m not a confronting person and am scared to hurt other’s feelings.

One day, the man took things way too far.

I was sitting on the sofa tying my shoes with the dog laying by my feet and I became surprised when I suddenly felt hands pulling on my hips. I moved forward and told him no. He came around the sofa and started walking straight towards me saying how he’s going to ‘tickle’ me.

She called on the help of the man’s dog.

I panicked and called the dog’s name along with, ‘help me’ or ‘protect me’ to distract him for a little longer before he touched me again. To my surprise, she got up and stood guard growling & barking at him. He was surprised but also laughing and told me to make her stand down and reward her by saying ‘good girl.’ My boss then walked away and didn’t touch me for the rest of the time I was there.

She shared that the dog is around 95 pounds and big, especially can be intimidating when angry. She was, however, surprised that the dog would disobey their owner.

I’m not an expert on dog behavior and I don’t understand why a dog would disobey its master over someone it barely knows. But from what I have gathered, dogs have a tendency to protect those in distress so she probably detected something was wrong and that I was panicking. Some people could say that she may ‘feel his wrath’ after disobeying him, but he really loves his dog and I don’t see any signs of an abused animal. She’s just as healthy and bright as I met her.

Unfortunately, the woman in question has not been able to quit the job. She revealed she lives paycheck to paycheck and has nothing lined up yet.  She also needs the benefits. But, people online have some advice for her.

Twitter Thread Reveals Why It’s Safer For Women To Lie To Their Male Uber Drivers

Recently, with the media focusing on women’s stories of sexual assault and harassment, many women are beginning to have conversations about the everyday situations they feel are much more dangerous to them than they are to men.
Continue reading Twitter Thread Reveals Why It’s Safer For Women To Lie To Their Male Uber Drivers

Men Confess The ‘Creepiest’ Thing A Woman Has Ever Done To Them

In life, it seems as though men get a pretty bad reputation for being creeps. Often times, we never hear about women crossing the line or being a bit “over-the-top,” when we all know pretty damn well women are guilty of doing things just as much as men are.

While I’m not saying women are equally as creepy as some dudes, there are women who do some foul things from time-to-time, so lets not always be quick to blame the man. Don’t believe me? Men are sharing the creepiest thing a woman has ever done to them and the answers will make you reconsider your stance on…well…a lot of things.

Some can’t take “no” for an answer:

Years and years back I worked in a call center and was friends with this girl. Didn’t think anything of it until she propositioned me to have sex with her. While I was flattered I told her I was dating someone else and I was not going to cheat.

Forward to a few days later I go into work and get pulled into HR, turns out she’s now filed a sexual harassment claim against me. She worked in one area away from me but they decided I needed an assigned seat beside my supervisor so that we would have no interaction period. I was fine with that until her friends started sitting not far from me, usually right in front of my field of view and she’d come over and sit and talk to them antagonizing the situation. My boss saw what was going on and brought it up to HR she was pushing the situation but it was her words not mine or my boss.

Few more weeks of me being watched like a hawk go by and I go into work only to find security and my boss waiting for me. Apparently she felt that me looking in her general direction was harassment enough so she filed another claim, this time saying I’ve been sending explicit messages and emails to her. This time my boss fought for me but I got sent home, walked out in front of the entire call center surrounded by security. I remember writing an email to HR and management that night stating I had absolutely zero contact with her since the night she propositioned me and offered my computer, a lie detector, anything to prove my innocence as long as they would question her.

Well.. They apparently brought that to her and she ends up confessing that she made the whole thing up and that she did that to another employee and got them fired because they turned her down. They let her keep her job, in fact gave her a fat severance package a few months later. I got stuck in the same punished seat, being threatened that if I told any coworker what happened I’d be fired.

I left a few weeks after that, but she had ruined my reputation, in that line of work I couldn’t find a job for anything for a while. Few years down the line she spots me on a dating app and tried to hit me up. To this day I still don’t get it.

That’s not creepy that’s assault: 

My ex stabbed me with scissors, when I got home one night. She insisted that since I didn’t answer her calls that I was cheating on her. (I was not…) Scissors went 3 inches into my gut. In a daze of confusion I wrestled her to the floor in an attempt to stop her attack.

I woke up 4 days later to learn her brother, who, while I was trying to subdue her… thought I was attacking her, hit me in the head with a cast iron skillet.

Talk about an invasion of privacy:

Was seeing the girl for like 6ish weeks. We went out one night and she said she had to work late the next day but wanted to come over after. So I gave her my apartment spare key because why not and told her to let herself in.

I ended up falling asleep waiting for her. I woke up at like 12am and noticed there was like a TV light on in the living room. I just figured she was watching something and maybe grabbing a snack before she came to bed. I got up to say hi, rounded the corner, and she was on my computer sifting through my Facebook. I asked her what she was doing and it was obvious she had no idea I was awake and freaked out. Needless to say I told her to give me my key back and showed her the door.

Funny thing is if she asked I would have let her look. I had nothing to hide. I would have thought it was weird but everyone has their trust issues. But doing something like that behind my back was not cool. To this day I never leave my computer without hitting win-L to lock it.

Straight up confusing:

I was having sex with a girl for the first time and during it she stopped and said, “I don’t think I can do this, I think I’m pregnant.” We went to sleep and after that night I continued hanging out with her for a while.

She eventually got a boyfriend and he message me on Facebook saying, “if I ever see you I’m going to kick your ass, I know what you did to her! Don’t respond to this message because I don’t want her finding out I’m messaging you.” I’m still kind of confused by the whole situation.

Coming on a bit too strong:

My 21st birthday, co-worker took me out for drinks, his girlfriend came along (I used to work with her, her boyfriend got me in his company after I got laid off)

I vomitted so much in her bathroom toilet, they went to bed. I woke up several times on her living room couch with her hand up the back of my shirt, rubbing my back. She’d notice I was awake, then go back to bed. Then come back a few minutes later.

They broke up and he told me how much she wanted to f*ck me. Oh, they were both old enough to be my parents btw

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