Woman Shares The Insane Story Of Going On A Date With A Guy Who Works In A Morgue

Some first date stories are bad. But, some first date stories are f**king awful. Like, I mean, so awful they are almost unbelievable. The ones that you hear and say: “Nah, no shot that’s true.” And then you stop and realize how truly disgusting some humans can be and swear off dating for the rest of your life.

Twitter user Jacqueline shared the story of her friend’s date with a morgue worker and—brace yourselves, this is disgusting.

Her friend met the guy on Tinder.

After the date, they hook up and have sex. It gets…graphic.

After letting him plant his seed all over her chest, she has a rash the next day.

She decides to go to the doctor, who then sends her to a dermatologist.

And, they found “tiny parasites” under her skin.

The doctor says the only way a person gets these kinds of parasites are from having sex with animals or having sex with dead people.

As it turns out—the guy works in a morgue.

I’m just…

And, Twitter feels the same.



PSA: Stop having sex with people you barely know, y’all.

Guy Discovers His Girlfriend Has Been Stashing Dirty, Used Tampons Under Their Bed

Love conquers all—or, that’s what they say. I’m pretty sure that love does not conquer your girlfriend stashing her used and dirty tampons underneath your bed—blood-covered and all, right? At least, I’d hope it doesn’t.

Recently, a Reddit user shared the horrifying and disgusting discovery he made about his girlfriend after living together for six months.

The anonymous Reddit user said that he and his girlfriend have been together a little under 2 years, but their relationship has been going great. They moved in together 6 months ago and things have been on the up and up—they’ve even discussed taking the next step to getting engaged. However, one night when goingto store some winter clothing under the bed, the guy discovered that his girlfriend has been wadding up her useddirty tampons in tissue and tossing them under the bed.

The full Reddit post reads:


People online were seriously disturbed and grossed out…obviously.

But, some people suggested that possibly, if they have a dog, it could be that the dog got into the garbage and made the mess.

Here’s to hoping it is the dog and not his weird, dirty girlfriend.

Woman Begs Internet For Advice After Receiving Horrendous Engagement Ring

Getting engaged is a monumental moment in every woman’s life—they look forward to it for years. While many woman dream of their “ideal ring,” there are those who will be happy with anything their partner chooses—with some exceptions.

One soon-to-be-bride shared her story on Reddit, saying that she was “so excited to get engaged to her boyfriend of 5 years.” However, the ring was so bad that she had no idea what to do. She said that she and her boyfriend had “discussed” some things she “didn’t want,” but she had never expected to receive this.


She asked the Internet for some help in how to approach the conversation about getting a new ring because let’s face it—she can’t rock this every day.


She then shared a photo of the ring…wow, just WOW.

I can’t even believe this is real. And, neither can Twitter.



If I were her, I’d throw my whole fiancé away, too.

Mom Threatens To ‘Punch’ Breastfeeding Moms And Their Babies In Bonkers Facebook Rant

When it comes to breastfeeding, not everyone is completely fine with the idea of a mother feeding her child in public. Although it’s completely natural and totally normal, there are still some people who are “uncomfortable” seeing it happen IRL—even other women, apparently.

Carly Clark, who lives in Spartanburg, South Carolina and works for company Petsense, posted a Facebook status warning that the next female who tries to breastfeed in front of her kids “will get a black eye.” She added that she would “punch the baby, too.”

Obviously, this is one take that is way off the deep end—especially coming from a fellow woman and mother.

Immediately following the post online, social media users began to report the status and reach out to Petsense to take action.

Many thought that she deserved to be terminated immediately because what she said was threatening and vulgar.




Following the numerous complaints and outrage from mothers and others online, Petsense issued a statement saying that Clark had been fired from the company. They also issued an apology on the company’s behalf.

Many people were happy to see the company take action and stand on the right side of this argument.

One mother, in particular, seemed to have struck a nerve with Clark. Mother KimReindeau said she received a very nasty and snarky message from Clark.

The response wasn’t any better and only served to prove how badly she deserved to get fired.

A word to the wise—keep your disgusting opinions to yourself unless you want to lose your job.

h/t: BoredPanda

Concerned Mom Points Out That Companies Should Stop Marketing ‘Diet Culture’ To Kids

Being a mom of girls today can be challenging. With society pressuring girls and trying to manipulate them into conforming to stereotypes of “beauty,” many mothers will be faced with self-esteem issues and struggles. Today, where social media is constantly reminding young girls that they are not “rich enough,” “skinny enough,” or “fun enough,” it’s hard to get a grasp on how our daughters will feel about themselves, especially when people are constantly telling them that they’re “not enough.”

Sonni Abatta—a mother, podcast host, and writer—shared her thoughts on how companies market inappropriate products and cultures to young girls. Specifically, Abatta discussed the new fad of “diet culture,” where people are joking about losing weight, skipping meals, and depriving themselves of what they really want in order to conform to the “skinny world.” Abatta saw the lunchbox in a store in Florida, placed next to a candy stand in a Nordstrom Rack. Abatta figured that due to the placement, and the color/style of the lunchbox, it was catered to young girls.

She wrote:

See this? This is a picture I snapped today of a little girl’s lunchbox that I saw for sale at a popular department store. Why do I say it’s marketed toward little girls? It’s pink, it has sequins and it was surrounded by other girls’ merchandise. So, safe to say that it’s aimed at our daughters.

I am SICKENED that this phrase is on a lunch box.

We scratch our heads when we see our little girls struggle with body image, with self worth, with confidence.

We wonder, “Why do our girls worry so much about their bodies so young?” … “Why does my five year old call herself ‘fat?’” … “Why does my middle schooler stand in front of the mirror and find all her flaws?”

THIS. This is part of the reason why.

Our world is telling our girls that it’s “cheating” if they eat something that’s not 100% fat-free and perfectly healthy. In turn, that tells them that self-control and denying herself is to be valued above all. And that if she dares to step outside of the foods that will keep her perfectly slim and trim, then she is by default “cheating” and needs to feel some sense of remorse.

Look, I’m not saying a diet of strictly sugar and chips is right either; but by God, why would a company ever pile onto our girls’ already-fragile senses of self by making her feel as though she’s “cheating” by eating something that’s–gasp–not made of vegetables and air?

“You’re overreacting!” you might say. To which I say, No. We are not overreacting when we ask more of the world when it comes to how they treat our girls.

Can you imagine a similar message directed toward little boys? For the record, I’d be equally offended… but I haven’t seen anything that is aimed at making our boys feel bad about what they eat, or how they look.

So here’s what I want to say, and what I will tell my girls. Girls–you are not “cheating” when you enjoy good food. You are not “cheating” when you eat pizza. You are not “cheating” when you have a cookie, or two, on occasion. You are not “cheating” when you live in moderation and allow yourself things that make you happy.

Girls–you are MORE than your bodies. More than your faces. More than your complexions. More than the clothes you wear and the things you buys and the other girls you hang out with.

You are beautiful, worthy, intelligent, and whole beings–whole beings who are worthy of so much love and respect, no matter what anyone, or anyTHING, says.

Many people on Facebook agreed. Mothers and parents everywhere shared their stories on how their own children are affected by the push to support diet culture and fads just to look cute and fit in. Most people online agreed that the rant was warranted because it’s wrong to try and persuade young girls to starve themselves just to appear thin.

We totally agree.

Couple Shares Their Go-To Tipping ‘Trick’ And We Absolutely Hate Them For It

I’m not sure if any of you have ever worked as a server of any kind, but I have for a few years, and if a couple tried to pull this crap I would have set their table on fire. I think that a little bit of arson is warranted if someone tries this tipping ‘trick’ but imagine this being what you and your wife have always talked about? How sad? Not a dream house or the perfect vacation but dangling 5 dollars in front of another human being for entertainment. First of all, where did you take your wife out that a 5 dollar tip is covering? Some big baller over here, huh?

Like what is wrong with you two that this is your source of entertainment? You two miserable souls probably deserve each other. If this guy truly believes this is the way to get the best service of his life I feel bad for him. That girl has a gift of some sort because if I were WORKING and someone tried to play these games, I’d be pissed. Wouldn’t be surprised if their food had a few extra special ingredients in it but what a sad man? I have a feeling he’s not eating in the finest of establishments if his waiters mess up five times a meal. Who hurt you, my man, that this is the way you choose to act in a restaurant?

People Are Sharing The Worst Things Their Mother-In-Laws Have Ever Done And, Just Don’t Get Married Y’all

Whenever you consider marrying someone, you’re not just marrying that one person—you’re also marrying their family. For example, if you hate your SO’s mother or father, you’re in for some trouble seeing as they will become your family once you say “I do.” Many people end up splitting over disagreements on their friends and family, but, others brave the storm and put up with all of the crazy. And, for that reason, we have wonderful people like these BuzzFeed users who share their stories and traumatic experiences with their in-laws.


My MIL chose to have my Brother-in-laws funeral on my first wedding anniversary with her Son. She could have waited a week, but chose to punish me instead. She also wore purple at my wedding when the wedding party was told to exclusively wear pink, black or, silver. I’ll never understand.



After I married her son, she posted a bunch of my wedding pictures with nasty comments. Things like, “the cake, which no one ate,” “the whole family, plus the bride,” “this is the only picture of the original 6 (her and her kids) SERIOUSLY?!” She was also mad that my photographer didn’t know that she was my flower girl’s grandmother. She posted all of it publicly on Facebook.



My husband and I went to visit my MIL at her house. She had moved into my hubby’s old room and was showing us the changes she made. We sat on the bed to talk to her and, I kid you not, she said, “You know what I did in this bed? I masturbated.”



My mother-in-law got upset that I wouldn’t tell her which sex position her granddaughter was conceived in.



My MIL unfriended me on Facebook…twice! The first time I was pregnant with our first and her first grandchild and I was typical first time mom and by the book. I was worried about our cat smothering the baby (I know, dramatic) and asked if anyone could take him, even on a temporary basis until the baby could roll. She posted on Facebook that I was a horrible pet owner (went get into all the my husband and I have done for our pets) and I put her in her place by reminding her of that and that this was my first child and I didn’t know. She unfriended me and uninvited herself to the hospital to wait for the delivery. She came. The second unfriending is a lot juicier and, over a year and a half later, still in place.



Broke into my and my (now ex) husbands house by breaking the window above my toddlers toy box. Stole all the baby books and photos and dumped a can of coffee into our 60gal salt water fish tank.



She took my pellet stove fireplace, insisted she needed it for warmth and sold it for thousands of dollars and left a gaping hole in my house. Took a diamond ring of mine, told me she will give me money for it and never did. Exhusband cheated on me but she gave ME a religious video about how women must learn to forgive. WHAT.



Within the first 15 minutes of meeting my mother-in-law for the first time, she casually whipped out her boob and started to show me a strange mole she was concerned about. Then, she went into great detail about the vaginal mesh she had put in. Thankfully she didn’t try to whip that out to show me.



I was hosting Thanksgiving dinner and spent about seven to eight hours cooking. My MIL showed up with duplicate dishes of just about everything I made (we told her to only bring two dishes, tops). When I commented that we had a lot more food than I was expecting, she said “Well, we don’t really need to put yours out, do we? Just put yours in the freezer.”

-Melissa Linton Ferrell, Facebook


My MIL keeps in regular contact with several of my husband’s exes through Facebook and will call them with updates, despite him telling her to stop. She even tried to reunite my husband with one particular ex who had cheated on him.



On the way out the door to go to the rehearsal dinner for my wedding, my MIL patted my stomach and asked if there was “something I wanted to let everyone know” about why we were getting married, implying I looked pregnant.



My MIL wore a wedding dress to my wedding.



When asked how my husband was, where he works, etc., I overheard my MIL say, “Yes, Matthew met his wife and gave up all his dreams.” I wish I could make this stuff up.



My MIL told me in front of my own mother that I needed to have sex with her son seven days a week and I need to have an orgasm at least five days a week in order to get pregnant.



At my sister-in-law’s wedding, my 3-month-old son was having a really hard week. He started teething, got his second round of shots, and had a horrible allergic reaction to cradle cap shampoo. A midwife friend of mine was able to take him during the ceremony because I was a bridesmaid. She was finally able to calm him down by singing. After the wedding, my MIL walked up to us as I was taking my son back and said, “She’s a lot better at this than you are.”



My MIL showed up to our room the night after our wedding at 5 a.m. and crashed our entire honeymoon!



When my husband and I were going through the home-buying process, we found out that my MIL had a credit card in my husband’s name that she opened when he was 18. When we confronted her about it (because it had a $3000 balance) she lied and said it was his debt from college that she was graciously paying off to help him out. I looked online at the statements and the previous purchases that were from boutiques in her home town. She also told me she wasn’t sure how the whole ordeal affected me at all considering it was in his name and not mine. It very easily could have kept us from getting a loan to buy a house. I don’t trust her at all!!



My MIL and i get along fine but a few years ago she gave me salmonella by giving me a piece of mostly raw chicken. I guess i should have looked at it before i ate but anyways it made breastfeeding my 4 month old very difficult because i had diarrhea and was vomitting simultaneously and was super dehydrated. I never said anything to her and asked my husband not to say anything either, safe to say I cut into everything she makes first before biting into it now.



She came to visit in the hospital after my long, difficult c-section. Though she was fully healed from a surgery a few months before, she insisted my husband fetch her from the entrance and bring her to the room in a wheelchair. She then propped her dirty street shoes on my clean, sterile hospital bed and proceeded to talk so loudly the nurse couldn’t properly run my baby’s hearing test. When the nurse asked her to talk more quietly she snapped at the nurse. When my husband finally told her it was time to let me get some rest, she said, “I’m sorry, is this all about you?” I lost it and yelled “it is about us and our new baby!” My blood pressure spiked so high the alarm went off and nurses had to come and ask dear MIL to leave. She later wanted an apology. She never got it.



She stopped me at the door to her home and told me I wasn’t welcome.



She got on her knees and begged me not to to marry her son… the night before our wedding.



After I had my son all I wanted was a beer. I wasn’t nursing or anything. My husband took a picture of me enjoying the beer and holding my son and she replies to the picture saying mother of the year. I literally wanted to hit her.



I have been married to my husband for 6 years, together for 8 years. My MIL has never remembered my birthday. After I had my baby( her grandson) she came over to meet him she asked me “ are you sure their isn’t another baby in there? You still look pregnant” she’s horrible!



I was in the hospital having my third baby in under 4 years. My mother in law proceeded to attempt to re decorate my house. She brought art from her house and hung it on my walls and removed some of my art that I had hanging. I came home with a newborn to see her thrift store crap hanging on my walls. I was furious.



The first time I met the mother in law she turned to my boyfriend (now husband) and said “I’ve just been the the lawyer to put the house in a family trust so certain people can’t get their hands on it.” She said this whilst glaring in my direction. It was more hilarious than hurtful, TBH. Petty cow.


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