Don’t Date the Guy You’re Too Good for

He tells you how pretty you are and how he couldn’t imagine his life without you.

Sounds great, but there’s always a chance he’s bullshitting the hell out of your heart and undermining your mind, so be ahead of the game and know how to spot the red flags that scream he’s a douche.

If he bad mouths his ex and talks about what a bitch she is… Read between the lines. He isn’t over her! It shows that they might have unfinished business with her or he’s still upset they aren’t together. Don’t waste your time settling for being a rebound.

When you find him being a little too friendly with another woman…. Leave. Yes, he will go on and on and tell you what he said to her don’t mean shit, but Sweetheart, if it didn’t mean anything to him, he wouldn’t be doing it in the first place. Save yourself the aggravation, you’re better than that…

So, don’t give him the slightest chance to make you into something that you’re not. You’re strong and wise and know what type of man your heart deserves. If he doesn’t like and accepts you for everything that you are; Your confidence, wits or something as little as how you wear your makeup…It’s time to turn over a new leaf.


A Douchebag Doesn’t Have the Power to Crush Your Faith in Love

Faith Challenged

I know right now you feel broken.You think you are broken beyond repair and can’t see ever being in love again. The thought of being treated right and loved is unimaginable at the moment.

Right now, you can’t see past the pain of the present but I promise you, everything is going to be okay.

Someone broke you in the past, but that doesn’t change the present or future. You can’t keep sulking in your own sadness because a worthless guy wasn’t smart enough to see how great you are.You still have the potential to find love and have a successful life.

You cannot let some nobody lower your self-esteem and leave you feeling like you aren’t good enough. Don’t base your worth off how someone treated you in the past. You deserve better than that.

So keep your chin up, life is going to get better. You are not alone, heartbreak is a universal. We all know how much it hurts.

My Heart Is Too Big to Be Your Lonely Call

I am not the girl that you just keep on speed dial for the nights you are lonely. I’m not the girl who caves when she’s lonely or caters to your schedule.

If it’s three am and you feel lonely, I hate to break it to you but I’m not the girl that is going to answer no matter how many times you call. I’m not here to satisfy some late night need or to sleep next to you till the morning. I’m not your lonely call.


I deserve more than that. I have a big heart that is full of love and I’m not settling for less than I deserve. I’m not going to continuously give my heart to guys who use it till they get their fill and toss it to the side.


Desperate times don’t call for desperate measures, which means when you don’t know what you want and you still can’t figure out commitment I’m not going to give into you. You see I would have been the girl who was your shoulder to cry on, a listening ear when you needed to vent but I won’t do it because you don’t respect me as a person. You see me as something that can be put on a shelf until further notice.


15 Signs You Have A Piece of S**t Boyfriend

What you think is love, may not be that at all. We all know what it’s like to be blinded by someone we’re completely head-over-heels for. But, when we snap out of the cloud of bliss we’ve been living in for so long and look at the bigger picture, as it turns out, we may be dating a piece of shit.


1. He doesn’t support you or your dreams.

He makes you feel like you’re childish or unrealistic for having high aspirations and big goals. Instead of helping you achieve them, he breaks you down.

2. He goes days without texting or calling you.

If you’re not the one to initiate a conversation with him, you may not hear from him at all.

3. He doesn’t pay for you nearly enough.

Being in the real world can be expensive, but that doesn’t mean you have to pay for everything you two do together. If he’s not paying for at least half (or more, really) he’s not doing his part.

4. He doesn’t believe in compromise. 

When you have disagreements, it’s important to know when to meet in the middle and work on things. But, if it’s his way, or the highway, it’s not going to work.

5. He doesn’t like any of your friends.

And he won’t let you forget it. He’s constantly belittling them and talking badly about them whenever they come up in conversation. Even worse, he refuses to hangout with them entirely.

6. He neglects your needs.

Just because they aren’t his needs, does not make them less important. Relationships are 50/50.

7. He doesn’t make you feel wanted.

If you’re dating someone who doesn’t want you back, that’s not love, that’s worship.

She Gave Him Everything And Then Some, And He Threw It All Away

She Gave Him Everything

And Then Some

She wasn’t really asking you for much, you just didn’t seem to get the picture. It’s too bad though because she was amazing and you should have given her the love that she deserves.

She loved you more than you could ever imagine. I think she expected more from you because she would have done that and so much more in order to make you happy.

She deserves never having to worry about sending a text and not hearing anything back for hours. She deserves to know that you’re not ignoring her or just choosing not to talk to her but are actually busy and would respond if you could.

Good morning texts, an afternoon I hope your day is going well, a nighttime I love you and can’t wait to see you should be lighting up her screen. Maybe you should have shown a little more interest into the things she was telling you, instead of blowing her off like it didn’t matter.


Perhaps she just wanted you to follow through, to show up when you said you would.

To never make her guess if date night was actually still on or if some lame excuse about hanging out with the boys was going to grace her evening.

You see she deserves someone who will hold her when she’s sad, that will wipe away the tears and do what they can to make her laugh. She needs someone who doesn’t mind that she over texts at times, sometimes over thinks and can ramble on and on about nothing and crack herself up.

You came along and she thought you could be Mr. Right, but you fooled her. Maybe she jumped the gun; let her heart get too attached too quickly. It could have been your charm, your smile or the way you made her feel special in the beginning. You may have had good intentions to start, you may not have wanted to hurt her but in the end, she ended up on the losing side.

She deserves honesty; if you weren’t into her you should have just been straight with her. She wants passion, knowing someone will always be in her corner no matter what. She wasn’t looking for grand gestures or elaborate plans. It was the small stuff she wanted, the little things she could remember and hold onto.


You’re Toxic, But I Love The Poison

You are exactly everything that’s bad for me, the epitome of all the thing toxic that  my dad warned me to stay away from when I was a kid. My very own emotional drug, giving my heart a high like no other. Knowing how your poison makes my heart feel everything a thousand times with more intensity, I can’t get enough of it.

And even though you’ve done so much damage in my life and to my heart that it’s almost irreversible at this point. I’m not ready to deal with the withdrawals I’ll experience if I accept that our story doesn’t have a happy ending.

Your love leaves me weak in the knees, it always has. I crave it from the second I wake up to the second I close my eyes at night. For the longest time, I didn’t care if I was in love with the devil, as long as he loved me in the way that he loved hell, I thought I’d be happy.

I have given you all my thoughts and now I’ve officially lost my mind. I gave you everything in me and you just stood there, watching me run on empty.

It’s funny because I wasn’t a thought in your mind, but you were screaming in mine. You consumed my thoughts like the addictive drug that you are and drove me insane until you were the only thought I could create.

I held you above ideals and I would do just about anything to protect that image I have of you. I’d make excuse after excuse for you, to my friends, my family, myself. I gave you the power to control my smile and my worth. You only abused that power. I am my own ghost haunting the memories that I love the most and those memories were all of you.

I wasn’t asking for much from you, honestly. I was just asking for all the things I know I deserve from you. But you just couldn’t give them to me. I’m not sure if you couldn’t give them to me or you just chose not to.

All I wanted from you was the effort I was putting in to be returned. I’m constantly fighting a one-sided battle and it’s exhausting. I can only give so much without getting anything in return. And I’m at a point where I have almost nothing left to give.

I need to come to the realization that you may not be part of my future and my destiny, but rather just a prominent part of my past. Going forward, I need to learn to accept the apology that I never received and probably never will. I have to realize that some people can be in your heart, but not necessarily in your life.

Even after all of this, after all of the pain and poisoning I’ve suffered, I still can’t let you go. Your smile feels like home and your arms are still my comfort. I continue to hope for a change that I know will likely never come.

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An Open Letter to the Girl Torn Between Loving and Leaving

He Elates You Then He Deflates You.

What Gives?

He is your entire world. You think he could be the one. He makes you happier than you’ve ever been before…..some days.

And other days, the complete opposite. Love is an action. Each day he should be loving you by showing you how much you mean to him. It’s not always a big romantic gesture, but a simple phone call in the morning telling you that he hopes you had a good day, coming home to a clean house when he knows that you’ve had a long day, a good luck text before a big day at work…the little things that show his love on a daily basis.

Sweet girl,

If you’re torn between loving him and leaving him, think about these few things.

Are your friends and/or family constantly telling you that you deserve more?

How many late nights have you spent crying because his controlling manner brings you down?

Does he treat you like a queen? This doesn’t necessarily mean diamonds and roses (while those are definitely nice though!),it just means that he puts you first. He puts your wants and needs above his, he makes sure that you’re always happy and does whatever he can to keep a smile on your face.


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