15 Small Outfit Problems That Make You Look Like A Hot Mess

Whenever we leave the house, we’re bound to run into someone we know. Whether it’s for a run to the grocery store, a trip to the mall or even if we’re headed to go to work – it’s important we always look our best. Even if we’re not in the mood to get dressed up and ready for a quick trip out – people judge us for every little thing we wear.

There are a lot of ways that out outfits and appearance can f*ck us over in terms of other people’s opinions of us, without us even noticing. Sure, we may have showered this morning, put on a brand new outfit and tried to look our absolute best, but there are small little details that fall through the cracks and in turn, make us look like we’re riding the Hot Mess Express.

15. Wearing clothing that has small rips, frays or tears in it.

Sometimes we leave the house in ripped jeans or jeans that are frayed at the bottom. While it’s a style statement and trend, sometimes, it makes us look disheveled and unorganized. Sometimes when we wear things too often and for too long, the threads start to wear and buttons begin to become loose – while you don’t think it’s a big deal, people notice.

14. Wearing too many accessories.

While accessorizing can spice up a plain outfit, going overboard can make any outfit look tacky and cheap. If you are going to a work setting or a really nice affair, you don’t want to overdo it by blinging out a fancy dress or pants suit. Keep it simple.

13. Not ironing your shirt/dress/skirt.

Sometimes when we leave the house in a rush, we don’t have time to iron everything. People will run out the door in a button-down shirt that looks like we’ve slept in it, a dress with way too many wrinkles or a skirt that needs to be fixed ASAP. Not ironing your clothing can make you look sloppy in appearance. And, what’s even better is they now sell hand steamers that you can buy and speed up the “ironing process” altogether.

12. Wearing hair ties as bracelets or accessories on your wrist.

It may seem convenient to keep your hair tie or a rubber band on your wrist in case you want to throw your hair up, but it also looks sloppy and makes you appear much younger than you are. It’s better off to put them in your bag, car, or desk at work incase you want it, rather than keeping it on your wrist all day long.

11. Wearing clothes that are too tight on you.

There comes a time in everyone’s life where we start gaining weight a bit faster than when we were younger – it’s called growing up. Our metabolism starts to slow down and all that pizza comes back in our faces whenever we look in the mirror. If you’re still wearing shirts and dresses from when you were 18-years-old and they definitely don’t fit anymore, people notice.

10. Carrying around a bag that’s too big in certain situations.

When you go to a job interview or a party, it’s better to carry a smaller bag than a large one. Also, you want to be sure the bag is in good condition and isn’t ripping or tearing anywhere, or that there are no dirty stains on it anywhere. Bigger bags can make you appear as though you’re trying too hard.

9. Visible bra straps.

While many women think showing your bra is a “feminist movement,” it does look sloppy and tacky in most social settings. In fact, if you’re wearing a shirt in which your bra is showing, it can even come off slutty and inappropriate – especially in a work setting.

8. Wearing oversized clothing.

Sometimes, with the right outfit, oversized clothes can be chic and cute. But, often times this isn’t the case and instead, appears sloppy and lazy. Finding clothes that are tailored to your body is the key to appearing professional and kept.

7. Day-old makeup.

Even though you think no one can tell your eyeliner and mascara is from last night, it’s pretty obvious when it’s smudged all over your face. It’s better off to wash your face and start fresh rather than be lazy and keep the same, cruddy makeup on. People will think you are irresponsible and trashy if you appear this way.

6. Animal hair on your clothes.

If you have a pet, it’s likely that they tend to shed all over your house and clothing. But, that’s why God invented lint brushes and rollers. Just because you have a dog doesn’t mean you want to show up to a meeting covered in dog hair – it just looks awful.

5. Sweaters with pills all over them.

Every girl knows there comes a time when we need to retire our favorite sweaters (RIP). Although we love them and had some good times in them, when they begin to get “pilly” it’s time to chuck them and get new ones. Wearing pilly sweaters make you look cheap and dirty.

4. Wearing the wrong shoes with the wrong outfit.

Even if you’re trying to be comfortable rather than classy, you can always throw sneakers in your bag for your commute home (which is what we all do). When you’re at the office or at a party/event, don’t show up in your sandals or sneakers just because you have to take the train home. It looks tacky and unfortunately gives off the vibe that you don’t care.

3. Wearing any clothing with stains.

Sure, you may have gotten oil on your favorite t-shirt, but that doesn’t mean you should continue wearing it just because it’s your favorite. If you can’t get a stain out, that means you have to replace whatever item you’ve stained. Going out with stained clothing is horrible for your appearance and will always make you look sloppy and disorderly.

2. Wearing white shirts/dresses/pants/skirts that are no longer bright white.

Eventually after owning white clothing for years, the white begins to fade and it becomes more of an off-white/gray. This is when you need to purchase new whites. Whites should be bright and clean, not dull and dirty. Wearing these “white” items will make you look cheap and as though you don’t wash your clothing often enough – or separate your laundry.

1. Dirty or chipped nails.

If you don’t take care of your nails, it’s an issue. Even if you’re not into getting them done or painting them, you should always clean them and cut them. If you do get manicures and your nail polish is overly chipped, that also is a sign of sloppiness and bad hygiene. The minute you see dirty under your nails, clean them. If they’re too long, cut them. If they’re chipping, take the nail polish off. Clean nails make you look cleanly and responsible.

Woman Shares The Insane Story Of Going On A Date With A Guy Who Works In A Morgue

Some first date stories are bad. But, some first date stories are f**king awful. Like, I mean, so awful they are almost unbelievable. The ones that you hear and say: “Nah, no shot that’s true.” And then you stop and realize how truly disgusting some humans can be and swear off dating for the rest of your life.

Twitter user Jacqueline shared the story of her friend’s date with a morgue worker and—brace yourselves, this is disgusting.

Her friend met the guy on Tinder.

After the date, they hook up and have sex. It gets…graphic.

After letting him plant his seed all over her chest, she has a rash the next day.

She decides to go to the doctor, who then sends her to a dermatologist.

And, they found “tiny parasites” under her skin.

The doctor says the only way a person gets these kinds of parasites are from having sex with animals or having sex with dead people.

As it turns out—the guy works in a morgue.

I’m just…

And, Twitter feels the same.



PSA: Stop having sex with people you barely know, y’all.

These Unpopular Opinions About Best Friends Will Have You Rethinking Your Friendships

Recently, a new trend has surfaced on Twitter in which a user will suggest a topic for people to share their “unpopular opinions.” From food to music to relationships, people all over Twitter have revealed some of their most unpopular opinions—like one guy who suggested bacon isn’t “all that.” Thank you, kind sir, but, next.

The latest topic to be thrown out was from Twitter user LUSH LAVIÉ, who suggested that people on his timeline share their unpopular opinions about best friends.


Let’s face it, there are tons of societal expectations and stereotypes when it comes to our friendships—but, not all of them are legit or accurate. In fact, there are tons of unpopular opinions in this thread that may have you rethinking the way you look at friendships in your own life.




















Girlfriend Throws A Fit After Boyfriend Proposes With Grandmother’s ‘Ugly’ Ring

Many girls dream of the day they will have a significant other bend down on one knee and ask for their hand in marriage. In addition to dreaming about this special moment, many girls also have their “dream ring” picked out, too. So, when they finally do have someone who wants to marry them and they whip out a ring that is less than what they hoped for—well, all hell can definitely break loose. But, let’s be real, if you’re one of these people you’re a real d*ckhead.

One girl was called out by Redditors for being a total snob when she was proposed to by her boyfriend. In a post on social media that was shared online, the girl wrote:

While the ring is not a diamond, nor is it her “dream ring,” writing about it on social media and being ungrateful got this anonymous woman a lot of hate. In fact, people online were on the guy’s side here. Even those who agreed that the ring wasn’t their favorite still said that the girl was in the wrong for posting her complaints to social media rather than telling her man in the first place.

Hope that guy takes the ring back and runs.


It’s a terrible engagement ring (pearls are soft and should only be worn occasionally) but don’t post to Facebook about it. I hope he realizes she will be doing this with all their problems and that’s super unhealthy.


People post this sort of thing because they need to get it out of their heads, so I get it, but that doesn’t make it appropriate.


There’s nothing wrong with the ring, it once belonged to his grandmother and it was Also the girls birthstone, it has far too much sentimental value and its the thought that counts. It was a nice gesture and Its an amazing Ring.


While I don’t love the ring myself, I would tell my boyfriend that I will keep it, but I’d rather wear something smaller on a daily basis—as many of us wear our engagement rings every day. I would be flattered that it was his grandmother’s ring, but probably wouldn’t want to wear it every day. But, I’d tell that to my boyfriend—not social media.

Husband Thought It Was A Great Idea To Send His Wife Spreadsheet Of Her Excuses Not To Have Sex

This husband might just be the bravest, stupidest person in the whole wide world. While there are plenty of sagging relationships in need of a sensual resurgence, perhaps it’s not the best idea to send your wife an Excel spreadsheet of you cataloging every single spurned sexual advance made by you over seven weeks.

The wife  in question described the entire situation on the r/relationships subreddit:

Yesterday morning, while in a taxi on the way to the airport, Husband sends a message to my work email which is connected to my phone. He’s never done this, we always communicate in person or by text. I open it up, and it’s a sarcastic diatribe basically saying he won’t miss me for the 10 days I’m gone. Attached is a SPREADSHEET of all the times he has tried to initiate sex since June 1st, with a column for my “excuses”, using verbatim quotes of why I didn’t feel like having sex at that very moment. According to his ‘document’, we’ve only had sex 3 times in the last 7 weeks, out of 27 “attempts” on his part.

And for those pining to get a look at this guy’s Excel madness, she provided a glimpse at the spreadsheet.


With a success rate of about 10%, it’s clear that this guy is pretty demoralized by his marriage’s dearth of hanky pank. That being said, using the organizational prowess of Microsoft Office probably isn’t the way to light that fire in her loins, pal.

While the couple are young (both 26), they sound like a sitcom duo from the 60’s, with her cooking, cleaning, and generally taking care of things around the house while he does little to help. (Hot Tip: doing the laundry from time to time is the hottest thing you can do for your wife.) She goes on to explain her side of the story:

This is a side of him I have never seen before – bitter, immature, full of hatred. In person, he’d been acting normal the whole time, maybe a little standoff-ish in the last week. Completely out of left field. Our sex life HAS tapered in the last few months, but isn’t that allowed? We are adults leading busy, stressful lives. I cook for him, I do his laundry, I keep our house clean and tidy. It’s not like our sex life was going to be this way FOREVER, it was a temporary slow-down due to extenuating circumstances.

She went on to explain that she tried calling him but to no response. It seemed like he had cut off contact completely, again, a really dumb move on his part.

Users of the subreddit immediately jumped in to take sides.



Here’s to hoping she claps back with a passive-aggressive “per your email” response, though that might not be what’s best for the relationship. And fellas, take this guy’s misfortune as a deeply-engrained lesson: don’t send your wife spreadsheets.

More sex memes and funny texts:

37 Of The Most Cringe-Worthy Chest Tattoos People Actually Got Done

Everyone expresses themselves in their own way and we will always love that. Whether it’s piercings, tattoos, style everyone has their own idea of what looks good. I mean who doesn’t love a fresh tat? I love the idea of being able to turn your skin into a work of art. My skin my rules. I’m no stranger to tattoos myself I’ve got a fair amount of ink throughout my years. Some I love as much as the day I got them. Others I could do without for sure. Life changes and so do we as people.

I have no beef with what you get or where you put your tattoo. I just feel like if you’re going to get something inked across your chest, you better love it forever. At the very least spell it correctly!  It’s only been about  7 years since one of mine and I just don’t care about it as much now. Do I regret any of my tattoos?  Hellllll no! I just wonder how the girls in these pictures feel about their very questionable tattoo decisions now.

1. No argument here.

2. I think I’ll pass…

3. We may be viewing the worst tattoo of all time. Pray this is sharpie.

4. Is that so?

5. Really had to throw that “Z” at the end?

15 Small Outfit Problems That Make You Look Like A Hot Mess

Whenever we leave the house, we’re bound to run into someone we know. Whether it’s for a run to the grocery store, a trip to the mall or even if we’re headed to go to work – it’s important we always look our best. Even if we’re not in the mood to get dressed up and ready for a quick trip out – people judge us for every little thing we wear.

There are a lot of ways that out outfits and appearance can f*ck us over in terms of other people’s opinions of us, without us even noticing. Sure, we may have showered this morning, put on a brand new outfit and tried to look our absolute best, but there are small little details that fall through the cracks and in turn, make us look like we’re riding the Hot Mess Express.

15. Wearing clothing that has small rips, frays or tears in it.

Sometimes we leave the house in ripped jeans or jeans that are frayed at the bottom. While it’s a style statement and trend, sometimes, it makes us look disheveled and unorganized. Sometimes when we wear things too often and for too long, the threads start to wear and buttons begin to become loose – while you don’t think it’s a big deal, people notice.

14. Wearing too many accessories.

While accessorizing can spice up a plain outfit, going overboard can make any outfit look tacky and cheap. If you are going to a work setting or a really nice affair, you don’t want to overdo it by blinging out a fancy dress or pants suit. Keep it simple.

13. Not ironing your shirt/dress/skirt.

Sometimes when we leave the house in a rush, we don’t have time to iron everything. People will run out the door in a button-down shirt that looks like we’ve slept in it, a dress with way too many wrinkles or a skirt that needs to be fixed ASAP. Not ironing your clothing can make you look sloppy in appearance. And, what’s even better is they now sell hand steamers that you can buy and speed up the “ironing process” altogether.

12. Wearing hair ties as bracelets or accessories on your wrist.

It may seem convenient to keep your hair tie or a rubber band on your wrist in case you want to throw your hair up, but it also looks sloppy and makes you appear much younger than you are. It’s better off to put them in your bag, car, or desk at work incase you want it, rather than keeping it on your wrist all day long.

11. Wearing clothes that are too tight on you.

There comes a time in everyone’s life where we start gaining weight a bit faster than when we were younger – it’s called growing up. Our metabolism starts to slow down and all that pizza comes back in our faces whenever we look in the mirror. If you’re still wearing shirts and dresses from when you were 18-years-old and they definitely don’t fit anymore, people notice.

10. Carrying around a bag that’s too big in certain situations.

When you go to a job interview or a party, it’s better to carry a smaller bag than a large one. Also, you want to be sure the bag is in good condition and isn’t ripping or tearing anywhere, or that there are no dirty stains on it anywhere. Bigger bags can make you appear as though you’re trying too hard.

9. Visible bra straps.

While many women think showing your bra is a “feminist movement,” it does look sloppy and tacky in most social settings. In fact, if you’re wearing a shirt in which your bra is showing, it can even come off slutty and inappropriate – especially in a work setting.

8. Wearing oversized clothing.

Sometimes, with the right outfit, oversized clothes can be chic and cute. But, often times this isn’t the case and instead, appears sloppy and lazy. Finding clothes that are tailored to your body is the key to appearing professional and kept.

7. Day-old makeup.

Even though you think no one can tell your eyeliner and mascara is from last night, it’s pretty obvious when it’s smudged all over your face. It’s better off to wash your face and start fresh rather than be lazy and keep the same, cruddy makeup on. People will think you are irresponsible and trashy if you appear this way.

6. Animal hair on your clothes.

If you have a pet, it’s likely that they tend to shed all over your house and clothing. But, that’s why God invented lint brushes and rollers. Just because you have a dog doesn’t mean you want to show up to a meeting covered in dog hair – it just looks awful.

5. Sweaters with pills all over them.

Every girl knows there comes a time when we need to retire our favorite sweaters (RIP). Although we love them and had some good times in them, when they begin to get “pilly” it’s time to chuck them and get new ones. Wearing pilly sweaters make you look cheap and dirty.

4. Wearing the wrong shoes with the wrong outfit.

Even if you’re trying to be comfortable rather than classy, you can always throw sneakers in your bag for your commute home (which is what we all do). When you’re at the office or at a party/event, don’t show up in your sandals or sneakers just because you have to take the train home. It looks tacky and unfortunately gives off the vibe that you don’t care.

3. Wearing any clothing with stains.

Sure, you may have gotten oil on your favorite t-shirt, but that doesn’t mean you should continue wearing it just because it’s your favorite. If you can’t get a stain out, that means you have to replace whatever item you’ve stained. Going out with stained clothing is horrible for your appearance and will always make you look sloppy and disorderly.

2. Wearing white shirts/dresses/pants/skirts that are no longer bright white.

Eventually after owning white clothing for years, the white begins to fade and it becomes more of an off-white/gray. This is when you need to purchase new whites. Whites should be bright and clean, not dull and dirty. Wearing these “white” items will make you look cheap and as though you don’t wash your clothing often enough – or separate your laundry.

1. Dirty or chipped nails.

If you don’t take care of your nails, it’s an issue. Even if you’re not into getting them done or painting them, you should always clean them and cut them. If you do get manicures and your nail polish is overly chipped, that also is a sign of sloppiness and bad hygiene. The minute you see dirty under your nails, clean them. If they’re too long, cut them. If they’re chipping, take the nail polish off. Clean nails make you look cleanly and responsible.

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