An edible weed brownie is the most in-demand cannabis by-product after the plant itself. Apart from their gooey sweetness, they pack a significant high that most people prefer. Instead of smoking, edibles are another way to get as high, if not more.
As a result of their popularity, several people are always wondering how to make weed brownies. There is a lot to consider in the baking process. For instance, you must use the Cake Mix strain containing some key ingredients. Also, unlike regular brownies, these need a specific step-by-step recipe.
Considering that different people swear by their weed brownie recipe, it may be confusing which one is the best. We reviewed several celebrities’ and top baker’s recipes and came up with what is sure to make you most gooey, delicious, and not forgetting potency.
What‘s in a Pot Brownie?
For those that have never tried one of these delicacies, it is understandable to wonder what is so special about such brownies. A weed brownie is like any other pastry. It contains essential cake ingredients like flour, sugar, vanilla extract (when preferred), and more.
What makes these brownies special is the THC content derived from Cannabis. This Cannabinoid THC requires a special type of extraction to be present. Without that special ingredient, your product will be just that of chocolate brownies without a high possibility.
How to Pack that Special Ingredient in your Brownies
THC and CBD are two of the essential parts of the weed plant. The latter is effective in pain management, while the former is responsible for the high feeling of using the plant. To have the THC in your brownies, you will need to perform a decarboxylation process.
The plant version of Cannabis contains THCA, which is inactive. To turn it into THC, you must bake it in a preheated oven at 220 degrees Celsius for about 30 minutes.
After the baking, you should take the decarboxylated weed and place it in a pan with butter, and seer the content on low heat for an hour. Depending on whether you want the plant debris, you can choose to strain your butter or not.
Something worth poring over when making your Cannabis butter is the potency. Basic stoner math dictates that to pinpoint the approximate potency of your butter, you need to know the grams of the flower used and its THC level. The math part involves multiplying the number of grams of the weed by a thousand and additionally by the THC level.
A Quicker Method
Not everyone has the time to wait for Cannabis to get infused in oil. Luckily enough, there are processed Cannabutters that are on sale in dispensaries. These versions have the THC content pre-determined and hence are more accessible to dose when making your brownies. Also, they cut out the decarboxylation process meaning you can get straight into the recipe.
The Best Brownie Recipe
Steps to Follow
Happy Baking
When making pot brownies, different people have different needs. Whether you want a highly potent batch or a less potent one, it all comes down to the Cannabis butter used and the strain of weed.
One of the reasons it is always advisable to use store-bought strains is the ability to figure out the potency. Using the basic stoner math illustrated above, you will have a close enough estimate of the THC level in your brownies. If you want a high dosage, go for a high THC level strain.
Otherwise, the brownie baking process is as breezy as baking any other type of pastry. We hope you have some fun making your brownie bunch with our recipe.