Effective Ways on Preventing Depression

Depression is definitely one of the main concerns in the world today. So many people succumb to depression and stress, according to reports. Many people are continually finding it hard to deal with the pressures of life. This makes it very difficult to avoid depression. Furthermore, depression can easily creep in if you don’t take care of your mental health. As the saying goes, your health is your wealth. This means that you have to take very deliberate steps towards improving your general health. Your mental health, for instance, requires critical attention so as to avoid various health issues. We have highlighted some very important steps that can help you prevent depression.

Avoid Overworking

Taking time off work to relax is very important. Rest is very critical and should always be a priority. Besides, the brain’s overall functionality is dependent on the quality of rest it gets. You will reduce depression by a big percentage if you consider resting. Work on ways you can be able to improve the quality of work. For instance, find ways you can improve on output without having to overwork.

Play games

Relaxation is also essential for you as a person. For instance, you can decide to engage in physical games or any type of game. If you are a fan of online games, you can try it by clicking here on spincasino.com for various casino games that you want to play. By playing online games, your brain gets to relax, and this reduces depression in many ways.


Watch your favorite shows

Do you have time for entertainment? This is the surest way of beating depression. Furthermore, this helps a lot, especially in ensuring that you shift focus on other things that will improve your life. For instance, if you love boxing, you can always check for live boxing games and enjoy watching them. The end goal is to see you have a chance of improving your mental health.

Talk to Someone

Talking to someone about how you feel is also very important. You may have signs of depression but reaching out to people who love you is definitely helpful. For example, spending time with them and telling them how you feel can make you feel better. Preventing depression early enough reduces its impact. So many people have been able to prevent depression by simply opening up and talking to someone. If you don’t want to talk to a close friend, reach out to a professional counselor to help you out.



If you go to the internet today, you will notice that the most searched question is how to prevent depression. This simply points to the fact that depression is a serious issue. It is causing havoc in the lives of the young and old today. Preventing it is the ultimate goal that every person should focus on. The ball is now on your court to do everything that you can to put depression at bay by preventing it.

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To The Girl Hanging By A Thread, Seek Life.

Let me start off by saying…


It takes strength, you have held yourself together for so long, there’s no wonder why you feel yourself slipping right now. You are only human which means you can only take so much pressure, hurt, hate, trauma... before the thread you are hanging onto just snaps.


Two little words, simple right? This was exactly what I needed to see. You see, this little quote hits close to home for me without even realizing it. About a year ago I had slipped into the deepest point in my depression than I ever had before. I didn’t talk about it, I didn’t want to bother anyone… I was the girl who was always happy, “How could I ever deal with depression?!” Well, you see… When I did hit this point I hit it hard. I hate talking about it but I have to admit that taking my life did at one point cross my mind. I felt completely broken – I truly did not think I could have been put back together, but here I am today, a year later…


(Yeah, that little quote I was talking about)

This little quote hits close to home… Lately, I have been feeling myself slip back into that dark place that I fought so hard to get out of. One morning while I was in bed I was scrolling through Instagram as we all do, and I came across this post with a girl wearing a hoodie that said “SEEK LIFE” and on the hood, it shows the words FEAR, SUICIDE, ANXIETY, DEPRESSION all with a line through them. Seeing those four words with a line through them meant winning a fight, it may be a constant battle but you are fighting and you are winning! You are choosing to “SEEK LIFE.” You can put money on the fact that I ordered that hoodie right then, and there.

It’s a reminder to me to always keep fighting because I will win the fight, and one day I will win my battle! My story is not finished yet, I was meant to do something great, I was meant to make a difference…

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A Woman’s Daily Battle With Anxiety: Coping with the Highs And Lows.

Women and Anxiety

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression. So in honor of women’s month, and a woman who suffers from anxiety here are my thoughts and the things that I do to help when my anxiety is really high.

Over the last year, with the pandemic and still having to live life I know that my anxiety has been higher than it ever has been. I know that for me I have a hard time not going to worse case when I find something out. I also have a really hard time with change, and as we all know 2020 and 2021 (so far) has been a whole host of changes and relearning to navigate. Here are some of the things that I have been doing now to keep my anxiety down.


Take A Walk

When life is feeling too much, when I have completely stopped taking things in and my whole life just feels like it’s falling, I have to walk. So I get the dog and I go for at least 2 miles. Being in the nature, listening to music and feeling the breeze as I breath deeply is something that brings me back to real life. After this I usually feel better and like I can take on something again, like I can actually adult again.


Snuggle up

Sometimes I cannot walk, because of the weather, or its too late at night, so I get curled up with my pup, I turn on some calming music and I lay with her for about fifteen minutes and just try to relax. I also like to just lay there in silents and listen to that. This is something that I need sometimes, just to stop, and take a few minutes to do nothing.



Writing is my creative outlet, so for me when things get to be too much, or if I have too much on my mind I write. Sometimes that has nothing todo with what is going on. Like today, because I have been feeling my anxiety so high lately I thought that maybe I would sit down and write to help myself and hopeful anybody who will read this as well. So do something creative this does not have to be writing this could be anything, coloring in an adult coloring book, or painting, maybe you like plants. Anything that will you think will help you.


Shower To Calm

The day has been so much. Exhaustion is hitting hard and you just want to be done, however, you feel like you have to keep going. For me a shower helps relieve anxiety. And it helps me feel like I am human again. I can wash the day off. And I also use some shower melts. They are like aroma therapy smells. On the really hard days these showers are just something that makes me feel like I have taken a break and I can keep moving again.


Connect With Others

I have a few people in my life that I will reach out to just to talk. They are the best listeners for me and know when I need to just say how crapy my day is or that my anxiety is just too high to deal right now. Something about getting it out to someone is very reassuring. Find your person or people. Let them know that you need to hear that everything is going to be alright.

With so many women who suffer from anxiety it is our job to normalize talking about this. It is one of those invisible things that someone who is suffering with seems fine. If you are like me it is so easy for you to suffer in silently. However, if we normalize these feelings, we can feel more comfortable reaching out.

If you feel like you are drowning, do not wait reach out for help!

Keep fighting! You can get help here.

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Please Don’t Be That Person Who Makes Fun of Mental Illness

Driving to school I can’t help but wonder what ignorant statements I’ll hear in the next eight hours. 

“Try going down the river, not across the stream.” Or “Next time just take the razor to your throat, do us all a favor.” Maybe if I’m lucky “I don’t understand why people cut themselves. If you were real you would stab yourself.” 

My personal favorite is when someone decides it’s okay to ask me in front of people who don’t know so much, “Do you really cut yourself? I heard it’s on your thigh. Is it because it hurts less or is it just easier to hide? Why are you even doing it, your life is perfect.”

I’m barely surviving school as it is, and on top of that all I hear is comments from people who just don’t understand.

These words are said every day by ignorant self-obsessed people who were never taught any better or never listened, and nothing has been done about it. 

By the end of the year thousands of kids across the country will have killed themselves, left their families wondering why, but if teachers and administrations won’t listen, we all know the public will

I was almost a part statistic, and I very much wanted to be. Suicide is scary, but what’s scarier is the idea that a young girl was less afraid of death. 

It’s time we stop making jokes, and I think it’s about damn time we wake up. No one wants to be treated differently, we just want to be surrounded by nice human beings. SO BE ONE. 

Quit the shit, okay? Let’s start here: your jokes are never funny. They weren’t funny last year, they won’t be this year, and nothing will change next year. 

You are hurting people, and don’t pretend you don’t know that. 

So text it, tweet it, or make a funny caption out of self-harm, suicide, or mental illness by name, but only the assholes you surround yourself so easily with will think it’s funny. 

Would your mom be so proud? How about your grandparents? Would they just marvel looking at their perfect son or daughter while you are making people hate themselves more than they already do because of something they can’t control? 

I walk around my high school with the words Anxiety, Depression, and Bipolar painted on my forehead, and I won’t take any more of it. 

We need to teach our children about mental health, teach them that jokes are never okay, and please teach them that it’s okay to not be okay. 

To that kid we all know: please stop making the cutting jokes, or saying cutting is weak or “just kill yourself.” 

You may think the people around you are fine, but statements like that make people a statistic. 

Your jokes weren’t funny last year, and this year I’m done with your shit, and so are the rest of us.

About The Author

Lauren Andre

I began writing as a way to say the things that I felt I had no one to tell, and the majority of these writings I kept to myself. As I’ve grown into my 20s, I felt that in sharing my personal stories and thoughts I could help just one person who feels the way I did. Even if it only reaches one person searching for the answer, I hope that what I write can be a source of comfort when the world feels cold.

You can follow Lauren on Instagram

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What Noone Tells You About Battling Depression

There are so many things no one tells you when you’re told you have depression. They tell you that therapy will make things easier, maybe medication too. They tell you that you should surround yourself with people you love, find the things that make you happy and do those more often. Maybe they tell you to try working out, eating better, find a Netflix series you like even.

But they don’t tell you everything. Not even close.

They don’t tell you that people will talk poorly about you because you go to therapy, or that after months of trying different medications (some that will make you feel even worse,) that the “right” one just makes everything look grey. And God will the world look so grey. That’s the whole point: you never get too low, and you don’t always feel that intense emptiness and unjustified sadness, but where is the warning label that tells you you’ll never feel high either? You’ll never feel the euphoria that everyone talks about. They don’t tell you that the people you love will distance themselves, or completely walk away, because you’re just too much to handle, and the things that used to make you happy just won’t. You can run for miles, but you can’t breathe when you’re done. Not because you’re out of shape or the air is thin, but because even lying in bed at 3a it feels like something is squeezing your lungs and every breath is fought for. Eating healthy would be great, but did anyone tell you that you’ll never be hungry because every square inch of your body is fighting to stay alive, and eating takes more effort than you’ve got in you? Yeah, me neither.


No one tells you the important shit. Those things that will never ever go away, no matter where you are, what you’re doing, or what you know you should be feeling.

Some days are good, some weeks, if you’re lucky maybe you’ll even get a few good months. I’ve gone months doing everything I can for myself, and while somedays it’s a fight, others I feel like my “old” self. But that’s just another one of those things that no one tells you, so I guess I’m going to have to be the one to do it:


You’re going to feel better, and people are going to notice. Eventually, (if you’re like me it’ll take 5 years,) but you’re going to feel better and people will notice. Those you love will say things like “It’s like you’re back,” “You really seem like you again,” “I missed this version of you- you’re the old you again.” And it’s going to feel so good that you might even cry happy tears, but those same things will come back and eat at you. You no longer know who you are, or who the old “you,” that everyone misses so much was because it’s been so long since you’ve been happy that you don’t remember her anymore. Then one night it will all come crashing down for one reason, a million reasons, or no reason at all. No one tell you, but it always comes crashing down.


And for me it’s usually nothing. I think tonight it’s the cold, damp weather and how quickly the sun sets, but what I never understand is why it happens when it does. I wish I could know when I wake up, or while I brush my teeth getting ready for bed, but it never is. No one tells you that you’ll be in the middle of Target, watching your favorite TV show, or maybe in the shower, your stomach will drop, and you’ll just know. No one tells you that it never goes away.


I wish someone had told me that it never goes away, and that you’re never going to be “better.” I wish someone told me that boys will fall out of love with you for it, or you’ll fall out of love with them because at 4:16p on a Tuesday your brain stopped loving you, and you can’t love anyone else. No one tells you that as you get older it actually gets harder because you’re so much better at pretending life is still great and you’re still okay, and then you feel even worse because no one notices.


No one told me that getting better at hiding it was actually worse, you seem great, and so no one sees what you’re feeling. Now here you are- breaking and alone.


I’m so mad because no one ever told me. But no one ever told me that I’d be the only person who can pull myself through it, and that I’ll be stronger and better every time because of it. No one told me that each time my world crashes, and I feel like maybe breathing isn’t what I want to do anymore, that randomly, tomorrow, in a week, sometimes it takes a few months, I’d be through it. That at 8:12a on a Monday I would laugh, and just like that I’d realize I did it again. I’m on the other side of another really dark time. 


No one tells you that you have to be all alone, wonder what it would be like if you gave up, dig your nails into your palms until you bleed, and soak your pillow in tears for days. And then the rain will turn from a hurricane to a light mist, and although it never stops raining, you no longer need an umbrella.


No one tells you that your sky never stops falling, and that it get heavier each time, but they don’t tell you that you’ll push it back up with a new strength when it falls again.


I wish someone had told me all these things 5 years ago.

Maybe it wouldn’t still be so hard every single time.

About The Author

Lauren Andre

I began writing as a way to say the things that I felt I had no one to tell, and the majority of these writings I kept to myself. As I’ve grown into my 20s, I felt that in sharing my personal stories and thoughts I could help just one person who feels the way I did. Even if it only reaches one person searching for the answer, I hope that what I write can be a source of comfort when the world feels cold.

You can follow Lauren on Instagram

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