How To Choose Your BFF Based On Your Zodiac Sign

We all know that having the best BFF means, good times and lots of laughter. So how can you choose the best “Bestie” knowing your zodiac quirks and personality traits? Here are twelve ways to pair the right BFF for each zodiac sign.


Aries – (March 21-April 20)

As the first sign of the Zodiac, an Aries must be front and center and your number 1. To become an Aries BFF you must allow them to take over the spotlight and not be too sensitive to their competitive nature. Two good signs together Sagittarius an equal fire sign that can be timid enough to let the Aries burn bright.

Taurus- (April 21-May 20)

Earthly sign, Taureans should only find a Bestie that can enjoy self-care days with them at the Spa. A Mani, Pedi, and a body wrap bestie is the perfect pairing. Pisces crave the watery spa elements and the quiet downtime with their favorite friend. This fish is ready for beach vacations and bestie downtime by the sea.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Two-faced, two-sided Geminis crave respect and understanding. and there’s no one better than an Aquarius as their sidekick. Call anytime, up for anything, and be ready when you are, Aquarians will support a Gemini, no matter which face they are showing.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Ultra-sensitive crabby Cancers need their space and quiet. Their true bestie will let them have some air and space and also be a loving shoulder for them to cry on. A Virgo will not judge their emotional outbursts and appreciate their role in helping them get through emotionally spent hard times.

Leo (July 23- August 22)

Cowardless, Lioness, Leo’s energy knows no bounds and they are ready to entertain and laugh at the world with their BFF. Serious Virgo grounds Leos without scolding them and tend to bring out their more responsible side, so they get into less trouble.

Virgo (August 23- Sept 22)

Straight-laced, responsible Virgos crave a good time. Which is exactly why a Leo makes the best BFF. Shopping friends and out and about friends, these two can make a girl’s trip packed full of fun with a solid travel itinerary too.

Libra (Sept 23-Oct 22)

Tip the scales and strike a life balance, is all a Libra craves. Which is why a peace-loving Capricorn with patience and understanding with some solid social spice is the bestie a Libra desires. Winter bucket list and vision board dreams are met when these two pair up. A forever bestie indeed.

Scorpio (Oct 23rd-Nov 22)

Teary-eyed, Scorpios need to be able to weep without consequences. A true friend of theirs gets them and is ready to move forward, past their emotional outbursts (once they get it out of their system). Look to a Pisces pal to see past the rough patches and cheer up their fellow water sign.

Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21)

Noone entertains better than a Sagittarius, your maid of honor, baby, and bridal shower bestie, who tends to be a bit forgetful. They could use the precision of an Aries to help them stay organized. Leaders crave leaders and an Aries is a Sag ride or die.

Capricorn (Dec 27-Jan 19)

No other sign is more present and mindful than the sweet loving Capricorn. Sensitive at times, and social too, a Capricorn is budget conscious and could use a frugal friend to hang with. A Cancer is a good pal to focus on the finer things in life that don’t require too much cash.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 19)

Age is just a number for the up-for-it-all, Aquarius. Nothing is really that important except for these few things, says EVERY Aquarius, always! Finding a friend that can work with their quirks will create the most loyal bestie. Scorpios have their own quirks and are like-minded. These two are friends to the end.

Pisces (Feb 20-March 20)

Two fish swimming in opposite directions. But do not worry, they prefer to have their plate of chaos and diversity, daily. A multifaceted friend that has moods just like them can make for a troublesome twosome that means well. So grab your Gemini and take a road trip full of adventure and mutual understanding.

Take your Zodiac bestie with you wherever you go and have the best time knowing your personalities mesh.











Love always, Grampy’s Girl

To my big teddy bear,

Where do I begin? COVID really threw us for a loop, didn’t it?

I miss you like crazy, I miss all the games of life and go-fish we would play, but most of all I miss hearing you sing. You were the one to introduce me to my passion for music. I miss you teaching me Randy Travis songs and cheesy riddles and jokes (I will forever share them, no matter how cheesy)

You know, sometimes I wish I was little again, My favorite sick days were spent with you making mac ‘n cheese and watching scooby doo.

It’s weird now that you are gone, I miss you and I always wish I got the chance to say goodbye. There was still so much I wanted to know and more stories to be told. You showed me how to live life to the fullest and to always live in the moment.

Two of the most important lessons I think you have taught me is that you are only on this earth for a short amount of time, so take risks, chances and have fun while you are young and while you can! Even if it gets you in trouble, it will make for a good story later in life.

It’s always better to think back to when, instead of thinking of what could have been!

The second lesson is to always be kind and a friend to all. You truly never do know what someone else is going through until you have walked a mile in their shoes. Just the kindest words and a bright smile can really make someone’s day!

You’ve done a lot in your life grandpa. I am so beyond thankful that I was able to witness 24 years of it. I promise to be a friend to all and to never take life too seriously. It’s really going to be different now that you are no longer here with us, We all miss you so much.

I know I’ll see you again someday but until then, See you later and I love you most!

Love always, Grampy’s Girl

The 3 Main Types of Soul Mates

The romantic soul mate, the friend soul mate, and the twin flame.

There’s a lot of controversy as to if soul mates are real. In my opinion, I believe that they are. But, I also believe that there is more than one kind of soul mate – there are three. Some people believe in more types. But, personally, I think that there are three individuals out there that match you on some sort of elevated level.

1. The Romantic Soul Mate

This type of soul mate is the most commonly thought of – the person who you romantically and emotionally can’t stand to live without. Usually, your attraction to this individual is undeniable and you quickly realize that there’s no one else in the world that will fit you better. You know that whatever you do, you can’t do it without them by your side.

I believe that if you find your romantic soul mate but the timing is wrong, they’ll come back around.

I haven’t met my romantic soul mate, but I know they’re out there. People around me have met and ended up with theirs, and it gives me reassurance to know that they do exist. The person you end up with long-term, maybe raise children with, travel with, live with, experience life with… The person that will always find a way back to you because there’s no one else in the world that makes sense.

2. The Friend Soul Mate

Also called the Companion Soul Mate, this connection is like finding one person in the whole world that understands you and accepts you on a whole other level. This connection is usually strictly platonic. However, elements can be found in a romantic soul mate, as well.

This person has your back no matter what situation and usually knows you better than you know yourself.

The friend soul mate that I have knows me better than anyone, even to the point of knowing how I’m feeling about something before I even realize it, myself. We know the good, bad, and ugly parts of each other and choose to stick around because we know that if we don’t, we’ll never find another friend like each other.

3. The Twin Flame

The twin flame is, in my opinion, the most flustering. When meeting this person, it’s like meeting a part of yourself. The way you interact, the way you talk, the way you live… It feels like two parts of the same soul connecting. It’s a type of feeling that can’t really be described without maybe sounding a bit crazy to some people. But, you’ll know without a shadow of a doubt that they’re a part of you and you’re a part of them. When you’re apart, it’s like a piece of yourself is missing. And, if you do separate, you know that a part of you is left with them, and a part of them is left with you.

You are two parts of the same soul.

I recently met my twin flame and it was like looking at myself. In all honestly, I didn’t believe in twin flames or really know what it was until I spent time with mine. We have the same personality, the same interests, we understand each other on a higher level that no one else can really understand… We knew each other better than we ever could have imagined in just a few days. We can exchange a look and know exactly what the other is thinking. Just being around them makes me feel like I’m complete and safe to really be myself.

Soul mates are a very real, sometimes scary, thing. But, when you’ve found them, you’ll know – and when you do, your life will never be the same.

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About the Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

22 Times Your Roommate Saved Your Life

College ain’t always easy. But if you’re lucky, your roommate might also be one of your best friends in the world. And that makes things a whole lot easier. She saves your life on the regular, and you can’t thank her enough:

  1. She agreed to go out with you, even though she’d already settled in to watch The Mindy Project in her pjs, because you needed your bestie to be your wingman and/or emotional pillar.
  2. And then she totally didn’t complain when you ditched her for that cute DJ the second you got to the party.
  3. She let you have the room later that night, after you’d dragged her out and then ditched her. Bless.
  4. But when you just needed to stay in for the night, she was right there with you to make nachos and combine all your blankets into a mega fort.
  5. All those times she made you laugh so hard you might have peed a little.
  6. She let you borrow that perfect dress when you just had nothing to wear. Well ok, she forgave you after you borrowed her dress without asking first. That’s what best roommates are for.
  7. She also forgave you for all the make-up, shoes and granola bars you “borrowed.” And for that one time you accidentally wore her underwear for a full day.
  8. And She understands that you need to live-text her second-by-second updates to get through awkward social situations.
  9. She also understands exactly what your texts mean, even when it’s just the nail-painting emoji ten times in a row.
  10. She was psyched about Facebook stalking the cute DJ with you, even though she had a paper to write, because your hypothetical love life is more important to her than school.
  11. When she took the time to be your mom. Whether that meant getting you medicine, or cupcakes, or just plain telling you to stop whining and get over it.
  12. And when you couldn’t get over it, she was a shoulder to cry on. Always.
  13. When she gently explained that your fringe crop-top looked heinous and you were not pulling it off.
  14. She routinely forgave you for being an undisciplined slob and leaving your crap on her bed.
  15. All the times she let you vent. About your evil professor who hates you, about your acapella group drama, about boys, boys and more boys—she was always ready to listen.
  16. All the times she offered you spot-on, thoughtful advice, and never accused you of reading too much into text messages.
  17. And then when you ignored all her advice and ended up in tears, she never said “I told you so.” Not right away, at least.
  18. She was your biggest relationship cheerleader, even when your beau was hanging out in your room way too much.
  19. But when things went sour, she was the first to tell you that DJ guy was a total douche, and that she’d always known you deserved better.
  20. She took care of you when you were trashed. She didn’t laugh when she caught you rocking out to The Spice Girls. Basically, she never let you feel embarrassed when you were around her.
  21. When she totally covered for you. If you needed to pull an early exit, or get a clingy guy off your trail at a party, she was always there to be your bodyguard/mama bear/fake girlfriend.
  22. All those times she was just the best best-friend-roomie anyone could ever ask for. She let you be you, and she made sharing a tiny space an amazing bonding adventure. Let’s hear it for all the life-saving roommates out there.      Header Image Source 

10 Date Ideas For You And Your Besties This Gal-Entines Day

Being single this Valentine’s day doesn’t have to suck, V-Day is all about love. And for gals, there’s no rule book that says that that love has to be romantic love. It can totally be a platonic love. It can also be love that you and your closest girlfriends share! This Valentine’s day get your girls together and take each other out on the best Gal-entines day date EVER!

 1. Dinner!

Get dressed up and go out to a boujie restaurant and treat yourself, ladies!

2. Shopping Day!

I mean what says love more than checking in with your mental health with a little retail therapy?!? Enjoying the process with your favorite ladies just makes it that much more enjoyable!


3. Wine Tasting!

I mean this is just a classy way of getting tipsy, right? I mean… expanding your pallet … while feeling quite gooodddd!

4. Go Out Dancing!

After dinner at that boujie restaurant go out and dance! It’s got to be ladies’ night somewhere! Get out there and shake it!

5. Spa Day!

Facials, mani & Pedi as well as a massage?!? That just sounds like Heaven on earth!


6. Day Trip!

Pack up the car and just drive! Whether you have a destination or not, grab the girls and just GO! This also gives you ladies a chance to put on a concert starring the one and only!

7. The Classic Sleepover!

Order the pizza, grab the chips, the chocolates, and pop the popcorn! This night is going to consist of movies, wine and OF COURSE girl talk!  Who said once you become an adult you can’t have sleepovers with your best friends anymore?!?!

8. Have Cookie Baking Party!

May or may not have gotten this idea from an old Mary Kate and Ashley movie, but Hey! It sounds Fun! so why the heck not!?!

9. Have a Little White Lies T-Shirt Party!

This trend is going WILD on Tik Tok! Head on over to Walmart and pick up a plain white T-Shirt and some fabric markers and write a little white lie about yourself!

10. Zoom Date!

COVID has sucked the life out of pretty much everything this past year, if your ladies live far and you aren’t able to see them plan a zoom date! Make it a happy hour even with your favorite cocktail and catch up with your bestie!

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The Best Friend Got Your Back Or Leave You Behind? – Our Review

What The Heck Is IT? The Scoop

Ever have trouble zipping up your glamour dress before heading out the door? Because not everyone gets ready with someone else around to zip them up. This product is great for all women, especially those on the go. For anyone who has every had zipper challenges, the best friend is for you. Simply clip the glamor gal bestie onto your zipper, slip into your favorite number and press the back of your bestie to reduce the cord to the desired length then zip your way out the door. Voila! Solo dress up time will never feel lonely or difficult again.


Ease of Use, Packaging?

The Best Friend arrived in a little cute box with easy to use instructions. You can use the box later for easy storage.


Is It Affordable?

You can get it in time for your New Years plans for just $29.99.


Would I Purchase It?

I would definitely purchase it for everyday zipper struggles, and it makes a fantastic gift for girlfriends and sisters. The Best Friend will make a great travel companion as we get back into travel in 2021.

Would I Recommend It?

It really is a cute, affordable and inventive way of solving a real problem for women and zippers on dresses. I would recommend it. It is such a useful and inventive gift!

The Down-low on The Downside

It is a simple to use tool that has very clear instructions. So, to avoid any frustrations, it is best to clip and zip a few times before you slip on that dress. That way, you get the best experience. How many times have you zipped up your dress backwards and had to turn it back around because you were missing this handy tool?!!!


Our Overall Rating 4.9 out of 5


You can find The Best Friend on Amazon

Read more reviews

10 Things You Need To Do With Your Bestie This Fall

You and your bestie literally had the best summer ever! And you’re now so ready for the Fall season. Pumpkin everything is what you’ll see everywhere starting now, so…

1. Before you indulge yourself with your first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season…

…You and your bestie should enjoy your very last, extra large, ice coffee brew and make the last sip be your official transition to the Fall, as you recap all the memories you made together during the summer.

2. You both know that It’s definitely time to move on from your summer flings.

You’ve talked about it A LOT, and deep down know they’ve run its course. You’re both so ready to cozy up with the new flavor of the month, so be blunt little hoes with each other and encourage a little slutty behavior next time you’re out. Go get the new guy!

3. But if you happened to have found real love during your summer fun.

First remember, ’Chicks over Dicks’ then make sure you take advantage of a nice chilly night under the covers to tell your guy  “I love you” for the first time. Be ready to text your girl first thing the next day, as you promised her to give her all the deets, and she’ll be there for you no matter what happened.

4. Make Halloween plans like right now.

So whether you decide to spend it low key, watching horror films while stuffing your faces with mini KitKats and Candy corn, or going all out at a costume party with friends. Start planning and  “Trick or Treat” yo self!

5. You’ve been probably talking about new hairstyles all summer, so have fun with a little change, be the color or length.

Whatever matches your personality and goes well with the cool autumn vibes. You know you’re dying to cheer each other’s new kick-ass style.

6. You might also wanna update your makeup bag.

Another trip to Sephora is calling your names, so go and have fun watching all the pretty colors that are gonna look so good on you this fall season. Speaking of pretty colors, this Fall you should definitely get…

7. Sweater weather matching sweaters…

…because you both wanna be comfy AF while you binge-watch your new TV show pick on Netflix.

8. Hearty soup anyone? You might suck at cooking or be a master chef wannabe.

Whatever it might be, Fall calls for soup, so plan out a night to make it from scratch or order it from your fave restaurant in town. Either way, pair it with a nice glass of wine and enjoy every spoonful while gossiping the night away.

9. Fall is typically when the unexpected case of the blues hits hard, so like each other’s ride or die, make sure you make it a point to be there for each other a little extra every day during this season.

After all, you’ll take a bullet for your bitch and…

10. Every season is a good time to make a bucket list together and celebrate that you’ll always be best friends forever.

23 Signs You And Your Best Friend Are Meant To Grow Old Together

Your girlfriends will probably outlive your husband, so find good ones.

Here are the legit signs that prove that you and your best friend are literally stuck with each other forever.

You are your absolute weirdest self when your best friend is around because you feel free enough to do and say whatever the hell you please in their company.

That includes making jokes in the most inappropriate situations and never having a filter because you get each other’s sense of humor and know you’re just the silliest people at heart.


If anyone is really serious and pretentious you will mess with them. Like cats with laser pointers. They’re the cat and you guys are the laser pointer.


You actually inspire each other’s weirdness…


Literally, no convo is off limits. Poop.


Since you have zero shame about making fools of yourself in front of each other, your BF is usually the audience for all your crazy accents and impersonations, bad jokes and “stripper whose rent is due tomorrow” dance moves.


There really isn’t a dull afternoon if you two are in the same room – put you guys together and it’s a whole bunch of crazy that’s actually amazing.


5 Signs You’re a Unicorn Person Who Everybody Loves

Ok, so not everyone in the world is actually going to like you, we all know that. But there are people out there whose luminous hearts attract others like magnets.

We don’t try to, it just happens. And if you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re one of us and:

1. You don’t have a mean bone in your body, honestly.

If people have a problem with you, it’s probably because of a mistake you made rather than you being a terrible person.

2. You try to dislike those who aren’t on good terms with your besties, but you can’t get past the fact that “they haven’t done me wrong.”

3. You’re not acting nice because you’re afraid people won’t like you otherwise.

This is just who you are.

4. You’re constantly being told you’re easy to talk to.

Sometimes people are thrown off by how easily they let you in. You listen well and are incredibly trustworthy, and it shows.

5. People tell you that you’re different from most people they’ve met but they can’t quite figure out why.

6. You can make friends anywhere!

In an elevator, a bar bathroom, a grocery store, you name it.

7. You feel humbled by your ability to accept people for who they are and not their past.

8. Your intuitive instinct helps you uncover the real person behind the masks people tend to put on.

9. You have high emotional intelligence.

You watch and listen intently and are able to detect a person’s emotional state fairly easily. If you really know someone, you can tell when something is off and you know how to use that information appropriately.

10. You know how to fake your way through small talk like the pro you are.

11. Others constantly confuse your kindness with a romantic interest.

“No, I don’t want to go home with you – I was just being nice. I know that’s hard to find these days but c’mon.”

12. When someone gets close enough to open up to you but doesn’t stick around long enough to create any sort of friendship, you feel hurt and used.

13. When heavy stuff is dropped on you, you take a while to process it.

14. You can be a little naive about others and their motives.

15. No matter what, you love who you are.

You love being open, letting people in, and making an impact on their lives because you know they won’t forget about you.

25 Things Only True Childhood Best Friends Understand

Having a best friend from childhood is a rare gem in life. All of us grow up close to others, but some of us end up drifting away from our once “best friend.” The memories, the happiness, and the conversations drift away with them.

But, for those of us who have a best friend since childhood who is still by our side, there are a few things we all know to be true.


25. You have more stories about each other than your local library.

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