Thank You, A Letter To My Mother

Dear Mom,

You raised me. You pushed me out of your womb and into the world, and I’ve been whining ever since. You traded your own time, money, and life to take me on spontaneous road trips, cook family meals, take me to camp, read me books every night, oh the list goes on. You know that I am thankful. I wasn’t spoiled, but anything I needed was always there. You inspired me to travel,  to love, to learn and helped me pick up the pieces after every broken heart.

I am thankful

I would not be the person I am today without you. You taught me how to be polite, how to follow my heart, how to be safe and still wander the world, and how to use power tools. You told me my cooking was great and ate every meal when it really sucked. You answered every 3 am drunken phone call over a boy. You picked me up, stumbling, from numerous parties when I was definitely underage.

You also grounded me for months on end because of that (it’s okay, I understand it now)

You challenged me to be my own person, and even though I still don’t even know who it is, somehow you do. You manage to know me, all my faults and flaws, and still love me. You’ve even loved me enough to let me hate you.

I am lucky

You’ve bailed me out more times than I can count, covered my ass, and lied for me. You made our family eat dinner together. You supported me and loved me when I didn’t even love myself. I am lucky for every time you sat outside and drank beers with me, for every shared evening, for every shared tear. I am lucky to have a mother who is my best friend, who I am comfortable telling my dreams and fears to, and who I can still crawl into bed with after a bad dream at the age of 22.

I am inspired

Because of you! You inspire me every day. You manage to make everything okay when it feels like my entire world is crashing down. You’ve opened up to me as I’ve grown older, and I am so proud of all you have overcome. You are incredibly strong. Sometimes life isn’t always fair, and you don’t always get your way, but you always emphasized that you will always love me, and because of that I am able to follow my dreams.

I am free

You prepared me for all of this. Every single moment you were readying me for this point in my life. When I left for school, I still came home to see you. Weekends, holidays, etc. But now I’m living across the country and it’s a much longer commute. But I am ready. At this point, there are few things I’ve learned a little duct tape and beer can’t fix. I still do not own a vacuum, nor do I know how to cook anything without burning it, but I think I’ve got it all under control. That is all because of you. I appreciate the fact that you let me go, you dared me to find myself, and want nothing more than for me to be happy.

I am thankful. I am lucky. I am inspired. I am free. But most of all, I am loved. I am loved by the most amazing, giving, mother/best friend anyone could ever ask for. Thank you for your sacrifices, tears, support, life lessons, and laughter. Thank you for everything.

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45 Things I Don’t Tell My Mom Enough

I don’t know about yours but my mom is pretty much one of the greatest human beings out there. I know as a daughter we’re supposed to say those things but it is so true. Life gets in the way sometimes though and there are so many times that I forget to remind her of how important she really is.

1. Firstly I should tell you thank you in general. Thank you for always being there for me when no one else is around. Thank you for answering the phone at all hours of the day, for making sure I always have what I need and that I know that I’m never truly alone.

2. Thank you for the little things you do, like cooking my favorite food when I come home, sending me a text asking how my weekend is going and always answers my questions no matter how silly they are.

3. Thank you for the big things you do in my life as well. Thank you for setting examples of what it’s like to be a woman who has achieved her goals and never stopped until she got what she wanted. Thank you for showing me what a genuine, compassionate woman looks like.

4. You are hands down one of the best things in my life.

5. My siblings and I are lucky to have such an incredible woman in our lives.

6. You are my role model.

7. You’re beautiful. Even when you’ve had a long day and you’re stressed to your limits.

8. I miss you.

9. I cherish all the time we spend together.

10. I’m so proud of you.

11. You’re a bad ass.

12. I’m sorry you have to listen to my venting and whining.

13. I’m sorry my siblings and I can be challenging at time.

14. Your love for God is amazing.

15. For all the times we have all screamed “MOM” at the same time you’ve never failed to help each of us even when we’re being absolutely ridiculous.

To My Above and Beyond Mom, I’ll Be Lucky If I’m Half the Woman You Are

My mom is above and beyond.

The way I see it, moms have 3 main jobs. First, literally bringing new life into this world, second, loving their children unconditionally, and third, becoming their child’s best friend.

While every mom completes their first task, and we hope the second as well, making it to the last one isn’t as common. For myself and the others, whose mothers fulfilled all three duties, we know how lucky we are

And from our hearts to those of our moms, we thank you.

While you say that I’m your greatest gift, I know that I’m the one who’s blessed. You have one of the most beautiful souls I have ever seen in a person. No matter how much I may have been through, I know you have been through countless more trials and tribulations than I can even bear to imagine. You’ve shown me what true strength looks like.

When I try to list all the things you’ve done for me, I lose count after the 963726th one.

Growing into my own skin can seem impossibly difficult sometimes, but you’ve shown me how to love the person I am, especially when I doubt myself. You’re always there for me whenever I need you, no matter the hour of the day. You were there when I needed a shoulder to cry on, a sounding board for advice, a personal shopper, and a chef when I was hungry.

From day one, I wanted to be just like you.

A Thank You To My Mom, Everything I Am Is Because of You

From the moment I entered this world, my mom has had my back. She is my absolute everything.

She is the first one I call when something goes wrong and the first one I call when something incredible happens.

She was there when I was a rebellious teen and pushed her away and is still here now that I’m twenty-something and call her thirteen times a day. And to my mom, how can I say thank you to my mom enough?

I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better woman to be my mother. She is my teacher, my comforter, my home, my best friend. She has never steered me wrong.

She has stood by me through stupid boys, late night study sessions, random phone calls asking what setting the washing machine should be on because I’d never lived away from her before.

Through every smile and every stress-induced, tear-filled, crazy moment, she’s been there.

She knows exactly how I think and how deeply I feel things, and, most importantly, she knows I don’t mean the things I say when I’m hangry.

Without a doubt, she is my rock and will forever be my best friend. I would be lost in this world without this beautiful angel I was assigned.

She carries me when I am weak, picks me up when I fail, and rejoices with me when I succeed.

She has taught me that it’s okay to make mistakes and that my ponytails don’t have to be bump-free. She has taught me how to love but also how to stand up for myself.

Everything that I am and hope to be I owe to my mother. I wouldn’t be half of what I am today if not for her guidance, love, and support.

I could write pages about her forgiveness, kindness, strength, unconditional love… But no amount of words could ever express how grateful I am to have her in my life or just how much I love her.

For more from RC, visit her writer’s page here. 

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