Hero Mom Hilariously Chases Down Package Thief And Gets Her Package Back

Wednesday night, @D_Swizzle22 uploaded a video to Twitter that quickly began to go viral, racking up over 92,000 likes and 25,000 retweets in less than 48 hours’ time.

The video kicks off with the voice many of us are all too familiar with: that of an angry mom.

“Girl stole a package off my front porch and I’m gonna corner her,” says mom, training the phone camera on the perp. “Yep,” she confirms, as she approaches the woman.

“What’s your name?” asks mom. “What’s your name? Did you just steal something? GIVE IT!” she says. Just as she starts to warn the thief, saying, “I’m gonna f***ing call the police,” the woman takes off.


What ensues is a full minute and a half of mom running after thief, asking for her stolen Amazon package back.

“I’ve got you on camera b*tch, give me the f***ing thing, NOW!” she yells. Then: “I’m taping you!”

They continue running. The thief yells back, “Leave me alone lady, I didn’t take anything!” as she runs down the street past parked cars.

“Yes you did, I saw you!” says mom

“No you didn’t” says perp.

“Yes I did! Get your ass back here right now! You’re on tape, and you’re in trouble, now give it to me!”

At this point, a very loud and disorienting wind chime noise appears in the video. “Why are you stealing stuff???” yells mom again, to which the thief replies, “I’m homeless lady!”

If the woman expected sympathy, she was sorely disappointed.

“I don’t give a sh*t, you’re stealing stuff off my front porch, now GET OVER HERE NOW!” yells mom as she continues to jog after the woman.

“Throw it down, and I’ll delete this! THROW IT DOWN! DO YOU HEAR ME?” she yells, now panting heavily. This seems to have

The perp finally slows down, and hands what appears to be an empty Crock Pot brand duffel bag (??? I rewatched it 5 times and this was all I could come up with) to the mom while apologizing.

Mom had some choice parting words to the package thief.

“You f***ed with the wrong person, b*tch! What’s wrong with you, a**hole? What else you got? I know there’s something else in there?”

Then: “Good luck!”

People on Twitter were tickled over the end of the video, particularly mom’s sincere-sounding “good luck!”:

Some theorized about the wind-chimes sound effect:

The Crock Pot bag remains a mystery.

To My Above and Beyond Mom, I’ll Be Lucky If I’m Half the Woman You Are

My mom is above and beyond.

The way I see it, moms have 3 main jobs. First, literally bringing new life into this world, second, loving their children unconditionally, and third, becoming their child’s best friend.

While every mom completes their first task, and we hope the second as well, making it to the last one isn’t as common. For myself and the others, whose mothers fulfilled all three duties, we know how lucky we are

And from our hearts to those of our moms, we thank you.

While you say that I’m your greatest gift, I know that I’m the one who’s blessed. You have one of the most beautiful souls I have ever seen in a person. No matter how much I may have been through, I know you have been through countless more trials and tribulations than I can even bear to imagine. You’ve shown me what true strength looks like.

When I try to list all the things you’ve done for me, I lose count after the 963726th one.

Growing into my own skin can seem impossibly difficult sometimes, but you’ve shown me how to love the person I am, especially when I doubt myself. You’re always there for me whenever I need you, no matter the hour of the day. You were there when I needed a shoulder to cry on, a sounding board for advice, a personal shopper, and a chef when I was hungry.

From day one, I wanted to be just like you.

To The Exhausted, Kickass Mommy Going Through College

I know you’re overwhelmed. Some days, it seems like you’ve taken on far more than you can handle. Between the homework and the temper tantrums, the late night cramming and papers, you wonder “is this even worth it?”

You’re exhausted, and you drink far more coffee than you ever imagined. When you finally get your child down for a nap after what feels like hours of fighting their sleep, you are faced with these three options.

Allow yourself to take the nap that you’re dying for, do some seriously needed cleaning, or study.

God, making that choice sucks. So instead of getting some rest, you force yourself to get up and get shit done. As soon as you finish gathering the laundry and cleaning up the kitchen, you think “maybe I can just sit down and relax for a minute.”

As soon as you sit down, guess who’s up?!

You can never seem to catch a break. You cook and you clean and you do your homework and you sit on the floor and read that book for the 156th time and you give 13 goodnight kisses before your child finally falls asleep.

You are tired and stressed beyond belief. But you know what else you are? You’re a fucking superhero. I mean, how many of your friends do this much work on a daily basis?

Some days you feel like giving up. Hell, more days than you don’t. But I’m here to tell you… don’t quit. You are rocking the hell out of this, and don’t you dare forget who’s watching you.

And I’m also here to tell you that it’s okay to trade cleaning for sleep sometimes. It’s okay to serve hot dogs and mac and cheese for dinner so you don’t spend 2 hours in the kitchen.

It’s okay to take time for yourself to decompress… that homework will still be there tomorrow.

And that mom guilt? Let it go. Your child loves you more than anything or anybody else in this world. Okay, you feel like you fall short sometimes, but I promise you, we all do!

You’re a kickass mommy and you are doing your best, and at the end of the day, that is what your child is going to remember.

You are an inspiration and you are going to look back at this one day and feel so damn proud of yourself. And trust me honey, those days are coming.

So stop worrying, be proud of yourself. You’re doing such an amazing job, it’d be a shame if you never took the time to realize that.

For more articles by this author, please click here.

A Thank You To My Mom, Everything I Am Is Because of You

From the moment I entered this world, my mom has had my back. She is my absolute everything.

She is the first one I call when something goes wrong and the first one I call when something incredible happens.

She was there when I was a rebellious teen and pushed her away and is still here now that I’m twenty-something and call her thirteen times a day. And to my mom, how can I say thank you to my mom enough?

I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better woman to be my mother. She is my teacher, my comforter, my home, my best friend. She has never steered me wrong.

She has stood by me through stupid boys, late night study sessions, random phone calls asking what setting the washing machine should be on because I’d never lived away from her before.

Through every smile and every stress-induced, tear-filled, crazy moment, she’s been there.

She knows exactly how I think and how deeply I feel things, and, most importantly, she knows I don’t mean the things I say when I’m hangry.

Without a doubt, she is my rock and will forever be my best friend. I would be lost in this world without this beautiful angel I was assigned.

She carries me when I am weak, picks me up when I fail, and rejoices with me when I succeed.

She has taught me that it’s okay to make mistakes and that my ponytails don’t have to be bump-free. She has taught me how to love but also how to stand up for myself.

Everything that I am and hope to be I owe to my mother. I wouldn’t be half of what I am today if not for her guidance, love, and support.

I could write pages about her forgiveness, kindness, strength, unconditional love… But no amount of words could ever express how grateful I am to have her in my life or just how much I love her.

For more from RC, visit her writer’s page here. 

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