7 Reasons Why Having A Long Distance BFF Is A Blessing In Disguise

Being apart from your BFF sounds awful, and don’t get us wrong, it’s not ideal. The relationship is bound to be different with a lot of miles between you two and without your regular hang out seshes, but don’t despair! It’s not all terrible, either. There are actually some things that are really awesome about it, even though it might not seem like that first.

1. You’re only a text, Facetime call, or phone call away.

Not being able to hang out in person is hard to get used to, but with today’s technology, it’s really easy to keep in touch. Whenever you’re feeling lonely, you know your bestie is always going to have time for you.

2. Seeing each other is a big deal.

Much like a long-distance dating relationship, having your BFF far away means that the times you do get to see each other are extra special. You learn to really value being able to see them, and you never take them for granted.

3. It’s a fun trip to go visit them.

Not only do you get to see your best friend, you also get to meet the people they talk about and see all the things they see and do during their daily routine. You’re not just hanging out doing the same old, same old, there are all kinds of new adventures that you can have together that you wouldn’t be able to have if they still lived in the same place as you.

4. You have someone to send mail and presents to.

Receiving old-fashioned mail is the best! Especially mail sent to your best friend, when you can decorate the envelope with stickers and fun stuff. Taking the time to mail something to your BFF really lets them know that you’re thinking about them and that you care. And that you want to embarrass them in front of the mail carrier.

5. You now have someone who will give you totally unbiased advice.

Now that your best friend no longer lives near you, chances are you’ll end up hanging out with some new people who your bestie doesn’t know. That’s actually pretty cool because, since your BFF is on the outside of this particular friend group, she or he will be able to give you honest advice, unclouded by personal bias.

6. You won’t take each other for granted.

You love your best friend to death, but sometimes spending too much time with the same friend can get a little humdrum. If your BFF lives far away, just about every interaction is meaningful, because it takes more work than just being able to hang out whenever you want to.

7. Making a friendship work long distance is a good sign that this person will be in your life for a long time to come.

If you can make a long distance friendship, with all its shortcomings and communication challenges, work, then you can be pretty sure this is someone who is going to stay your friend for the long run. It’s easy to be friends with someone you see every day, but when you and your bestie make the effort to keep each other in your lives, then it’s a sign the friendship is strong enough to stand the test of time.

These Unpopular Opinions About Best Friends Will Have You Rethinking Your Friendships

Recently, a new trend has surfaced on Twitter in which a user will suggest a topic for people to share their “unpopular opinions.” From food to music to relationships, people all over Twitter have revealed some of their most unpopular opinions—like one guy who suggested bacon isn’t “all that.” Thank you, kind sir, but, next.

The latest topic to be thrown out was from Twitter user LUSH LAVIÉ, who suggested that people on his timeline share their unpopular opinions about best friends.


Let’s face it, there are tons of societal expectations and stereotypes when it comes to our friendships—but, not all of them are legit or accurate. In fact, there are tons of unpopular opinions in this thread that may have you rethinking the way you look at friendships in your own life.




















My Boyfriend Is My Best Friend And I’m Not Ashamed To Admit It

I always struggled through life maintaining close friendships. For whatever reason, I was always the “back up friend.” I had a lot of friends who I considered to be sisters—my very best friends in the world. I confided in them, I trusted them, I always thought of them as my confidants. But, whatever the reason may be, I was always 4th, 5th, 6th on their list of friends. I was never anyone’s “best friend.” I was never the girl that someone would call and text first, the one who became someone’s family. I was always kind of on my own, doing my own thing, looking for a “girl gang” to call my own.


But, that all changed when I met my boyfriend.

We met randomly; at a bar when I least expected it. I was out with some co-workers and he was out with his friends and our eyes locked on opposite sides of the bar as if we were looking for each other the entire time. It sounded cliché—like a scene out of a movie. But, when we talked, it was if we had known each other all our lives. I always think, maybe we met in a past life. Maybe we were friends in another galaxy. Whatever the reason was—we clicked.


This Girl Gave Her Tinder Match 2 Hours To Write A Resume Explaining Why He Should Be Her Wedding Date, And He More Than Delivers

Swiping through Tinder never fails to be an adventure. Sometimes that adventure involves creepers and unsolicited photos, but other times it can involve some truly great conversation.

Sometimes it can even mean finding the perfect wedding date. Just ask Delyanie who matched with one very dedicated guy named Nate who was even willing to build a resume to go to a wedding with her.

This is South Carolina native Delaynie AKA @delayniemarie.


While swiping on Tinder one day, Delaynie matched with Nate who was interested in being her wedding date and jokingly, Delaynie requested a formal resume.


And Nate took the request pretty seriously.


A few hours later, Delaynie received this outstanding and thorough resume.


Note the many prestigious awards and acknowledgments.


Delaynie shared the entire exchange on Twitter where it garnered over 50K likes.


Needless to say, people were obsessed and wanted to know the outcome.


Though, some commenters pointed out how odd it was to invite a stranger to a family wedding.

And several people were rooting for Gavin.

It wasn’t long before Delaynie shared an update saying she would be taking Nate to the wedding.


According to Bored Panda, however, the pair did not end up going to the wedding together, but they did remain friends.


h/t Bored Panda

15 Reasons Getting A Dog Is Better Than Getting A Boyfriend

Think you want a boyfriend? Well, maybe you do. But have you ever considered that you what you really want is a dog?

Hear me out: boyfriends can be great. They’re nice to sometimes have around. Sometimes you might even love them. But they can be problematic. They don’t always do the stuff we want them to do or pay attention to us like we hoped they would.

Dogs don’t always do what we want, either, but there’s no denying that they love us like nothing else in the whole world. They’re about as near to perfect as creatures can get. They always try their hardest to please us, and their only real drawback is that they don’t stick around as long as we want them to, which would be forever. A dog such as a cavapoos would be your true loyal partner.

So if you’re actively pursuing getting a boyfriend, stop and think about it for a few minutes. Do you want a guy around, or do you just need the awesome love of a dog? If you visit Dogbreedo.com they have listed some of the most popular dog breeds you can consider. From Retrievers to German Shepards you can find your perfect and budget-friendly dog which we are sure will be a better option than having a boyfriend!  Check out these 15 pervasive reasons that dogs, on the whole, are way better than boyfriends.

1. Dogs are always happy to see you.

2. Dogs don’t complain.

3. Dogs never lie.

4. A dog never comes home from a bad day at work looking to fight with you over some nonsense.

5. A dog will never cheat on you by secretly having another owner.

6. Dogs will never say anything mean to you and they always think those jeans look great on you.

7. A dog will never get drunk and embarrass you.

8. Conversely, a dog is not embarrassed by you when you are embarrassingly drunk.

9. Some dogs—not all, but some very, very good dogs—will happily wear whatever adorable sweater you choose to put them in. Boyfriends, not so much.

10. Dogs never cancel on you.

11. Dogs are wonderful listeners.

12. Dogs always appreciate your cooking.

13. Dogs don’t judge you for laying around in your pajamas all day. In fact, they’re usually more than happy to join you.

14. The worst thing a boyfriend can do is betray you. The worst thing a dog can do is maybe get into the trash. Really puts it into perspective.

15. Dogs look at you like you’re the most important person in the world, because to them, you are.

7 Reasons Why Having A Long Distance BFF Is Actually Amazing

Being apart from your BFF sounds awful, and don’t get us wrong, it’s not ideal. The relationship is bound to be different with a lot of miles between you two and without your regular hang out seshes, but don’t despair! It’s not all terrible, either. There are actually some things that are really awesome about it, even though it might not seem like that first.

1. You’re only a text, Facetime call, or phone call away.

Not being able to hang out in person is hard to get used to, but with today’s technology, it’s really easy to keep in touch. Whenever you’re feeling lonely, you know your bestie is always going to have time for you.

2. Seeing each other is a big deal.

Much like a long-distance dating relationship, having your BFF far away means that the times you do get to see each other are extra special. You learn to really value being able to see them, and you never take them for granted.

3. It’s a fun trip to go visit them.

Not only do you get to see your best friend, you also get to meet the people they talk about and see all the things they see and do during their daily routine. You’re not just hanging out doing the same old, same old, there are all kinds of new adventures that you can have together that you wouldn’t be able to have if they still lived in the same place as you.

4. You have someone to send mail and presents to.

Receiving old-fashioned mail is the best! Especially mail sent to your best friend, when you can decorate the envelope with stickers and fun stuff. Taking the time to mail something to your BFF really lets them know that you’re thinking about them and that you care. And that you want to embarrass them in front of the mail carrier.

5. You now have someone who will give you totally unbiased advice.

Now that your best friend no longer lives near you, chances are you’ll end up hanging out with some new people who your bestie doesn’t know. That’s actually pretty cool because, since your BFF is on the outside of this particular friend group, she or he will be able to give you honest advice, unclouded by personal bias.

6. You won’t take each other for granted.

You love your best friend to death, but sometimes spending too much time with the same friend can get a little humdrum. If your BFF lives far away, just about every interaction is meaningful, because it takes more work than just being able to hang out whenever you want to.

7. Making a friendship work long distance is a good sign that this person will be in your life for a long time to come.

If you can make a long distance friendship, with all its shortcomings and communication challenges, work, then you can be pretty sure this is someone who is going to stay your friend for the long run. It’s easy to be friends with someone you see every day, but when you and your bestie make the effort to keep each other in your lives, then it’s a sign the friendship is strong enough to stand the test of time.

51 Boob Memes That Will Go Over Every Man’s Head

As long as there’ve been boobs, there’s been boob troubles. Sweat, bras, size worries, and weird clothes, just to name a few. And as long as there’ve been boob troubles, there’ve been jokes about those boob troubles.

If you’re a person with boobs you might appreciate some of these hilarious boob jokes. Because who are we in this world if we can’t just occasionally let a joke get the breast of us. (Yikes.)






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Bestie, I Promise that Your Heart Will Get Past This

You thought you were going to love him forever, but he broke your heart and broke your spirit. I want you to know I feel what you’re going through and I know it’s not easy.

I know right now that it seems that you won’t get back on your feet and that you could never love again and as your best friend it’s my job to remind you that you will.

You will feel happiness again. Because your happiness doesn’t depend on him and there is so much more to fulfill your heart and make you smile and laugh hard.

You will trust again. Because you have a warrior spirit and what you’re going through is making you wiser and stronger.

You will love again. Because your heart is worth finding true love.

But the most important thing to remember is that you’re not alone. I’m here to walk alongside you to pick up the pieces he left behind. I’m here to cheer you no matter how long it takes you to get back on your feet and pick up the pieces of your broken heart.

As your life starts to move on without him it will be difficult but I know you and I know you’re strong and that you can do it. You’ll slowly start to realize that somehow life is much better without him. It’s much better without the arguments, the tears and the pain.

You know, as well as I, that he doesn’t deserve you. Even though I know you won’t admit it right now. I know you’ll admit it soon because I know in my heart that you’re able to put the painful past behind.

You’re beautiful and perfect. You deserve the world and it’s my job to never let you settle for any less.

Here’s to the future, new beginnings, and a new found happiness.

If you like Ally’s writings like her Facebook page! Click Here.

To My Bestie, I Wish You Could See Yourself Through My Eyes

You are such a beautiful person, inside and out, I just wish you saw yourself the way I see you.

You exude strength in any situation that you are faced with. I have never known anyone who is as strong as you.

The way you stand up for yourself and the others that you love shows you have courage. You have never been known for backing down from a challenge. 

You’re the type who always powers through because you have the courage to move forward.

Happiness isn’t negotiable for you, you always try your best to find it under any circumstances. That trickles down from your strength. Even your smile helps to heal others.

You love everyone so fiercely. I don’t know how you have unconditional love for everyone you know. Every relationship that you have you cherish and hold tight to you

When someone hurts you, it not an easy fix because of the love you have for everyone else.

Confidence radiates off of you but never in an arrogant way. You carry yourself with your head held high and when someone tries to hurt you with their harsh words it just rolls off your back. 

In dark times, you carry this sense of hope that is so beautiful. Hope that the future will be better. Hope for the people you love. Hope for yourself.

You work harder than anyone I know. You put your best effort towards everything in life and you make me so proud. 

I hope one day you can see yourself the way I do, because to me you are the epitome of everything I could ever hope to be.

You constantly inspire and amaze me, and I am beyond lucky to call you my best friend.

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