10 Date Ideas For You And Your Besties This Gal-Entines Day

Being single this Valentine’s day doesn’t have to suck, V-Day is all about love. And for gals, there’s no rule book that says that that love has to be romantic love. It can totally be a platonic love. It can also be love that you and your closest girlfriends share! This Valentine’s day get your girls together and take each other out on the best Gal-entines day date EVER!

 1. Dinner!

Get dressed up and go out to a boujie restaurant and treat yourself, ladies!

2. Shopping Day!

I mean what says love more than checking in with your mental health with a little retail therapy?!? Enjoying the process with your favorite ladies just makes it that much more enjoyable!


3. Wine Tasting!

I mean this is just a classy way of getting tipsy, right? I mean… expanding your pallet … while feeling quite gooodddd!

4. Go Out Dancing!

After dinner at that boujie restaurant go out and dance! It’s got to be ladies’ night somewhere! Get out there and shake it!

5. Spa Day!

Facials, mani & Pedi as well as a massage?!? That just sounds like Heaven on earth!


6. Day Trip!

Pack up the car and just drive! Whether you have a destination or not, grab the girls and just GO! This also gives you ladies a chance to put on a concert starring the one and only!

7. The Classic Sleepover!

Order the pizza, grab the chips, the chocolates, and pop the popcorn! This night is going to consist of movies, wine and OF COURSE girl talk!  Who said once you become an adult you can’t have sleepovers with your best friends anymore?!?!

8. Have Cookie Baking Party!

May or may not have gotten this idea from an old Mary Kate and Ashley movie, but Hey! It sounds Fun! so why the heck not!?!

9. Have a Little White Lies T-Shirt Party!

This trend is going WILD on Tik Tok! Head on over to Walmart and pick up a plain white T-Shirt and some fabric markers and write a little white lie about yourself!

10. Zoom Date!

COVID has sucked the life out of pretty much everything this past year, if your ladies live far and you aren’t able to see them plan a zoom date! Make it a happy hour even with your favorite cocktail and catch up with your bestie!

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45 Thoughts We Don’t Listen to When We’re Drunk

“Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy,” –Frank Sinatra

Come on girl you got this…

A night you won’t regret

Let’s give it a try

Ready. Set. Go.

God dammit you’ve already fallen.

No, chasing your shot with that beer probably isn’t a good idea

I really wouldn’t suggest that second shot

Or the third

For the love of God, please put your wallet away…

Don’t buy everyone shots…

No, I don’t care if you guys like the same color.

You are gonna wake up with no money tomorrow.

Please don’t challenge the biggest guy in the bar to a drink off…

You’re gonna lose…

You won…

I admit, I’m impressed.

And we are about to enter planet blackout…

No, she doesn’t want to hear about your ex…

Please stop talking.

For the love of God stop crying…

Man the f*ck up and deal with this…

No, not by taking another shot.

You don’t need to give the bartender a 70% tip…

Even if he’s a good guy.

And that person in the bathroom isn’t your new bff

Being drunk is not an excuse to eat garbage.

You’re gonna see that on the scale tomorrow…

For the love of God, please go back and join the people you came here with…

These strangers want you to go away.

You fell again…

Walk it off.

Put the phone down.

You’re really gonna regret that snap story tomorrow…

What are you even texting and to who…

That’s not English.

And you haven’t spoken to that person in 6 years….

Why are you calling them?

If they know what’s good for them they won’t answer.

I would really appreciate if you stop eye fucking that guy across the bar…

Okay at least get a drink or two out of him.

Now walk away.

Oh, thank god your friends found you…

Please go home safely in the uber and STFU

Why on earth did you just give him a $20 tip in cash?

Please, I beg of you just go to bed…

We’ll talk about this tomorrow.

“It’s like gambling somehow. You go out for a night of drinking and you don’t know where you’re going to end up the next day. It could work out good or it could be disastrous. It’s like the throw of the dice.” -Jim Morrison

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