Woman Gets Sweet Revenge On The Boss Who Forced Her To Come To Work Sick

If you’ve ever had an unreasonably strict manager, you know how intimidating it can be to request even the simplest of things like, say, a day off because you’re violently ill with food poisoning. A good manager would understand and encourage you to stay home.

Unfortunately, this was not the case for a woman working in the UK who was forced to come in despite her sickness, but she did get the best possible revenge and people are loving her story.

Redditor SarahfromEngland was recently forced to go into work after calling in sick with a violent bout of food poisoning.

Fortunately, she had karma on her side…and lots of vomiting.

Needless to say, people were loving the tale of sweet karma.

And some even shared their own stories.

Safe to say, it’s probably best to just stay home.

95-Pound Dog Bravely Turns On Owner As He Sexually Assaults His Assistant

Dogs are loyal and reliable pets to have, especially in times of crises. Our dogs can sense danger and, they often times know when to protect their owners and loved ones. However, when their owner is in the wrong, they can notice this, too. Recently, Bored Panda shared the story of a woman who was sexually assaulted by her boss, and how his dog came to her rescue.

The woman in question worked for a man as his personal assistant and often times, took care of his dog. She found out about the job from her dad, who was a colleague of the man in question.

“I learned about this job through my father as he occasionally works for this man, and he adores my dad’s work and persona. My boss is an older gentleman and has recently become single which leaves him in need of help either around the house, driving him, or walking his dog. I first met my boss in May of this year when I tagged along with my dad to renovate his kitchen. On my off days from my other job at the time, I would help my dad with his work despite being a girl.”

Obviously, after she gave the dog so much love and affection, they developed a bond.

When there’s a dog in the room, I give all my attention to the good boy or girl. The main duty in my job description was to take care of this man’s dog: walk her, feed her, play with her. I bonded with her when we first met and we reconnected around 2 weeks ago. She’s very sweet and always wants affection which I provide.

The woman shared that when she started working for him, things were normal. She had barely been working for him for a week when things got really inappropriate.

The first two days were normal because I still did not see any red flags and things were going great. Now my boss is a man who always gives hugs to ANYONE he greets. Male, female, child. So I didn’t think anything weird of it until I started to feel his hand brushing against my thighs, my hips, my lower back… Then it got to the point where he wouldn’t let me go from a hug and hold me in place and despite my protest, he combated it with, ‘don’t worry, I know you enjoy it.’ He had liked to make comments on my body and say how he enjoyed viewing me. I usually tried to laugh it off and walk away because I’m not a confronting person and am scared to hurt other’s feelings.

One day, the man took things way too far.

I was sitting on the sofa tying my shoes with the dog laying by my feet and I became surprised when I suddenly felt hands pulling on my hips. I moved forward and told him no. He came around the sofa and started walking straight towards me saying how he’s going to ‘tickle’ me.

She called on the help of the man’s dog.

I panicked and called the dog’s name along with, ‘help me’ or ‘protect me’ to distract him for a little longer before he touched me again. To my surprise, she got up and stood guard growling & barking at him. He was surprised but also laughing and told me to make her stand down and reward her by saying ‘good girl.’ My boss then walked away and didn’t touch me for the rest of the time I was there.

She shared that the dog is around 95 pounds and big, especially can be intimidating when angry. She was, however, surprised that the dog would disobey their owner.

I’m not an expert on dog behavior and I don’t understand why a dog would disobey its master over someone it barely knows. But from what I have gathered, dogs have a tendency to protect those in distress so she probably detected something was wrong and that I was panicking. Some people could say that she may ‘feel his wrath’ after disobeying him, but he really loves his dog and I don’t see any signs of an abused animal. She’s just as healthy and bright as I met her.

Unfortunately, the woman in question has not been able to quit the job. She revealed she lives paycheck to paycheck and has nothing lined up yet.  She also needs the benefits. But, people online have some advice for her.

A Stripper Is Making Some Illuminating Comics About Her Work

Jacq the Stripper is both and artist, and as her name implies, a stripper. Online and in real life, Jacq is a fierce advocate for the rights of sex workers and anyone who makes their living from dancing. All that and she paints and draws, too. According to Someecards, Jacq just released her own comic book called STRIPTASTIC! It’s a collection of illustrations that share her personal philosophy about stripping and little vignettes into her and her co-workers’ daily experience.

What the comics mostly illustrate is that every job is just a job. If you dance and take off your clothes every day for money, it quickly becomes pretty mundane. It also seems like Jacq thinks many people misunderstand what exactly strippers provide. They’re not just getting naked, they’re often asked to listen, deal with men’s psychological issues, and also have to deal with some annoying customer service issues. After reading Jacq’s comics, you’ll never consider not tipping again.

Jacq’s shared the secret underwear code she’s become familiar with:

What she really thinks about the stereotype of having “daddy issues.”

But Jacq doesn’t just joke about men, she has a bone to pick with other women who consider themselves feminist, but who don’t include the perspective of actual sex workers when they’re discussing sex work. It seems like in Jacq’s opinion, a lot of women who have never done sex work have too many opinions about it.

But she also makes it clear that everyone has a different perspective on why they get into stripping. Different strokes for different folks:

Though the girls always help each other out. There is such a thing as solidarity, especially around tampon strings:

There’s also some good life hacks, if anyone is taking some very specific liberties with you:

Jacq is turning her job into art, even though it basically already is:

And anyone who reads her book will know exactly how to act the next time they go to the club. Approach the dancers with respect and a fist full of dollar bills.

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